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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    we media now

    I enjoyed that more than I should, especially music.
  2. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    dis is gunna b gud
  3. new avatar: biasmachine edition

  4. Kraszu

    The Toy Thread

  5. Kraszu


    Cooptional Podcast. Also, I threat Rollplay shows as podcasts and run them in background while playing.
  6. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Now if anyone of you bumps into this mango (especially translated), give me heads up. Sounds like something up my alley.
  7. Kraszu

    Kay Reviews

  8. Kraszu

    Slick Reviews

    never gonna happen
  9. Nuu funs in da house.
  10. ... as are many others on the market?
  11. I never understood hype behind Prius. It's a turd, has garbage transmission, and it's heavy because "muh batteries". It's usually driven by tree hugging hipsters who seem too not understand that their car is not actually ecofriendly as they seem to project. Today I had to do some driving in my shitbox that is Ford Fusion (european one), I did 42 MPG on about 120 mile drive, on LPG - fuel that costs less than half the price of the petrol. Double it up and you get 84 MPG, while Prius gets 60 tops in perfect conditions, then again I was not driving in perfect conditions either. I think I could go up to 90 easy, if not for pouring rain that lowered visibility to almost nothing at times. Suck it up Priusfags.
  12. 17 degrees Celsius, sunny. I'm not complaining.
  13. Kraszu

    Touhou Containment Thread

    W H E N H E N
  14. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    ​Is it backwards? Some (few) guns DO have magazines that point that way. I dunno if that is one of them, though. If nothing else, if it was put in backwards, why would it have locked into place? ​It IS backwards, google MP5. It's screenshot from The Shield, it's probably airshit prop.
  15. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    If you ever even played CS, you would see that the magazine is backwards.
  16. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    But Huff, that's still boobs.
  17. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​what else is new
  18. Kraszu

    Star Wars Thread

    I just found this. It's preety old, you all might have already seen it.
  19. i am so glad i have this image bookmarked ​I am so glad you have this image bookmarked. You're gonna need it ;) ​daily reminder