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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Witcher 3 50% off on www.gog.com . That s a lot of game for the money. Also, Humble Bundle released Codemasters bundle. Racing games, Overlord, Operation Flashpoint.
  2. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    people care about tf2 still?
  3. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    I see no point of continuing this conversation. You have proved that your ideological bias is strong enough to ignore every argument and fact while providing none yourself and having NONE knowledge of the matter aside of what you learned from vidya games and movies. I feel like talking to a wall, then again walls are not this stubborn.
  4. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    that's what it ment to do
  5. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    ​ I am big dummy that's clueless about what I'm talking about. ​Sports shooting, like many things in life require precision, repeatability and accuracy. None of those words you can associate with airsoft, and that is a fact. Best shot groupings at 15 meters from airsoft handgun can be easily beaten by off the shelf duty handguns at 30 or even 50 meters, not even talking about competition guns. And you know one more funny thing? EU wants to ban airsoft too, because it resembles military weapons. Nobody mentioned "sport" hunting. Actual hunters need their guns, that's their tool to do their job. Have you ever seen wild boar? Have you ever seen the damage those can do to the crops if population overgrows? How else you want to control polulations? You are going to ask them politely to not fuck so much because there's too many of them? Again, you seem to have no clue what you are talking about. ​just use a bow and arrow you pleb. ​yeah, good luck with that oh wait, bows were also made with killing in mind, what are we gonna do? ​1. Or is it? People tend to gravitate to loud things. Again, just because people want to try shooting, it does not mean they are psychos. 3. Hang on, we're talking about europe right now. There are walmarts only in UK and I assure you, none of them has guns in them. Nor can you find other stores that do so. There is no such thing as "easy access to firearms" in europe, forget about it. You either go through paperwork and checks, your forget about the guns. ​yeah, let me help you with that
  6. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    Oh really? We'll if it's designed only for murdering people, streets must be running red with blood then... oh wait, they don't. Just because you see hammer as only tool for driving nails, it does not mean someone else won't find other valid use for it. Normal people use it for sport, hunting and even just as collectors item. It's estimated that there is about 11 million of gun owners in Europe, and from my own expirience I can tell you that those are genuinely one of the most responsible people in the society. Everyone had to prove thier mental health, their clean criminal record, knowledge of laws and firearms. And stay that way. Any little thing like insulting someone, that will go to court over this, and your guns go bye-bye. I'm not even mentioning safety of handling and use, because that's first thing you are taught. Also, way you define your personal freedom is different to me or anyone else. No 2 people think 100% the same way. Take that in mind.
  7. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    No Brain, this situation is more like "we have problem with drunk car drivers". Sensible person would recommend things like more patrols on roads, and preventive campaigns in TV. EU solution "We must ban motorcycles! Motocycles are evil, and hooligans ride them!". This is how missed of solution it is.
  8. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    So you have no arguments at all? Congratulations, you achieved nothing. https://www.all4shooters.com/en/Shooting/law/2013-articles/EU-proposed-gun-ban/EU-poll-results.pdf This poll was made during EU last push to ban guns. Numbers talk on their own. And no, you appear to have no common sense.
  9. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    Banning guns would be a good thing, sucks that you don't get any compensation though. ​<citation needed> Like seriously, give me facts, not feelings and opinions. Just because you despise them, it does not validate taking arms away from law abiding citizens that earned their permits.
  10. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    Except it is not illuminati shit, and it's already happening? See that's what's wrong with people right now. People would give their anal virginity if they were told it will keep terrorists away.
  11. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    The victims of Paris tragedy have not been buried yet, the criminals are still on the loose and the police has not even finished the investigation and yet the EU is announcing measures to prevent something like that from happening again. EU commision is pushing European Firearms Directive in which it plans to ban EVERY military-style (no, you can't get more ambiguous) semiautomatic firearm, calling for IMMEDIATE CONFISCATION WITHOUT COMPENSATION. there is no logic in this what does ILLEGALLY aquired automatic Kalashnikov from black market has to do with legally aquired, castrated version that only looks simmilar there never is logic in anything EU commison does if this goes trough EU parliament, and then is accepted by our paliament, i'm leaving this continent it's a world of slippery slopes, it can only get worse yes, I am platinum mad
  12. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    ​implying they even want to do anything than take money from the goverment for sitting on their ass Belive me, we've been trough this already with refugees from Chechenia. Years have passed (like seriously, 15 or so), and they still sit in the same building of the refugee centre. many has moved on, got a job, or got back home. But most doesn't give a fuck and is very comfortable doing nothing.
  13. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    ^A bit critical, but this. also, there's a PP movie happening in between the seasons
  14. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    tfw you will never be as operator
  15. Kraszu

    weirdest things on your harddrive

    This is as wierd as it gets.
  16. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    People saying things like "it's totally not islamic extmists, guys" are being blinded by political corectness. Now they all look like dummies now that ISIS took the blame for the attack. Muslims are absolutely involved with Islamic terrorism, don't try to paint them as a scapegoated minority on the level of Jews. How the hell do you talk about Islamic terrorism without talking about Islam? At worst people will start to question why exactly they're letting in millions of Muslims who aren't assimilating to their culture. That's a good thing. Not every Muslim kills people for their religion. Not even the majority do. But quite frankly enough do that something needs to be done. Just restricting immigration and thoroughly vetting those you do let in is a good first step. Never forget that immigration is a public policy issue - same as any other. You should do what's best for the citizenry, and I don't think importing refugees by the literal boatload is helping your citizens much. At best you'll have a bunch of low-skilled workers that will probably be replaced by machines in a decade or two, at worst you let in a lot of people that hate you and your culture. ​The thing is, it's most likely that attackers were 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants, born and raised in France. Which is what makes it so terryfying. How do you fight an enemy inside, hidden amongst milions of law abiding citizens? How do you fight the leaders steering and planning in the shadows? Full brute force attack like Afghanistan and Iraq? That leads to a situation, where you cut off one head of a hydra, and 3 new ones pop up. Invigilating your citizens? (>implying they don't already do that) How do you fight an enemy that is not there, until it's loo late? How do you evade basicly Witcher 2 situation where non-human population (elves, dwarfs, etc.) is being slaughtered simply by being not humans? This is major security problem that is giving headache to everyone responsible for peace keeping all around the world.
  17. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    why do gifv work and webms don't
  18. Kraszu

    attacks in Paris

    Terrorists doing terrorist things, taking revenge for Syria. also baguettes closing borders