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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    guys when are we gonna kill this fucking dragon guys
  2. finally the truth you've activated my trap card now I get all of your rep oh no! not my rep so sad oh, but wait what's this i have here?
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I heard that's more of an animation issue than anything. read: overkill lazy lol
  4. kayohgee

    Payday General

  5. kayohgee

    Payday General

    It does. I wish they would balance some of the more useless/redundant shotguns first before adding new ones, though.
  6. I always thought it'd be cool to be in the Berg adaptation of that. It's crazy.
  7. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Well, there are Dragon's Breath rounds in the promo image, so I think that's a safe bet. Could be pretty cool. If there isn't a "Kiss the Cook" apron unlockable this will be a complete waste of time, though.
  8. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I call this the "That One Scene in Inglourious Basterds where that one guy (I think it was Gerold Hirshberg but I'm not sure) runs and guns with a machine gun (in that movie it was an MG42 so a Buzzsaw would probably be more in keeping with the theme but I just think the KSP or maybe even the Brenner has the better stats so I'm going with one of those instead) and I thought it looked cool." build. I may have finally lost my fucking mind.
  9. kayohgee

    Your most played games?

    I went through a phase where I idled in TF2 a lot. I have no idea how many of my hours are legit or not. I think at least 1,000 of those hours are, but I don't know for sure.
  10. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Hoxton Breakout should have been a one-day actual prison breakout. Hoxton's revenge should have been day 2 of what we got for Hoxton Breakout and then what we got for Hoxton's revenge. That would've made more sense, I think. I always found it silly that the Payday gang just assaults an FBI office with absolutely no pre-planning, immediately after having been in a huge firefight.
  11. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Ran Hox Revenge loud and I didn't think it was that bad. I'm disappointed that it was HM's "break into the panic room" mixed with your standard "find the things and take them" mechanic but the map itself is pretty nice. I would have liked it to be multiple days but I think it makes a pretty good "Day 3" of Hoxton Breakout if you just think of it that way. One of those useless turrets also showed up to spray bullets into the one room where no one needed to be at any point in the heist, so I'm happy to see those are working out so well.
  12. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'd be up to try it.
  13. kayohgee

    Gear Up

    I've had a few hiccups with performance but otherwise it runs pretty well. Yeah, I don't mind people using the sniper but this particular combination/tactic is cheap as hell. I've barely played the game for an hour and I've already run into this. Very aggravating.
  14. kayohgee

    Payday General

    wow those masks look like crap With one or both? I figured the way Overkill likes to balance this shit they would make you use both so you'd have to forgo the stealth motor to one-tap boxes... although apparently the stealth motor is useless anyway, so I guess it doesn't even matter. Either way Berserker Ace is still a pretty good skill depending on what difficulty you're running, so there's reason enough to keep it around. Also, I hadn't really paid attention to the new reticles but jesus christ some of them are stupid. It's not like adding some of the sillier ones make the game worse but what's the point at all? Are you really going to throw a middle finger speculator sight on your RPG so your ten twitch viewers will think you're so cool every time you ADS to blow up a dozer?
  15. kayohgee

    Payday General

    it costs $220,000 to tape some old oil filters onto a couple pistols payday logic
  16. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I hadn't tested it yet. That is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
  17. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Two motors: one silent, one that adds +7 damage and two blades: a durability blade that adds +50 to the "magazine" and one that also adds +7 damage. I'm not sure how much the increased damage helps in terms of "hits" to open something like a safety deposit box. I don't know the numbers. If you already have Berserker the only mod that looks really useful is the durability blade, since you're already one-shotting everything anyway. Stealth motor's nice to have too. Apparently it doesn't even work when you're actually sawing shit. Nice. It's hillarious on the Judge best gun just got best-er
  18. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    fuuuuuuuuuck yooooooooooou
  19. kayohgee

    Payday General

    that new shotgun suppressor looks hot as hell