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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I kind of wanted Scott's version of Freeman to go with option B at the end. Watching him go out belligerently screaming at a bunch of aliens could have been pretty funny.
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Anyone here have any of the Lone Wolf and Cub omnibus releases? I'm considering buying the first two to start but the books just look so thick, I can't help but think the spine might just fall apart after I read it.
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Speaking of Guy
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Woah wait woah what BRB selling my Knight head for that game I never play. Edit: NOT MARKETABLE? SHENANIGANS! Well ain't that weird.
  5. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Picked up Minimum, looks like a pretty interesting little game and it was three bucks. I also bought BattleBlock Theater, Castle Crashers and Terraria earlier in the sale. Not bad for less than 15 bucks. Also, speaking of BattleBlock Theater, I was browsing some stuff on the market and who the fuck is paying $20-30 for an item you get for owning a $15 game?
  6. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I've been pretty apathetic about this whole sale, but why haven't I been bothered to even vote on the Steam sale community choices? I could have been making that sweet sweet card money.
  7. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Someone came into a chatroom I frequent advertising their youtube channel and I am utterly baffled as to what it's supposed to be.
  8. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    It was on the last Humble Book Bundle, but I didnt got it. Damn, I wish I had known about that. Totally would have gotten it.
  9. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    So apparently there's a sequel comic to Django Unchained where Django teams up with none other than fucking Zorro. Has anyone read it? Because it sounds kind of awesome.
  10. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Al Jolson confirmed for new Bond.
  11. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Right. Idris Elba as A James Bond is perfectly fine. Idris Elba as THE James Bond is what people are taking issue with, because it doesn't make any sense. And to that I would say wait until how they actually fit it into the story, if Elba even plays him at all. They probably have quite a few options that would let them switch actors where it would still make sense.
  12. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Except he isn't any more. People don't change races. Which is why he would probably assume the name James Bond as a code name or some shit. We've already talked about this. And my point is that James Bond is not a spy from the cold war any more. It's a new version of the character in the modern era, so why shouldn't the filmmakers be allowed to make new rules?
  13. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Except he isn't any more.
  14. kayohgee


    It was the same in mine. I know what Witty looks like but I just kind of inherently knew "that guy's Gigolo" and that the other one was probably Cube. The fact that they were sufSPUFers also had no relevance to the dream. It wasn't mentioned once which makes it even stranger.
  15. kayohgee


    Was Cube an actual Cube? Nah he was just some normal guy, with a gay crab for a face and active volcanoes for nipples. Gigolo was a cube, though. My dreams are weird.
  16. kayohgee


    I had a dream that a few of us (I think it was myself, Witty, Gigolo and Cube?) were digging up fossils in my back yard. We found a T. Rex. It was pretty cool.
  17. kayohgee

    The Binding of Isaac

    MS kill get
  18. kayohgee

    The IT thread.

    Try it in Private Browsing mode (ctlr+shift+n or go into the top-right menu to open a new private tab). A plugin may be interfering, and Private Browsing disables them all temporarily. Yup, that was it. I tested it with certain extensions on and off. It was Hola. I switched over to UK to watch Doctor Who on Christmas and forgot to turn it off. That must have been what was doing it. Come to think of it though, I'm pretty sure I've had Hola set to other countries for weeks at a time and never had this issue. I'm not sure why it would start now.
  19. kayohgee

    The IT thread.

    The Steam website just continually logs me out now and I can't figure out why. I sign in, end up on the homepage and going to any other page just instantly boots me off. I'm using chrome. I cleared my cookies and made sure they were enabled, same issue. I'm at my wit's end with this shit.
  20. kayohgee

    Payday General

    goddammit it's hard enough trying to play with Guy with just Huff and Moby and Batty around
  21. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Oh yeah, that's a thing, isn't it? Yup. Honestly I really don't care about that one, either. There isn't much about a character that boils down to "cocky and often on fire" that wouldn't allow him to be played by a black dude.
  22. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    Note to self: scrap plans for Breaking Bad re-edit in which instead of cooking meth, Walter White is secretly and inexplicably leading a double life as Beyonce.
  23. kayohgee

    Merry Christmas

    Got some gift cards. So far I picked up Cowboy Bebop and the Bebop movie and I'm not sure what else I'm gonna get.
  24. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    They already erased the other films from the current canon. Casino Royale was a full reboot. Except for the latest one, brings them all back into cannon. Do you mean Skyfall or Spectre? Unless I'm forgetting something I don't see how either of those re-integrated/will re-integrate the old films. The only thing Skyfall did was establish that yes, Daniel Craig's character's given name is actually James Bond. Doesn't mean it couldn't be appropriated as a code name for future agents taking the 007 mantle. Skyfall, the scene with Bond and M driving to Scotland in the old Martain, he refers to old films that he had it in. Also Bond makes references to the first Q. I vaguely remember this but I'm pretty sure it was more of a cutesy in-joke than an actual attempt to work in the older films. The "ejector seat" bit doesn't necessarily make it the same car that was used in Goldfinger. IIRC he acquired the DB5 in Casino Royale and probably modified it some time between QoS and Skyfall. It's the same with with the "exploding pen" line. It references the MI6 gadgets from the past but doesn't explicitly state that Bond was around back then, in this timeline. In Skyfall we see where he grew up and that Bond is in fact his real surname, so he's the "real" James Bond, and he gets his 00 status in the beginning of Casino Royale, so he can't be the same Bond/s from the classic movies. There are elements from the older films re-appropriated and remixed into the new ones, but it's still a re-telling that isn't directly connected to those films.
  25. kayohgee

    Should James Bond be Black?

    They already erased the other films from the current canon. Casino Royale was a full reboot. Except for the latest one, brings them all back into cannon. Do you mean Skyfall or Spectre? Unless I'm forgetting something I don't see how either of those re-integrated/will re-integrate the old films. The only thing Skyfall did was establish that yes, Daniel Craig's character's given name is actually James Bond. Doesn't mean it couldn't be appropriated as a code name for future agents taking the 007 mantle.