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Napkin Dust

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Posts posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Despite not having the expansion yet(physical copy), I made the horrible, horrible mistake of leaving my shaman flying in front of the Dark Portal. I am prepared to not be able to log onto him for a couple days. 

    Good thing I'll be maining my DK who's chilling in Org.

  2. The only time I've gone halberd and blademail is on Centaur, as the ultimate middle finger to anyone who thinks they can kill you(or to shutdown a team with two carries/right clickers). I generally halberd first, then as soon as it wears off and they think they can attack, blademail. I blademail earlier in teamfights if needed, but it's always amusing to see a Sniper or Huskar think they can solo you, then get killed by the ridiculous amount of damage return. 


    Granted I'm still in what I assume is considered the trench(haven't played a single game of ranked, but in my unranked games the players are at a tier where they'll creep block, deward, smoke, etc).

  3. I just had a game wherein I snowballed out of control with Centaur. I was in lane with a Leshrac, versus a TB Profit lane(they also had Drow mid, and Weaver LS bot on Dire). Both are squishy as hell at level, so as soon as Lesh landed his stun on TB, I stun, ez First Blood. It was all downhill for them from there. I stalked the Prophet in the jungle and got about 2 kills doing it, then he switched to lane with TB. Didn't save either of them. Had Blink by 10 minutes. Roamed a bit, got more kills,got my Hood. Farmed a bit, got my Halberd. Any attempts to pick off teammates were met with a literal thunder of hooves and an axe to the face(teammates did get picked off, but they paid dearly). Halfway into building a Shiva's, I go F it, building Satanic. I was able to kill both Weaver, Lifestealer, and Prophet solo from 600 hp when the courier delivered it to me as I was running away. Ended 24/1/10.


    TL;DR. Centaur is scary when he snowballs.

  4. I just had the best game of Dota in my life. The game became 3v5 after our Jugg and Zeus dc'd about 15 minutes in, and the rest was history. ID is 866243737 if you want to see it.


    We managed to win with Earthshaker, Razor, and Spirit Breaker, versus a Meepo, Drow, Broodmother, Slardar, and Sven. I was the Earthshaker. I didn't even go crit. Or even

    have to.


    Would this go in the Scoreshot thread?

  5. Played my very first(technically two, but that game was such a feedfest and stomp it's not worth mentioning) game of Dota today, with fyp and friends. Our team was Weaver, Dazzle, Jakiro, Legion Commander, and Drow. Enemy team was Pudge, Sniper, Alchemist, Disruptor, and Pugna. Went 4/14/19 as the Dazzle. My graves saved many lives, unfortunately none were mine.


    We lost the game as the Alchemist got too tanky for any of us to handle. Game went 60+ minutes. But it was fun anyway. Maybe too fun.

  6. Name: Rakarl

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Race: Alien (Draken)

    Physical Description: Slouches heavily, but total height is 6'5'', and is reasonably heavy. His scales are cream with a few pink ones here and there, and the spikes on his arms are pink as well. His orange hair is pulled back into a ponytail. His horns have been neatly trimmed and are only 5'' as a result. He wears a standard Dominion settler uniform, though the back of the shirt is torn by tubes lining his spine, containing an unknown glowing neon green substance. The tubes can retract if they must, but causes mild discomfort. Despite the tuft of fur at the end of his tail, it is not for petting.

    Weapon(s): A large greatsword that seems to be made from a tombstone, complete with a eerie bluish glow. The chains attached to it can be removed if needed. Claws and teeth if his sword is not available..


    Role: Skilled at repairs and slicing things to pieces.

    Ship: The Eternal



    •  (Alien): Ravok's Rage- Years of serving the Dominion and participating in racial rituals have given Rakarl the ability to enter a rage focused only on killing. His communication skills will be nigh unusable, however.
    • (Normal): Settler Resourcefulness- His Settler training has given him knowledge in much of the technology used to traverse space. he also has mild experience in dealing with robots, and will be able to repair a damaged limb if needed, but not much else.
    • (Normal): Blademaster- While he is not the most skilled, he can use his greatsword (dubbed the "Peacemaker") to great effect. He is rather slow with it drawn.
    • (Alien): Bloodthirst- Rakarl's love of eating and killing(not always in this order) can be put to good use, provided his crewmates are not squeamish. He can "dispose" of organic bodies, provided he believes it is not poisonous.


    Strengths: Despite being rather brash, Rakarl will defend those he feels responsible for. While not impenetrable, his hide is rather resistant. Rather intimidating.


    Weaknesses: Extremely stubborn. Quick to anger. Not very mobile. His bloodthirst will often lead to him being too eager to fight. The tubes on his back, while rather cosmetic, are indeed attached to his spine, and will cause serious injury if treated extremely roughly.


    Additional Notes: Rakarl values strength and loyalty as much as he values bloodshed. Any signs of weakness(begging, surrendering, running from a fight, etc.) shown by either allies or enemies will quickly earn his scorn. He has a burning hatred of cat and rabbit like creatures, as the Aurin of his adventures on Nexus hit quite a nerve with their terraformming of Deradune into a lush forest. While those events are long behind him, he will not hesitate to try and cut one to pieces should they get on his bad side.

  7. Ruby, Brendan, and most likely Treecko because of the grip Sceptile has on my heart after the Mystery Dungeon games. It'll also be the first time I've chosen a grass starter.

  8. With GW2 having been my very first MMO, then moving to WoW at a friend's request, seeing how Wildstar does things was pretty much what I've been trying to find in an MMO. Active combat, a trinity, housing, mounts, interesting PvP that won't 100-0 (hello gw2 thieves!) you if you have enough awareness to get out the way of that big pulsing box of doom, and extensive and challenging PvE content that didn't require doing the same thing on different difficulties (the grand LFR, Flex, Normal, Heroic shenanigans) or grinding gear to get one-shot slightly less often (hello fractals) was something WoW and GW2 didn't do, or do well enough for me at least.


    That, and while I love GW2's buy-it-once, I don't mind paying a sub or saving gold to pay for the month. Wildstar also looks like it won't be overrun with race bias that messes with the faction conflict (at least not now). 


    So far the only thing I don't like is the whole Elder Gem thing(and overly sexy female models for the non-human races, gw2 did that right at least), but after a 50+ page thread of players discussing how it's not going to be a good thing to have a 10-month time gate tied directly to character progression, the devs have showed that they really are listening.
