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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    that's some funky shit
  2. Kraszu

    The IT thread.

    Not terrible, could have been worse. I'd suggest 450W PSU from one of big brands (corsair, EVGA, antec, coolermaster, enermax), if you plan to put actual GPU in to that box like 750ti that is dirt cheap and does not draw much power,it could make it preety ok. 350w if you don't. Also consider modular PSU for ease of building and doing cable management.
  3. Kraszu

    The IT thread.

    whats rest of the specs for your PC? would help to tell how much watts you need.
  4. I had my CPU cooler for less than a year and fan has already worn out. I had to replace it immidately, rattle was unbearable.
  5. hot air goes up by itself, why not help it get out
  6. front pulls into case, back pushes out, same way your CPU cooler goes (unless you have a stock one) also, vacuum cleaner/ compessed air and clean that mofo, you will be suprised with results
  7. Kraszu


  8. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Drive or Die in Halo is so much fucking fun, holy shit. Sprinting as a zombie feels like tribes.
  9. The thing is, for full picture it also would be worth to wait for benchmarks from ordinary buyers, people who didn't win in silicone lottery. But mostly, it will come down to availability, since you will not be only person trying to jump on 1080 bandwagon. They might be gone as soon as they arrive, and you'd have to end up with 980ti anyway.
  10. Differences in benchmarks do not seem to be that big for the differrence in price, at least in my eyes. Unless you are aiming for the best that is (almost) out there, then yeah, 1080 seems be the choice. Also, 1080 seems to be housefire tier in Furmark again, just like Fermi did.
  11. They won't be out yet, you will have to wait a bit for 3rd party. Seriously, consider used. They are usually on warranty anyway, so no fear.
  12. It is said to be super expensive in England, fish for barely used 980tis, 980s, and 970 that chumps are now selling because they seen Nvidia releasing something new.
  13. build them some basic idiotproof PC put old mac into trash where it belongs
  14. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Halo 3 is preety fun, should have been released on PC long ago with rest of the series. At least we have it now.
  15. Kraszu

    Hunting for Machines that run on Steam

    BUILD YOUR OWN. It's only way to get most bang for your buck. THERE, full build that's ok for now *, including monitor, keyboard and mouse since I don't know if you have those. Syber boxes run riddiculously HOT, like HOLY FUCK NIGGER WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU ARE GOING INTO NUCLEAR MELTDOWN hot. That is going to be simmilar problem across the board with these boxes. You might say "and? what's wrong with that?". THERMAL THROTTLING, components will start to back their clock speeds down trying to save themselves from meltdown, which you will feel as drop in performance, oveheating also shortens lifetime of components. How to combat this? With good airflow, and most of all not cramming hot components against each other, that's a good start. Read as: NORMAL SIZE CASE UNLESS YOU SPECIFICLY NEED SMALL ONE. You don't carry it all over the place, that's what laptops are for, you plug it in and leave it there unless you are moving or going to LAN party. * Now, well informed people right now will hold off with buying new graphics card until release of new GTX 1070/1080 cards that make their entire lineup obsolete if what their claim is true, and you should too. Either you might be able to find someone selling almost brand new 980s they bought few months ago, got shafted by Nvidia and want to upgrade, or you might see prices of lower end new cards will go down so you may save yourself few bucks here. DON'T BE A FAGGOT, BUILD YOUR OWN. IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE. edit: STILL WANNA BE A FAGGOT AND NOT BUILD YOUR OWN? BAM, WAIT for nVidia new card release, get something off used/new market, some monitor, DON'T TOUCH THE BIOS and you should be fine.
  16. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I don't think so, they just finally realized that no matter how much detail they put on the figurines/units, everyone plays zoomed out anyway. Going with cellshaded look is not terrible choice.
  17. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    Coldlight + Innervate it's not even that good, but people give up anyway
  18. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    todays tavern brawl holy shit
  19. Kraszu


    No need to, I see your points Snail. As I posted, Winston is my least played hero with like 5 mins top, I couldn't find good use for him therefore I just used tanks that worked for me. None of Winstons I played against impressed me, therefore I wrote what I wrote. Now the Roadhog might not be great for organized play, but I played pubs, and as everyone knows pubs are rarely organized, therefore he does what he does. Bastion as himself is not really a threat, he's a problem when he has competent team to back him up. Which leads to situations where you either deal with him, or rest of his team. And still we're talking about pubs, where either you carry the game, or you watch your teammates run out of spawn one at the time and get slaughered trying to fight entire team themeselves. Therefore, defening Bastion covered his team is a problem. One Genji can wipe 3 of them defending the cart (I did that once and I still don't belive how that was not POTG). Those are only my opinions based on short time open beta was out.
  20. Kraszu


    going from least to most played: -chimpout - I have no idea why would I play him over anything else, jump in, hold LMB drop globe if needed, press Q if you want to do no damage, only situation I see use for him is to counter multiple symmetras, and that's all -press q for POTG - basicly huntsman sniper with kopesh climber, scan, shotgun arrow and annoying ult that covers a bit too much of the area in my opinion, lucky headshots included -fem heavy - solid hero, wish alternative fire did more, because there is no real excuse to use it other than spamming those orbs into the ult if you caught multiple enemies, never seen shields doing that much since they don't stay up for long at all, still, I felt no need to use her over anything else in the roster -toblerone - retarded level of range on turret that chews up everything and instant lock on, armor ability is nice, extremely powerful primary and good secondary, bring junkrats to spam him out -jetstream sam - true counter to double bastion, extremely annoying to play against good one -mute button- doesn't really do much unless you find good one that is all over the place and finishes everything off, very satisfying to kill -pudge - one class I belive is genuinely out of balance, extremely tanky, big self heal, hook are easy to hit, hook and good shot will kill any squishy, something's gotta go, he's actually too good, he only falls off a) when facing multiple tanks b)when you are bad and you let reaper you hooked click on your face -babby's first hero - find good spot, deploy and do retarded amounts of damage, add reinhardt and damage boost mercy on top that and you have cancer -NO FUN ALLOWED - mei is so fucking annoying holy shit, primary fire freezes way to fast, just run up to someone scicle them for a second and grab your free altfire headshot to kill them, wall is strong, ult is good,great survivability, needs some adjustment -COD guy - played FPS before? you just find enemy and click on them, strong heal, ult good for wiping out squishies, strong with low skill ceiling -high noon McCoon- if you can consistenly click on people faces, he's very strong, awkward to use ult, flash + right click to instagib any squishy -heal slut - basicly medic, medigun and a bit of kritzkrieg rolled into one and secondary that can wreck faces, ult can turn games, decent mobility -ozzy demoman - aside from pipes doing wierd things when bouncing of objects, he's fantastic, combo mine and a trap to kill any squishy you don't even need to look at, tires for team wipes on def maps -jet set radio- best support for attack and koth, without question, fun to bounce people off the cliffs and points -THE EDGE - great for attack, 2 mobility skills, can eat inexpirienced Roadhogs -I'd like to D her VA - lots of fun, superb mobility allowing unexpected flanks, whimpy mech guns and suprisingly potent backup, good survivability, strong ult -DESIGNATED tech support - most underrated hero in roster, I always picked her on hollywood def, and set up turrets in bushes on first point, Reinhardts love to take alt fire orbs to the face, strong primary fire -the Vape - decent heals and debuff ability that allows to eat tanks, ult denies any aoe ult if team groups up -Shield bitch - shield wins games, ult can do so too, great hero over all, cancer when coupled with bastion -BEST WAIFU - Iron Girl with rocket launcher, ult is useless if anyone on enemy team is somewhat competent and can shoot up -fem sniper - good sniper shuts down everything in this game, good mobility, smg is strong to the point you could just run and if you really needed, mine and ult also good about maps and gameplay: not enough maps, gameplay after 17h already feels samey, there is not enough variety. I won't be buying it on launch, I will wait and observe how the game evolves.
  21. Kraszu


    good, I thought it was you, I played with him too, extreme shitter while being only tank on the team, he randomly decided he wants to be second (bad) widow and lost us the match edit. I'm Noodles#22222