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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    The Binding of Isaac

    woah well, now I really do have to get a 3ds
  2. kayohgee

    April Fools 2015

  3. It's E Z TWO B a clever smart boy like me

  4. hey willem i love your work you were great in that one movie where you played a weird dude with a scary face keep on truckin' - kay
  5. kayohgee

    April Fools 2015

    So they're basically doing Fish Center with Aqua Teen characters? Wow. I have no idea if this is new or not but here's a thing: https://com.google/
  6. http://www.tedcruz.com/ looooooool
  7. Probably not an issue but since people rip on you a lot I feel I should mention that I wasn't saying "dumb shit no one cares about" in response to the post you made prior to this, Britt. I just realized the way I phrased that it might have come off that way. Totally not my intention.
  8. On the topic of "dumb shit no one cares about" I just noticed Stamda's signature is syncing up almost perfectly to the song I'm listening to and it's weirding me out a little bit. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-0_2N9SbtKrRXFvX0lmS2RxVFU/view?usp=sharing
  9. I'm signing a lease tomorrow and I'm a little worried the people I'm moving in with are just gonna pop up and yell "Just kidding! We fucking hate you, go die". To be fair that would be a pretty sweet prank, though.
  10. i mean aren't we all, kinda?
  12. I wouldn't say anything changed. Marcus tried to stage a Memarchist revolution but it was quickly overthrown. I'm pretty sure we're back to being the DPRKommander now, or whatever we were.
  13. Well... yeah. Obviously. It's a small community. Pretty much everyone here knows each other well, so we know even the people who do stupid shit sometimes aren't here for the sole purpose of doing stupid shit all the time. You on the other hand rarely post. I thought you were pretty much brand new, actually. I can't speak for everyone, but I barely know anything about you other than A. you started a massive shit avalanche and B. you seemingly hate it here. And hey, that's fine. I don't really care one way or the other. But when you act like that as a "newer" user, people are definitely gonna hold you to a different standard. If that's how you're gonna choose to be then accept that and don't be a baby about it when there's suddenly some kind of backlash.
  14. kayohgee

    Payday General
