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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​ ​installed it literally 10 lobbies ded gaem
  2. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm bored, I need some kind of F2P multiplayer game to chill out, and play while listening to podcasts/music. Is there anything worth the bother?
  3. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Finished Witcher 3, and it was fucking awesome. I dumped about 77 hours into the game and it was excellent, apart from bugs, glitches (some were minor, some bigger, usually reloading last save fixed everything) and 2 hard crashes. The writing was spot on, sceneries were breathtaking, there is a lot to do, I mean, I had about 30-40% to discover and do quests at, which I'm gonna do later anyway for fun. And there's a full pack of free DLC, just because CDP loves you. And there's even more content in 3 big paid DLCs. Short notice: this time around knowledge of the books is actually highly reccomended because Ciri is one of the main characters. also, lel at mad fags trying to bomb W3 metacritic and and bounce up F4 scores
  4. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I present to you, sword of mighty debugging!
  5. Kraszu


    Pre-purchase for Overwatch is on. I was shure they said it was going to be F2P for whatever reason.
  6. Kraszu

    Yet another 'Help me do PC shit' thread

    1. 650 watts seems like a plenty unless you have complete monster rig. You are looking at about 115 W increase, from 65 W to 180W (these kind of information are easlily available, but I see that it's a subSPUF thing to not know how Google works) 2.Yes, you can, you need Molex to 6 pin adapter, those should be easily available in most computer shops. 3. - edit how does the rest of the build look like, 6670 to 270x looks like a big jump
  7. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Even funnier in motion. ​If you are talking about polish version, yes. It also helps that I read every single Witcher book. It's fantastic. frankly. Lots of clever jokes that would be hard to notice without knowledge of polish culture, even more recalls to the books, top notch acting, CD Project has done incredible job.
  8. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    this is one of the funniest bugs ever
  9. it's ok you nerds don't need phone being all day in ya mom basement there's no range there anyway :^)
  10. hold on, are you trying to say you didn't have cell phone ever before? how did you even live
  11. ​Go (ch)air force for maximum comfy.
  12. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Having grand time playing Witcher 3. Game is fucking huge, there are things to do everywhere. As a fan of the franchise (not only games), I am really pleased so far.
  13. Kraszu


    that's why I saId some sense
  14. Kraszu


    daily reminder that Korea has mandatory military service so it makes some sense
  15. Kraszu

    Building a new rig. Need advice.

    Take into a consideration, that you are running a big graphics card that needs that space, anything smaller than ATX would not be recomended. My build aka. Build I found somewhere, that I agree with. Mostly, except the case. And version of 960. And possibly RAM. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/TwQj99
  16. Kraszu

    Building a new rig. Need advice.

    The price tag on that 970 is retarded, /g/ was right, it is truly a meme card. Get 4 gig 960, it's better optimized to deal with not monsterous CPUs. also, if you REALLY want 970, the time is now
  17. Kraszu

    Building a new rig. Need advice.

    I built a new rig this year, I spent about 650 including monitor, +20$ more on new cooling because apparently AMD OEM fans suck BALLS. Rig runs Witcher 3 on middle settings at 1080p, which is good enough for me, it's a brand spanking new game, I don't remember ever having computer this capable at it's time. Now, Good place to start is just googling "gaming PC builds" or "budget PC build" or whichever other combination. Pop out few tabs, search for consistencies in what people reccomend, open few other tabs with benchmarks of different parts, open few other tabs of shops and search which one has stuff you need the cheapest. Order, put together big box of legos when it arrives, and voila, you have yourself a PC.
  18. Kraszu

    I remembered my password!!!

    what took you so long
  19. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    You got Keanu part wrong. This is how he's excited face looks like.