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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    April Fool's Day Roundup

  2. Kraszu

    April Fool's Day Roundup

    Not only one. Skins have been disabled and changed to villager, and almost all sound files have been changed to annoying ones.
  3. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    I finished up Jormungard today. I'd say it was enjoyable. definitly liked artstyle, with well drawn details. And usage of realistic models of cars and guns, so you have Volvo S40 chased by BMW 5 series, or CIA agent with Taurus PT 24/7 (which boggles my mind, why Taurus of all things). Story is not bad, soundtrack is really decent and fits great. I liked sound assets in first episode because they had really nice reverb to them during shootout in the city, but in rest they seemed to have forgotten about that detail. Worth watching if you have some time to kill.
  4. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    You missed out on a joke Raz.
  5. Kraszu


    I need dirt. Lots of dirt. And some cobblestone. Dump it in my materials chest.
  6. /a/ decides to invade island near Somalia. /k/ can't stop laughting.

    1. Kraszu



  7. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I just found out that GOG is owned by guys from CDProject. Guess I'm gonna feed them money instead of Valve whenever I can. Gabe already has all the money of the world, because of Steam being biggest retailer on PC.
  8. Kraszu

    2014 Mod Selection - Nominations

    Raz, Huff and Cube.
  9. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    no battlefield vietnam you dun goofed let me fix it Jokes aside BF3 theme is bad, but BF4 one is absolute tosh. Who thought that was good idea?
  10. Kraszu

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

    rammites pls
  11. Kraszu


    Nah, it was ther way around.
  12. Kraszu


    there isn't.
  13. Kraszu


    Creeperheal? Also, nobody else knows about this server, griefing is unlikely.
  14. Kraszu


    Nah, not really, I'm just aquired additional asset so I can build castle there, Alex was nowhere near spawn in the first place.
  15. Kraszu


    Alex, actually under your area there is another mine. You should dig deep, definitly worth it.
  16. Kraszu


    Too late, Doop already delivered me some. I made something special in spawn area and claimed Falkland Island, east from the harbor.
  17. Kraszu


    Built a lighthouse, thou I need 23 blocks of glowstone to light it up properly. If you have glowstone, contact me about it.