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A 1970 Corvette

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Everything posted by A 1970 Corvette

  1. A 1970 Corvette

    Locked and Loaded: In Which Where We Post About Firearms

    Wow, with the Ruger SP101 and round-handguard and age you literally just described my dad. He doesn't have a glock though.
  2. A 1970 Corvette

    Locked and Loaded: In Which Where We Post About Firearms

    Not something in 10mm, probably :^) Joking aside, unless you're in the realm of Civvie Legal full auto weapons or extreme collector's pieces (which you aren't from that description) you can get excellent choices for both a conceal pistol and a rifle with that much money. Pistols have a lot of preference involved in what you pick, but for a jacket I'm guessing any compact could be easily concealable. I'd say just pick from a google search of "compact pistols" and note things like caliber (I'd guess he'd pack a 9mm) and capacity if necessary. If you're really bookkeeping then find a holster too and note how this character will conceal his weapon exactly. Also depending on immersion level, keep track of extra mags and have different types of ammo for range practice and self-defense (hollow points or FMJ rounds, stuff like that). They can range from $300 for a cheap .380 pistol to above, but I couldn't see most practical conceal pistols being more than $600-700. A rifle for shooting as a hobby sounds like an AR-15, really. It's a ubiquitous platform, you can get tonnes of aftermarket for it, I'm sure anyone that has gone through the military is comfortable with one. Plus you can build it cheap or make sure it's all fancy or somewhere in between. As with the pistol, depending on how deep you're going, you can look into extra mags, how much/what kind of ammo you're packing at home/on the fly, optics it can have, flashlights, etc. Maybe even a chestrig if this ex-FBIman has military gear lying around or likes playing dressup operator. AR builds can be anywhere from ~$600 for a cheapy build and above for a more solid build (up to the thousands if you have a hard-on for original Colt marked stuff, I think).
  3. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

  4. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Red confirmed red-headed step child
  5. If we do I'd be fine with joining it, voip is fun I just have a small concern it'd end up like the other voip servers we've done
  6. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    this belongs in the saloon for the amount of boner inducement
  7. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    so SoFaF is the best art of the set hands down I do like all the new pieces of flavourtext we're getting from these though.
  8. A 1970 Corvette

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Usually when the singing breaks down into just screaming you want to leave Not in this case
  9. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    oh boy I love gaudy gold shiny cards
  10. A 1970 Corvette


    Better not get cornered in a bathroom.
  11. A 1970 Corvette

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Not free. you have to downgrade to 10. Also I wouldn't touch H5's assets with a seven thousand foot pole.
  12. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    You get to play Storm in Standard!!!
  13. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I don't normally subscribe to the meme that Wizards has a huge hateboner for R, but I do wonder if because Chandra seems "not awful" it means that R won't get any more good cards.
  14. A 1970 Corvette

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I never got around to playing it when I got it all that time ago. Who co-op here?
  15. A 1970 Corvette


    Aether Foundation female employee is the qt of the reveal Not sure if I like or dislike Lusamine and her hairshell.
  16. Centipede update (because you all care so much): I think I know where it came from, at least. My room was painted by my two brothers back when we first moved in, and they did it haphazardly and never covered all the outlets and what have you with the correct plates. Well one of them is particularly wide open where Coaxial cables are supposed to be, and it happens to be right next to my head when I sleep. Luckily I had enough tape.
  17. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

  18. I was woken up by a centipede today. I thought it was a lock of hair tickling my arm but when I brushed it away it stuck to my hand and curled to my fingers. So I learned very quickly that it was NOT a lock of hair. And I woke up everyone in the house when I realized this. Still makes me cringe when I remember how it felt.
  19. It's missing the "is :DDDD" at the end
  20. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Fuck, why are all these new RW legends so cool
  21. A 1970 Corvette

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I'm not particularly interested in authoritarian India However I am interested in The Revolution™ and the people behind that, so that'll hopefully be explored well enough and not end up being a "and then everyone lived happily ever after" ending after Aether Revolt (Oh who am I kidding this is the same group of people that did "and then they killed the two titans saving Zendikar forever") I wonder if they will cause a Jacetice League: Civil War situation with two on the rebels and two on the gubbment side. If they do no doubt it will be solved once Jace finishes his paperwork just in time for the end of the block.
  22. I have some money now and I want to buy some of the figs I've wanted but I'm still not sure On one hand, the Little Armory Figma stuff is top-tier, but on the other hand then I'd probably have to get all my poseable stuff out again.
  23. that's p sugoi Especially the puzzle, though there are better characters to get I suppose chika's okay