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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. With John Caveson kicking off his very cool SPUF in Space revival idea, I went ahead and asked the other writers for The Business End if anyone wanted to join his Eternal Adventures project, which would probably mean splitting up the crew. Overall, no one seemed to keen on giving up The Business End just yet, even though SiS is inactive and most of us don't have the time to invest in RPing as we did on the old story thread. With that in mind, I figured the best way to continue our story would be to create our own solo offshoot based around The Business End and its crew. Rather than have it written by a single author I'm hoping to make this a collaborative effort, with each writer contributing (or just approving) whatever they can as far as characters and story lines go. Currently it looks like Witty and myself may be doing the bulk of the actual writing, but other TBE people can jump in at any time to contribute to the project (we have a PM discussion set up). The story will be taking place in the same universe as SiS/Eternal Adventures, so we'll also be collaborating across our respective stories to some degree. So far I have a few ideas planned as I'm sure others do, so hopefully we'll be able to start introducing some new story material soon. In the meantime, I've collected all our previous posts here. (I'm not sure we'll be sticking with the "Fenria I" / "Sun II" format later on, but it works for how the old thread was set up, and seemed like it would be easier to read it this way than stitching it all together in one big block.) Anyway, without further whatever: Tales From The Business End Previously.. Avalon Part One Chapter One - Alex TL;DR: The Business End just got back from a rather disastrous mission, good thing they got paid upfront. Now they're done with repairs and supply loading, and ready to get back out there. Author - alexgndl Chapter Two - Fenria TL;DR: Fenria is still getting over the convoy's destruction. She gets a chance to inspect her newly modified spacecraft. Author - <Witty Name> Chapter Three - Bine TL;DR: Bine Rides a train to the Buisness End's hangar. Author - Binary Chapter Four - Sun TL;DR: Sun heads back to the ship, plots some kind of "initiation" for Bine Arey. Author - Rynjin Chapter Five - Fenria TL;DR: Fenria steps outside for a bit of sunlight and runs into Sun. Author - <Witty Name> & Rynjin Chapter Six - Al TL;DR: Al and Hourai heads to the business end. Author - Doopliss2008 Chapter Seven - Bine TL;DR: Bine gets to the Business End, is "greeted" by Sun. They are interrupted by another arrival. Author - Binary Chapter Eight - Senn TL;DR: Desperate to get off world, Senn approaches Alex looking for a job, with mixed results. Author - Kayohgee Chapter Nine - Sun TL;DR: Sun talks to Alex about the new recruit. Author - Rynjin Chapter Ten - Senn TL;DR Senn takes on a pair of assassins and reads one of their minds. Realizing he was last seen talking to Alex, he races to find the crew of the Business End before they're all killed. Author - Kayohgee Chapter Eleven - Fenria TL;DR: Fenria bumps into Senn after his fight in the bar. Author - <Witty Name> Chapter Twelve - Senn TL;DR Senn and Fenria head to the spaceport together. Author - Kayohgee & <Witty Name>
  2. I stopped being a lazy bum and am finally getting around to writing some SiS stuff with Witty. We'll probably be able to finish up this first "episode" pretty soon, actually. 

  3. kayohgee

    The Steam Workshop Paid Mods Thread

    one_long_year's comment has now been guilded 26 times. People are piiiissed.
  4. kayohgee

    Tales From The Business End

    Well, after months of procrastinating (and just being busy) I think Witty and I are finally ready to actually update this thing. I know it's long overdue. So... where were we? Avalon Part Two Chapter One - Alex TL;DR: A group of Mercenaries enters the hangar. Alex goes to talk to them. Kayohgee stops being a lazy fuck and starts writing chapters again. Author - Kayohgee
  5. Clearly it would be Commander because he pretty much sets up the whole premise. It would be just like the real Indiana Jones movie - everyone is angry and confused at the end, wondering if it was all actually a joke or not.
  6. Better? ​I would watch the shit out of this.
  7. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Still need to do Episode 2. Does HL2: Update have its own set of achievements?
  8. ​I'm just saying all the "No internet/electricity? Better kill myself" and "Bored now. Better kill myself" responses seem really short sighted. ​Why? Just because you could survive doesn't mean you would want to. I don't think a lot of people could witness the disappearance of everyone they've ever known and the end of all human civilization and go "Whelp, better get some guidebooks and ride this shit out". I think killing yourself would be a perfectly valid response in this situation. ​I guess it really depends on what kind of person you are. I'd want to still live out my life like that, though it would be desolate as fuck. There's something about being the last living trace of humanity that makes me think I'd try to live as long as possible. Also I could destroy things without fear or repercussion. Which is really fun. Also I could hit up all the clothing shops and wear all the girl's clothing. Muahahhaha. ​Earlier jokes aside, in this scenario the only way I'd be able to keep going would be if I could find some kind of goal or purpose to work toward. I wouldn't be very happy just living. I think I'd try to find some kind of nuclear fallout bunker and spend the rest of my life securing and preserving mankind's history and culture in a safe place. Famous documents, noteworthy music, art and films, you name it. Maybe someone - extraterrestrials or whatever sentient beings happen to evolve next - will find it. It'd be something to do, at least.
  9. ​I'm just saying all the "No internet/electricity? Better kill myself" and "Bored now. Better kill myself" responses seem really short sighted. ​Why? Just because you could survive doesn't mean you would want to. I don't think a lot of people could witness the disappearance of everyone they've ever known and the end of all human civilization and go "Whelp, better get some guidebooks and ride this shit out". I think killing yourself would be a perfectly valid response in this situation.
  10. Assuming the power would stay on for a while: First I'd find a way to set up a radio tower to play whatever music I want. I'd break into every house in the city, open all their windows and make every stereo I find play that radio station as loud as they can. Then I'd run around to my custom city-wide playlist singing and dancing and destroying shit. aaand I guess I'd shoot myself in the head after that.
  11. I've always wanted to do shrooms. I would maybe do DMT. Not sure about acid.
  12. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I'm pretty impressed with Daredevil so far. It's cool to see the MCU branching out into something darker, more complex and especially more violent. I get why stuff like The Avengers typically doesn't go into that territory, but I'm glad they aren't pulling too many punches. It ups the stakes for all these characters in a way that something like an Iron Man movie just can't (or won't) do. Plus, that Oldboy-esque fight scene at the end of the second episode is crazy good for a TV show.
  13. kayohgee

    Emoticon Overhaul

  14. My hard drive died and I'm too lazy to check the forums on my phone. Form a line and tell me who missed me.
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    aww yiss
  16. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Isn't 'creepy' the point?
  17. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The trailer probably isn't representative of the stealth options because that would be less interesting to watch. I'm sure you'll be able to non-lethally sneak into the terrorists' base and defeat their leader with dialogue options in the actual game if you still want to play like a pussy.
  18. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Pretty much.
  19. kayohgee

    Anyone want a Tekkit server?

    Couldn't hurt.
  20. My computer has weird bouts where it crashes three times in a day and then is totally fine for weeks. Technology is dumb.
  21. I slept through an actual emergency once and got put on academic probation for not evacuating.