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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    Dota General

    Drow is officially most overpowered thing ever since nukes. Even being a massive idiot with items, misclicking like 5 year old, feeding like maniac and not last hitting much she just does so much damage. And on top of it slows and silences people. Just grossly overpowered.
  2. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    holy fuck, thats what happens when you open many tabs.
  3. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    *nothing happened here*
  4. Kraszu

    EA is at it again

  5. Kraszu

    What is Floppy?

    Yup, he did. Also, this reminded me about this one.
  6. Kraszu

    Monitor is burnt out.

    why would you do that Also, search your attic/garage/wherever you throw crapload of not needed things for old CRT monitor. yes, they are huge, and low res, and heavy, but are fucking indestructable. unless hammer
  7. Kraszu

    we media now

    MLG pro game. Like, not even I am so braindead as some of these guys, and I am literally terrible.
  8. Kraszu

    How The Hell Do You Play This Game?

    Read wall of text first.
  9. Kraszu

    How to C++

    Dev-C++ 4 life. Also never used it for C++, because we learned C .
  10. http://www.pleated-jeans.com/2013/02/18/police-blotter-for-one-of-the-richest-zip-codes-is-ridiculous-15-pics/ Whole page of breaking news.
  11. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    http://bignic.bandcamp.com/album/zombies-soundtrack This is brilliant, buy it. Buy it now.
  12. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    Tell me about it.
  13. Kraszu

    Tribes: Acend

    Well, apparently Bella Omega IS back. Reinstalling game now, maybe this time it will work on steam properly. EDIT: Yup, Bella omega is there. That map has been gone for so long, that it became dusty. Literally. Also, that fells. Fells like I have never played this game before.
  14. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    TF2 is fun. I should play more often. Hidden mod is also fun.
  15. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Well guy who made this is expert in this kind of stuff. He started with Haloid, then did some Final Fantasy stuff, and then Rooster Teeth guys hired him. Then he made some action stuff like this for their Red Vs Blue series. And now that RvB is done, they seem to be giving him free hand. Also, second trailer for RWBY is out since yesterday.
  16. Kraszu

    Anime General Discussion

    Dunno if it is animu, but probably gonna watch. also Dragon Ball- all of them - long time ago Gurren Lagann - watching all over from time to time One Piece - watching when there is new episode.
  17. Kraszu

    Dota General

    Lancer is just such a gigantic piece of bs. Always. Add manta style and enemy team can call gg.
  18. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    It's better, duh.
  19. So you say that results are mixed all over the place? Well, crap.
  20. There is another person on this forums that can speak polish? Must meet. (unless verumae did something horribly wrong)
  21. Hey, how about Connecticut politicians consider parents not buying M rated game for their teenage children? Geez, stuff like ratings is already there, you just have to teach people to not blast mindlessly trought the stores and look at this sometimes. You don't have to reinvent the wheel for that.
  22. Kraszu

    TF2 general

    Witty and Merso broke custom server. I blame Ikea Boy.