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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    Would you use a subSPUF Mumble?

    is anyone even using this server
  2. ​D.W.A. ​https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiichi_Tsuchiya
  3. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    inb4 30 armour warriors
  4. Kraszu

    Touhou Containment Thread

    New Fantasy Kaleidoscope is out, nothing major plotwise, bumbling about and setup Phantasmagoria of flower view arc, which looks promising. They still suck at chronology thou, 7 then 6 then 9.
  5. I said that regarding Raz post. I know I'm speeding, I would get hefty ticket if I somehow spaced out and didn't notice cop car in rear window. I should cut it out. It's not very fuel efficient.
  6. ​only 13 over limit? cops wouldn't even bother to stop you here for that, unless they had a bad day everyone drives slightly above the limit here, most of the time I exceed by 30-40 on daily basis in other news I went to other carting track, and this one had more twisty bits, faster carts and they also recorded your lap times. guess what I am pathethicly slow. my best time was 26 secs vs times in about 21 secs range of best drivers right after 20 minutes driving my left arm was killing me from all the right hairpins I'm too used to power steering and ABS
  7. carting + eurobeat = unstoppable speed

  8. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    favourite moog? definitly this
  9. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    There's also Guns of Icarus on Humble weelky bundle for a dollar if anyone wants to pick it up.
  10. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    this picture angers me we have clearly gone too far
  11. Kraszu

    Kay Reviews

    D E D T H R E A D E D T H R E A D
  12. Man this day was tiring. Woke up late, taken a shower and ate breakfast, went to range and were there for like 8 hours. Ate a dinner and then went to pack up. And then a heavy storm hit, and I was like " well if I go now, I can outrun it and have good drive in drive later". NOPE Looking on the weather map now looks like cloudbank covers about 1/8 or 1/6 of a country aka PREETY FUCKING BIG CLOUD. So yeah, I was driving for one and a half of hour in never ending storm. At 8 PM, so visibility was none. I never knew that one can drive so slow with eurobeat banging from stereo. On the upside, I have achieved best efficiency yet.
  13. Kraszu

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    Two can play this game.
  14. oh nice gif avatars work properly
  15. Kraszu

    Dota General

    you really have nothing better to do than writing walls of text on small forum, do you
  16. Eurobeat +20 horse power Increased grip and agility +20% posibility of irresponsible driving +5% chance of getting caught speeding Decreased fuel efficiency
  17. Kraszu

    Reddit shitstorm

    i thought only /k/ could take baits this big
  18. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    all this hate on powerhouse The problem mostly is not map itself, but the players. Playing 5 CP maps I seen constant stalemates too. Team of 3 gibus snipers, W+M1 pyro and selfadhesive medic who got stuck to first heavy he saw ain't gonna cut it here thou, and that's what you're gonna get on pubs. Once good players start to join in, then it starts to get interesting. Spy/scout caps on last are viable, add some coordination and you have a winrar. But yes map is slow and grindy. Which is not a giant problem for BF3 64 people Metro server veteran like me, but that's just me. It could be solved in 2 ways: -make map physically smaller - rollouts are slow, even for mobility classes, change that and you have a faster map -add forward spawn point for team controlling mid, on slower timer - same issue as above, different solution -add 2 control points and push last further into the building - 2 more control points should break up dynamic of the map and strong defence line to last Still map is ok. It's a gimmick, it's gonna be unloved.
  19. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    suijin sucks new 3 cp map is preety good