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Everything posted by Kraszu

  1. Kraszu


    It's a free weekend until sunday, but it's also free weekend for Fallout 4 so I'm gonna play that.
  2. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Rising Storm GOTY Edition for free now on Humble Store for next 48h from this post.
  3. Kraszu

    Destiny General

    There's a progression in Warframe somewhere? I never noticed any, maybe on complete beginning. I wouldn't call "craft > grind to 30 > throw away > start again" that. Anyway, only thing that makes me even do a daily log in, is a fact that that I like Warframe's movement system and I might be interested in doing next story quest, even if it's complete bollocks, like everything up to this point.
  4. Kraszu

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Starpoint Gemini 2 is free on Steam until tomorrow.
  5. Kraszu

    Destiny General

    will it be as bullet spongy as original I'm not interested if things dont die when I shoot them
  6. Kraszu

    The IT thread.

    1. Avoid house fire tier components (cheap PSUs, nVidia Fermi cards, FX-9590, i7-7700k, so on and so forth). 2. If fire happens: call fire dept. / turn off power and use FOAM BASED fire extinguisher.
  7. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    My hand is sore from playing Asspull Ball Xenoverse 2. That's what I get for using a pad.
  8. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    But can you make Coldsteel?
  9. Kraszu

    The Catch A Ride thread

    don't tell me it's a v6 or I will unrep u
  10. Kraszu

    The Catch A Ride thread

    Post ur shitbox.
  11. he wants to willingly upgrade to win 10 kek
  12. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Reddit may steal our memes, but they will never steal our flag.
  13. wait, as a subway train or actual subway?
  14. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    CS 1.6 is still a good game, albeit with dated looks. Still challenging an fun thou. And in europe there are plenty of servers still active.
  15. Wulff reminded me about neat vid I seen last week. Here is Ian "Gun Jesus" McCollum disassembling russian space magic rifle - AN-94. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtMssTSnRHU
  16. Kraszu


    I had really good one today. We were inspecting damaged 15 kV power lines, that needed to be rebuilt. Sometimes it was so bad we had to crawl under the lines, which were still under current, and not isolated. So after we left our transport behind, because it could not go through the damaged power lines, we had to get something else. Lo and behold, there's a small crapyard nearby. They had a 70's suburban that would be really good on the dirt road which we were on, third gen nova, and this radical, completely overdrawn, custom looking 2 door coupe buick with design parts from both 60 and 70. And it was in really bad shape from outside, but I did not care, I decided that if it ran, we're taking it. I got in and saw that interior is straight from opel insignia/late model buick regal, turned the key, and it ran from first touch. And I had a blast throwing it around on dirt roads, it was MINT. It didn't matter that every body panel was in different color, it didn't matter that interior was moldy and gross, it didn't matter that drivers door were half rotted off. It was perfect. And then my cat started demanding attention REALLY LOUD, and I had to wake up.
  17. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I find listening to this while driving Warthog Puma Chupathingy Mako extremely terapeutic.
  18. Kraszu


  19. Kraszu

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Finished BF3 because I was bored and downloading in the background, which would ruin ping in any multiplayer game. It was all I remembered, annoying QTEs, boring turret sections. Game likes to just murder you for moving slightly different than designed. Most fun was had from "what is that gun in the bush, I want that". But it's ok, since it was only time killer until I downoaded Mass Effect, which is what I am now playing.
  20. I have not followed entire thing, only seen some drama shorts on Sargon's channel since there was a DMCA on few short clips from the debate. What I'm getting about it is that either: a)JonTron has spent too much time on /pol/ and thinks posters there are always right b)has no expirience in debating at all, and needs to learn that you need to learn how to be precise with words c)mix of both. Either way, internet drama.
  21. We even have floodgates here still? It would be worth it anyway, even if you had to ban them after a week. This place is like a desert recently.
  22. Kraszu

    Best superpower?

    where is ability to travel between realities only power I want
  23. Kraszu

    The IT thread.

    Your computer is trying to tell you that Ryzen is coming, and it can't take it :^). Flash newest BIOS onto motherboard. if that does not work and you still have warranty - send it for warranty repair.