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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    okay so​ old tribes bad, new tribes good, basically? I know absolutely nothing about this game. Why is this patch such a huge deal?
  2. Wait until it lands on something. if you can get close to it, the trick is to clap your hands directly above it. It usually works from a few inches away for me. Often times when the fly sees motion I guess it'll just instinctively fly straight up, or near enough, that you'll catch it.
  3. kayohgee

    DeGroot turns your shitposts into shitarts

    make a video where it turns out everyone and everything ever consumed by painis cupcake is actually alive in a tiny universe inside his stomach, where the internet is against the law. a star studded gaggle of your favorite bunch of random gmod characters and a magic train called choochoociano pavarotti who can fly and is voiced entirely from chopped up vocals of opera singers have to go on a heroic quest to find a dank meme portal to escape back to the real world all the while pursued by the tyrannical cupcake nazis who run this tiny universe. it should be noted that the national anthem of the cupcake nazis is in fact the cuppy cake song because I want at least one scene where a bunch of cupcakes in nazi garb are all standing around marching and saluting while listening to that song. you can do whatever you want as far as the rest of the plot as long as in the end the gmod characters all teach 4chan the true meaning of christmas even though it isn't christmas. It will be called "Pain Train Cuppy Quest, An Opera: The True Story of Nelson Mandela". also the soundtrack has to be exclusively made up of herb alpert and linkin park. and of course the cuppy cake song. this is non negotiable. you will not be paid for this. okay, so get to it.
  4. kayohgee

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    I have been weirdly fascinated by this dude AB Soto for a little while. All of his stuff is super flamboyant and kind of tongue in cheek and every time I listen to it I feel like I'm walking this fine line between cringing and thinking it's fucking fantastic. The videos definitely help sell it too.
  5. ​ mers about to get some THESPIAN PUSS ​tfw the drama dork is gonna get some before i do ​implying you're gonna get any ever
  6. ​My roommate had two coworkers over - a girl, who I will henceforth refer to as "the coworker" and a guy, who I will henceforth refer to as "the pre-nerf natascha heavy", because he's a cunt who ruined a whole lot of shit. It was the coworker's 21st birthday so my roommate, his girlfriend, the coworker and the pre-nerf natascha heavy all went out. Apparently the pre-nerf natascha heavy got completely shitfaced. I don't know all the details but apparently natascha heavy was trying to hook up with the coworker and since they were both drunk, my roommate tried to be the good guy and kept them from fucking. As far as I know, he basically made pre-nerf natascha heavy sleep on the downstairs sofa by himself. So now it's four or five in the morning and fucking smoke alarms are going off. Roommate and I run downstairs to the kitchen first and all the shit's on fire. The shit's on fire on the floor, the shit's on fire on the door, the shit's on fire on the wall and the wall's on fire. Shit. My roommate rushes in there like a boss, grabs the extinguisher and puts it out immediately. At this point I'm so groggy and not in the mood to deal with any kind of anything that (according to him and my other roommates) the first thing out of my mouth upon seeing the chaos is "Man, that's a shitload of fire". This didn't register at the time, but oddly enough our front door is wide open when we get downstairs. Everyone exits the house. There's smoke everywhere. You can barely walk through the first floor. Everyone gets out safe, no one seems hurt and the fire's been taken care of, for the most part. There's only one person unaccounted for. Spoiler alert: it's natascha heavy and that dude is fucking gone. At first everyone's frantically looking for him because we think he may still be inside. Slowly people start to realize that he split, and was definitely responsible for the fire. My roommate's girlfriend and his coworker leave to check out where he parked, and his car is gone. His phone is off. Long story short, a ton of firefighters showed up at the house, the fire Marshall did a thorough investigation, as did the police who showed up. We were kept outside the house for several hours until a detective showed up, who told us that this was now a criminal investigation. Apparently the way the fire started was extremely suspicious and they might be charging this dude with attempted arson. Apparently he drove back to his house and the police picked him up there, although I'm not sure they flat out arrested the guy. Last I heard they were just getting his statement. The way I see it, one of a few things happened: Best case scenario, natascha heavy decided he was having a bad time and left. He smoked a cigarette in our house, unknowingly dropped some ash, stumbled outside without closing the door, turned his phone off so no one could reach him, and drove home drunk. Second best scenario, natascha heavy decided to smoke a cigarette in our house, dropped some ash, lit a whole bunch of shit on fire and noped the hell out of there without telling anyone. Probably because he was afraid of being caught with what I later learned was a substantial amount of weed in his car. Worst case scenario, he purposefully lit our fucking house on fire and left. The jury's still out on that one. At this point the rough estimates was something like $12,000 worth of damages just to the house. All of the living room furniture is done for because of the smoke and soot, which also traveled upstairs to the bedrooms. My roommate didn't close his door on the way out, and apparently the smoke has ruined most of his belongings as well. We'll be spending the next days carting everything that was affected outside so the crew we hired can do soot cleanup. It's a fucking mess and everyone is rightfully pissed. So that was my morning.
  7. huh. not sure why it did that. should be fixed.
  8. my house almost burned down this morning shit was crazy.
  9. Honestly I think that just about sums it up. I haven't delved too much into vaporware but it seems paradoxical in the way that its substance comes from pointing out its own lack of substance. I don't really define it as good or bad on a conceptual level, it's just kind of made to exist. At the same time, on an aesthetic level a lot of it is pretty enjoyable to listen to.
  10. kayohgee

    Payday General

  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67038/? mother of god
  12. kayohgee

    Fallout: Shelter

    Seems pretty decent. At one point I had two people in the living quarters flirting it up and I sent one out to explore the wasteland when a higher charisma character showed up. Juan is getting shot at by raiders while the new guy's fucking his girl. I like this game.
  13. kayohgee


    anyone wanna kill the bitch-ass moon lord with me some time? i've gotten really close the last couple of attempts and i'm sick of going through the lunar events and fighting him on my own. i just want to be done.
  14. Avenue Q is over. What a great fucking production this was. The part where I interact with the audience might be the most fun I've ever had in a show, and I brought the house down a few times which was an awesome feeling. I'm really going to miss it.
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  16. kayohgee

    Are eSports "real" sports?

  17. Two shows in and Avenue Q is shaping up well! I'm pretty thrilled! My boss came and sat in the front row, and I got to rib him a lot during a part with audience participation. The audience lost their shit. I'm not sure if I went too far, though. Here's hoping I don't get fired.
  18. kayohgee

    Kay Reviews

    Goddammit, Slick. Same rules apply, except I'm adding a few new ones. - Reviews will be audio only since I don't have a webcam. - If it's something on a loop I'm not watching it for 30 minutes. - If Slick starts updating his thread again then I will stop doing this. Hit me with your best shot, nerds.
  19. kayohgee

    So, Twinkies has this Minions decoration kit...

    To be fair, this is a pretty clever pair as far as marketing tie ins go. To be unfair, I hope everyone who eats a minion twinkie dies.
  20. kayohgee


    ​Yoyos are great but the Magic Missile is my BAE right now. I'm finding it to be an absurdly versatile item, especially for exploration.