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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu

    Videogame of the Decade

    I had a problem deciding which one to pick (Portal or HL2), but then I remembered that Portal was short as fuck, so I voted hl2.
  2. Kraszu


    Oh no, some people pushed them away from doors they wanted to stand in front of? That is so soulless. Go away and find some real reasons to protest.
  3. Kraszu


    Nah, if I idle, I idle normally. Dont need fancy software for it.
  4. Kraszu

    Recommend everything!

    I will recomend this internet radio. Preety awesome. I would recomend Top Gear, but since few years cars are preety much addition to show where 3 guys are being idiots. Don't get me wrong, there have been some decent episodes, but I still have feeling that they could do better.
  5. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  6. Kraszu

    What servers do you go on?

    Is good server. For silly stuff I also go to LazyPurple's server. For serious, 24/7 Skial Badlands. Very good EU server, seen some Premiership players there, so skill level is in most populated hours preety high.
  7. Kraszu

    Another patch?

    There was another patch released minutes ago, and Steam community and SPUF went down for a moment. Gotta tinfoil fast.
  9. Kraszu

    Steam Analysis

    Full Steam Analysis Profile: http://lambentstew.com/webblog/miniproject/steamanalysis?steamid=fristajluch my stats are wrong. i played all my games, but some in offline mode.
  10. Kraszu

    Source Film Maker

    Shameless joke on Valve inbound.
  11. Kraszu

    Do you still use Facebook?

    I wanted to never use facebook, maybe only to get some free things online. But lately I have been forced to join group from my university and I check posts there few times a week. Does this count? I still can't get why facebook is that promoted preety much everywhere.
  12. Kraszu

    So I want to buy games

    I wish there was some new, good Halo on PC. I'b buy that.
  13. Kraszu

    Best Ponies.

    Fixed. Also Max from Sam&Max, tenth Doctor, and Sanji from One Piece.
  14. Kraszu

    Source Film Maker

    I will miss RvB series.
  15. Kraszu

    [Poll] What web browser do you use?

    what adblock on firefox looks like "load page without useless ads" what adblock on chrome looks like "load whole page and then decide what to do with it" true story
  16. Kraszu

    [Poll] What web browser do you use?

    Chrome is fast, but has shitty adblock. Firefox all the way.
  17. Kraszu

    Dota General

  18. Kraszu

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    + rep http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=8566UtalG_o&feature=related
  19. Kraszu


    Idiotproof SK builds go.
  20. Kraszu

    Dota General

    -Nah, I seen her like once or twice during whole match. -Yup, saved me few times. -It is activatable?
  21. Kraszu

    Dota General

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/542943467858588094/9EC118976954FD9DC17EE3806DE6359772AF3127/ This time I knew what I wanted to achieve, I bought items I found userful, tried to not get underleveled, used skills wisely, did not spent SP on useless things, I were running away when I have been outnumbered by enemy heroes (at least I tried). Was my team bad or I am missing something?
  22. Kraszu

    Dota General

    I want something with as many passives as possible that affect damage output. Is there any. Also, last match, there was bounty hunter that went invisible, and had 3 swords that gave him 300 damage each. How do I counter.
  23. Kraszu

    Dota General

    I read a bit this forum. That's why I rolled Skeleton King. And I looked at his skills in learning tab (for 5 seconds, but still counts). And to be fair, I played a bit SMNC earlier which is sort of the same, but completely diffrent.
  24. Kraszu

    Dota General

    http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542943467847800844/173EC9477DDFF233E13087FAFCA86D2803FC1774/ My first match, I had comletly no fucking idea what I was doing, I was just mashing buttons that appeared to do something.
  25. Kraszu

    Help me name my Rocket Launcher.

    Teleport Cannon "See? You were here and now you are not." or "Teleports back to spawnpoint."