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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    now i have reason to play
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeAjkbNq4xI I'm gonna leave this here.
  3. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    [spoiler2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sw9Fh6uk4Q [/spoiler2] This song haunts me lately.
  4. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Dat BloodBowl. Gotta have it.
  5. Then I have AR15, AKSU and Glock. But, still it does not count.
  6. I am sick now. fuck cold

    1. 1Fort 2Fort

      1Fort 2Fort

      -still only healthy person in college full of sick fucks-

    2. Idiot Cube

      Idiot Cube

      I get sick once a year without fail around october/november. I have tissues and decongestants at the ready. Come at me, cold.

    3. DualJay


      I pretty much never get sick, but when I do, so help me god I'll have blood in my puke and hallucinations in my shadows.

    4. Show next comments  195 more
  7. Welcme to slavSpuf! I guess that makes us two here.
  8. Kraszu

    Custom Title Initiative

    Works now.
  9. Kraszu

    Custom Title Initiative

    Is it? I can't find it. Isn't that premium option now?
  10. Nooooooooo, HLDJ did not survive Steampipe conversion. Now I don't have any reason to even get back to tf2.

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      Virtual Audio Cable + Foobar master race

  11. wat first prototypes were made after war
  12. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    New humble bundle. I'll give this one a miss, there is nothing that actually I would like to have.
  13. Apparently my old pad is enough to pull me through, yay for free exp.
  14. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Yeah, and that is only a start.
  15. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    Have not played TF2 in more than a month.
  16. Kraszu

    New Forum Bug List

    Just delete these silly filters already. You had poll results.
  17. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    So I finished watching some anime lately. Cowboy Bebop - Very good, really enjoyed this one. Great music, very good dub. Black Lagoon - In basics sounds simmilar to Cowboy Bebop, but feels and is completely different. Darker, more brutal, you almost feel dirty inside while watching. At least in first season, which is actually makes it great. Second was not that great, it felt it was more about shootings, explosions and boobs than first one. There is nothing wrong in these things, but this was not series main strenght. Roberta blood trail is great thou, as good as original series. And Rock as cold mastermind was one of best things there.
  18. Kraszu

    Top gear & other petrolhead shows.

    But TGUSA was not such bad show. Not as goood as TGUK, but not bad.I don't see why it gets so much hate.
  19. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    Don't bother, it is broken for most of the time. It never shows me anything useful.
  20. Unless you have developed proper grip, yeah, it may even jump out of your hands when firing more powerful cartidge. In my expirience, and I didn't have pleasure to shoot much, 9mm is very pleasant cartridge, thou pistols are hard for newbie to get nice groupings from. I think it was one of CZs, I don't remember which one. And then I shot rifle, AK to be exact. It was quite long time ago, so your milage may vary from mine. You may think your shoulder may hurt after firing something with that big caliber. False, AK does not kick in shoulder, unless you don't have stock pressed against you. And then there is upward recoil, which at that time was gigantic for me. Thou it was a good while ago. Need to bug my friend to take me with him to firing range next time. BB guns are not enough. Even ones with blowback.
  21. Kraszu

    Posts Per Page Vote

    I don't like swiching pages all the time, so 50.
  22. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    [spoiler2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKeTD8E8Nkg [/spoiler2] Just brilliant.