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Posts posted by DualJay

  1. 6 hours ago, Stackbabbin' Bumscags said:

    Sooo... Mother and I aren't really sure what exactly to think about this right now, but we were just given a mobility chair plus the trailer to transport it, from Linda.
    It's not one of those scooters like you'd see at grocery stores, but it's one of those mobility chairs with the little joystick to drive it.
    Many of you might recognize it because you've narrowly avoided being run over by the person in control of it on potentially more than one occasion.

    We're a bit shocked, considering she had this long period where she didn't like Case at all, and now she just drops ~$1.5k worth of medical equipment on us, those chairs ain't cheap.
    We're completely grateful, this is an absolute god-send for Case, and it saves us a couple hundred dollars for a mobility scooter when we go out on vacations (of which, Chief wants to go to DIDNEY WORL again next year), but it's just so.. sudden. And weird.
    But, free chair, we're not complaining one bit.

    check the back of the wheels for scooter bombs

  2. another blog post


    just beat satan 4 times in one run because glowing hourglass + the battery = infinite retries

    plus i had the rotten baby, and blue flies get duped when you use the glowing hourglass, so i would enter each room with like 50 blue flies

    only run where i voluntarily did not take a tammy's head when offered


    that combo basically turns you into an invincible god that sees the future, it's great




    just did it again to farm isaac and unlock the polaroid

  3. 23 hours ago, Razputin said:

    He isn't, really. He has adaptive damage resistance, meaning that he takes less damage the more DPS you have. You can get around it by attacking him for 3 seconds, waiting for 3, and then attacking again.


    It was Edmund's attempt to try and balance bosses independent of the player's pickups and many people (including me) hate it

    i just beat him


    this item was the real mvp bc it would create wormholes that dealt damage and fired out tears later, allowing me to surround him with those and rip him apart

  4. 8 hours ago, Moby said:

    Just wait until you unlock 'Everything is terrible' and 'It lives'

    might do that this run with all this stuff



    lots of health regen, find loads of treasure, sniping with demon lazer baby, room control with black powder, "shield" lazer from planet


    nvm died to mom's heart azazel's short range makes that fight hell

  5. so i just got afterbirth


    got an azazel run with prayer card and founds loads of batteries to get 10 hearts


    was pretty good, reached mom's heart and unlocked a bunch of stuff but still died bc i wasn't sure how to fight mom's heart


    is good game
