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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    dragontime when
  2. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Dayum, there's a lot of gems there.
  3. moot leaves top gear is kill carnikcon is kill bane posting kills a lot of people 2015 looks preety shit so far
  4. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    https://data.archive.moe/board/vg/image/1406/51/1406514766550.webm tfw jet-senpai finally notices you
  5. Kraszu

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    Looking back, I manage to build a lot of junk on this server.
  6. changing avatar via gravatar is less annoying because forum uploader is still retardedly picky
  7. Kraszu

    Your most played games?

    What do you dump most of your time into? Out of other things not tracked by Steam: Battlefield 3 and Minecraft.
  8. Kraszu

    Star Wars Thread

  9. Kraszu

    Gear Up

    My thoughts on the game - I can't force game to run at good framerate (which is actually expected - new games are not ment to run on 3 year old potato), game is constantly crashing, I get bullied out of existence by people with more guns. Like, the idea is cool and all, business model is fair, and if 2 out of 3 issues of mine were to be resolved I would keep playing. As it is - nah, got other things to do and games to play.
  10. Quick question: is Youtube feeling slow to everyone else these days? I seem to have issues with page loading times recently.

    1. Paero


      Mines been a bit arse lately but I did sign up for the HTML5 beta player. Maybe you did that by accident or something a a while back and forgot?

    2. Kraszu


      Well, I guess I remember doing so.

  11. Kraszu

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  12. Kraszu

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

  13. Kraszu

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    We've got a server down, we've got a server down. Subspufcraft is down, we've got no responses from server.
  14. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    i heard that, b-but adaptation maybe will be good? right guys? right... ?
  15. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    please be good
  16. Kraszu

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    Can't find any nether fortresses. Could someone hoop me up with abut hundred pieces of nether brick fence? I need it for new project. I would also be thankful for any amounts of blue orchid and lapis. I'm gonna need a lot.
  17. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    https://youtu.be/QYkgN--E4cU edit: hmm, can't get media script to work with this one
  18. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    War Thunder. You know you want to. Expect matchmaker to suck (always). Expect grind to get higher at tier 3 and above. Expect llarge amount of braindead teammates when playing German tonks in realistic/sim and US/Brit realistic/sim planes, because of "muh tiger/mustang/spitfire/other popular vehicle" crowd. Has flaws. There's grind. Still fun.
  19. Kraszu

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    witty pls dynmap I have zombie problem under bathroom and I can't pinpoint it