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Posts posted by DualJay

  1. 8 hours ago, Rynjin said:

    Weird one. Basically, I was a serial killer. Also a Hobbit for some reason. I went around killing people dressed in nothing but wool booties and gloves (maybe underwear? It never panned down or up enough from hands/feet). The booties glowed and shimmered for some reason. Also they were blue and had little stars and rainbows and stuff sewed into them. These are important details.


    At the start of the dream, I had 8 victims. When I killed them I'd remove their heads and do...something with them. It wasn't clear. Ass I as hiding the evidence of my latest kill,a police officer arrived. Thankfully it was all bagged up, and having a reputation for being a bit eccentric (and a fucking Hobbit serious what was with that?) I told her  was burying some treasure (mementos) in my back yard and she believed me (they were actually the boots/gloves and murder weapon. Also maybe a head. Not sure.). Then she decided to live with me for a while, which threw a damper on my plans. I remember feeling nervous and anxious  the whole time the dream played out. More so when the detective started searching every inch of my house in the guise of cleaning up the mess. I resolved that I'd have to throw away my sweet gloves when she wasn't paying attention so she wouldn't go searching the back yard.


    It was at this point the dream shifted a bit and I was a little girl for some reason. Also the plot point was revealed that my little sister made them for herself, and she became my first victim when I was jealous over her cool gloves.


    Anywho the detective was distracted by a child lost in a cave so while she (or he, it kept swapping) was occupied I grabbed my shit and threw them in the trash where they were subsequently buried by the storm of cleaning later. By the end of the dream suspicion had been thrown off somewhat, but there was a lingering feeling of fear since the trash didn't go out until Tuesday (it was Sunday), and the officer was staying a while longer, and wanted to take another peek through the trash...


    The end.

    daniel would have a field day

  2. 3 hours ago, Rynjin said:

    Pls tell me this isn't for Carrion Crown

    would i do something like that?


    2 hours ago, Idiot Cube said:

    Why did the short vampire hunter have trouble getting the implements of his trade off the top shelf at the monster hunter supermarket?

    I think "Why can't midgets be vampire hunters?" is a better version of that.




    Also thought of another one: "Why can't you have a cookout on Mount Everest?"

  3. 8 hours ago, Guy923 said:

    And here we are back to square one. Just because they overlook racism and sexism, and keep company with racists and sexists, and have been praised by other racists and sexists, doesn't make them racist or sexist.


    He's racist.


    "You have an individual, Mr Bannon, who’s basically creating the ideological aspects of where we’re going." - The former Imperial Wizard of the KKK.


    It's really not that hard.

    Don't go moving the goalposts on me, Guy. I was responding to the erroneous information you provided. He very well might be racist - but I am hesitant to believe that when it comes from his ex-wife. Did the school director corroborate her story?


    Without actual stuff from the guy, either in writing or on tape, or corroborated stories, I am hesitant to believe. Character assassinations are a dime a dozen these days - such as, I expect, the accusations of kiddie molestation right before the election that were dropped right after. That story stinks of Jackie.


    The KKK might just like him because he allows views similar to theirs a platform. I'm not arguing that he's not a bad person - I'm arguing that he's on the level of anyone else in politics.
