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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Most medieval protagonists would be like "What black magic is this?" and would probably just try to burn or otherwise destroy the computer. And I'm pretty sure Clementine would just be pissed that people made a game out of her friends constantly dying and would refuse to play it.
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Finally got around to seeing The Loved Ones. I have to recommend it if you're a horror/black humor fan. It's basically like Misery except with high school students, where a deeply disturbed young girl and her dad kidnap her crush to throw their own gloriously twisted prom. It's pretty brutal. Only thing that sucks is that I watched the trailer beforehand, which gives away most of the best shit. I knew a lot of what was coming. My sister went into it cold and was pretty freaked out, so I'd recommend doing the same if you plan on seeing it. I actually have it rented on Amazon for a while, so I'd be happy to stream it as part of a movie night or something.
  3. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    On that note, EvilBrain if you invite me to one more god damned "D-don't tug on my pantsu, Onii-chan!" steam group I will eat your family.
  4. I think a lot of the turmoil in the middle east has to do more with economic and political conditions than it does purely religious ones. That being said, every religion has some level of dysfunction and the fact that they can be easily used as a catalyst for irrational violence shouldn't be a surprise to anyone at this point.
  5. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    such no, many GTFO.
  6. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    Jesus. I have never heard of something so fucking Japanese in my life. I think I'll stick with being a casual and re-watching the Cowboy Bebop movie or something. Watch the Afro Samurai dub instead It's western enough for casuals like us to enjoy and the protag is voiced by Samuel L Jackson Afro Samurai might be due for a re-watch, yeah. I saw Resurrection fairly recently but the series was also pretty great. The animation is top notch and Samuel L Jackson did a pretty badass VA job.
  7. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    Jesus. I have never heard of something so fucking Japanese in my life. I think I'll stick with being a casual and re-watching the Cowboy Bebop movie or something.
  8. kayohgee

    Interest in Blogs

    so would mine, but they would be cool so do it.
  9. So a bunch of journalists get murdered, but the part that ruins your whole year is when someone calls out the irrational system of belief that helped cause it? It maaay be time to reevaluate your priorities. unless you actually meant to refer to the attack in general in which case carry on.
  10. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Don't forget to preorder it for the TF2 promotional items.
  11. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Five nights in development.
  12. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'm down. Just shoot me a message whenever.
  13. kayohgee

    Your GOTY for 2014

  14. kayohgee

    Your GOTY for 2014

    I didn't buy a whole lot of new games this year. Probably BoI, though.
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Fun fact: a friend of mine sang on the soundtrack for Civ V. Specifically Gods and Kings, I think.
  16. Wow! I haven't played in a while but I'd love to get my hands on those C- Shit. Oh well, congrats on 1,000 posts!
  17. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Yeah, DS9 is great. I watched the whole series about a year or so ago and it's definitely my favorite Trek series (although TNG is a close second). Vastly under appreciated. Voyager gets off the ground eventually even though it never figures out what to do with a lot of its characters. It settled into being decent, slightly smarter than average action schlock and actually has some really solid episodes. "Year of Hell" is just awesome and I think the somewhat similar "Timeless" from season 5 might be one of my favorite Trek episodes ever, actually. The problem is the quality episodes are just so few and far between.
  18. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm turned off by the whole kawaii desu desu anime princess art style or whatever but I too would like to play that.
  19. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Not as good as the first two, though. It took me a while to realize what pissed me off about it, and it's that you can't block in the middle of a combo or takedown any more. It makes everything feel clunky and uncoordinated. Chock it up to being a prequel I guess. Batman hasn't learned to uh... fight. Good. I haven't played it but I would if I got it for free. It looked like a well made game, and I didn't even hate not-Mark-Hamill Joker. In fact from what I've seen he has some great moments.
  20. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    > not Hatoful Boyfriend You're dead to me, Binary.
  21. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I kind of wanted Scott's version of Freeman to go with option B at the end. Watching him go out belligerently screaming at a bunch of aliens could have been pretty funny. He does go for option B as a stinger after the credits with... unusual results. Hahaha, that's great. Thanks for pointing that out.