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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Kind of crazy to think that I was 18 when Iron Man came out and I'll be almost 30 by the time Marvel finishes this story arc.
  2. kayohgee

    Payday General

    You know, the time it takes to drop and detonate a grenade is almost the same as the amount of time it takes to place an ammo bag. I tested it earlier and if you drop a grenade and then begin placing an ammo bag ASAP, the grenade usually detonates just as the bag is finished being placed. The bag takes an additional second to place after detonation, tops. If you took bullet storm, using this technique with low health you could drop a grenade at your feet, place an ammo bag and trigger Swan Song, Berserker and Bullet Storm almost simultaneously, giving you 9 seconds of invincibility, double damage and infinite ammo that would negate Swan Song's downside entirely. You could also do it with well coordinated teammates tossing a couple nades at a time. Not sure if it's practical, but it would be pretty damn cool if it worked.
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I wasn't thrilled with the Hox breakout either. Everything just needed to be... bigger. Give us a whole planning and break-in phase on day 1. Starting off where the trailer does it alright but I wish there had been more to it from a gameplay perspective. It seemed like this would have been a perfect place to have created armor bags for, since you could have stealthed into the prison and then gone loud during the break out. Day 2 is cool but it's just so silly. You mount a head on assault against an FBI building with basically no prep time or planning. You'd think Hox could have waited a day and we would have gotten a more interesting break-in segment with that too. Have the team drop in by helicopter and rappel down the building to get to the 30th floor or some shit. Having them just walk in through the front door and root through some bins was just so anticlimactic.
  4. kayohgee

    Payday General

    What are going to call our new hybrids, guys? Enforcitive? Fugician? Masterfuge?
  5. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Keep in mind that Thick Skin only affects ballistic vests, not tactical vests (if the description is accurate)
  6. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'm down.
  7. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Same thing as the perk deck, but you need to spend a lot of points to get to the last tier and the aced version is the same as the last Hitman perk card. That's... really disappointing. I figured one would be for pistols and one for primaries.
  8. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I really wish I was still 100 so I could play around with this stuff more. Some of these skills look great. Now I'm trying to trim even more fat from my enforcer tree. I wonder how much it would suck if I dropped ammunition specialist and tough guy altogether.
  9. kayohgee

    Payday General

    As someone who does a lot of midrange sniping, Run and Gun aced looks like it'd be worth trying out. Swan Song looks like it could be really useful in certain circumstances. Having a guaranteed 9 seconds of invincibility (aced) could go a long way and could add an interesting new dimension to tanking. If the no health thing works with Berserker Ace then I can see this being absolutely god tier for Dearg Wish. Counter Strike isn't something I'd use but damn is parrying Cloakers a cool idea. Bullseye is the only other skill that sounds like it'd be good for my play style. I'm not sure how big a deal 32 armor every three seconds would make in situations where you really needed it though.
  10. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Improved Crafting FIREWORKS!
  11. kayohgee

    Payday General

    White cards: A fuckin' Pekingese Black cards: The AO is a colossal ____fuck! Okay ____ers, let's get ____in'.
  12. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Easiest way to get up there: go down that alley on the left side of the warehouse. On the left, there should be a ladder that leads up to the roof of the building across from it. You can jump over the alley to get onto the roof of the warehouse. From there you can go down the stairs, although that hallway can be a high traffic area, so if it's "blocked" by guards you can jump over the left railing to the lower balcony and pick open one of the doors. There's a little thing over the doors, so if you can hop over the railing and land on that you don't need to take any damage. The only real risk with doing that is with the door open, guards will sometimes patrol (or stop) on that balcony. As far as the other guards you can blast, here are the ones I've found: If the door to the basement is open there will be a guard next to the door. From his right, Loco him into the wall at a 45 degree angle or so. He very often comes to rest against that wall. Be aware that if you don't punt him far enough away from the door, his feet stick out and any guard that comes down into the basement can detect him. However, if you punt him too far and he falls in front of the fence, guards on the roof can detect him. The second one is outside where the crowbar spawns. I'm pretty sure if you punt him into the corner he won't ever be seen. Third, on Death Wish, there's a guard that patrols the alley to the left. From the gate area, go to the end of the alley and stop before the staircase. Face the wall of the warehouse (or, "straight"). Wait until he gets to the top of the stairs and, crouched, shoot him near the face. He should flip over the railing of the staircase and land at the bottom, next to or against the wall. Guards on the roof will not detect him (also flipping that motherfucker over the railing is really satisfying). Even if you have cleaner, these can save you a few body bags if you don't want to keep going back for them, or for bagging up civs. If you don't have it, in certain instances you can also do it to guards in the warehouse. Although this is much less advisable, if you do it in a low traffic area once the guards have stopped, it can give you time to get away with certain shit. Earlier I got the armor out of the safe with a guard tucked away behind some boxes on the ground floor room with the cages because I knew civilians rarely go down the hallway he was in. It's risky, but it can help you get out of a pickle if you need to.
  13. kayohgee

    Unofficial CaH Card Request Thread

    "Merso's stupidly long AMA question" or something to that affect. Put that in parentheses and you could also have a decent black card too, I guess.
  14. kayohgee

    Payday General

    whyyyyyyyyyy Cleaner ace lets you hide all four guards you kill, as well a civ if necessary Because it's four points I wanted elsewhere and I don't need it, at least not for shadow raid. For every guard outside on the left and the cam operator I've learned to loco punt them into locations where their bodies won't be detected. I might take cleaner on this next level up for other missions, but on shadow raid I can usually get by with only having to bag up one guy inside. I'm not telling him not to take it, I'm just saying if he has cleaner the way he plays the mission will probably be different.
  15. kayohgee

    Payday General

    That's pretty much it s far as the objective goes. Sneak as many bags out of the warehouse/depot as possible without setting off the alarm. You'll also need to find a crowbar to open crates, which you can find outside on the left side of the building, in a hallway on the top floor, in the kitchen on the ground floor or in the sewers (I think there are a couple other spawns but those seem to be the most common). The only other thing to really "get" are map variables like guard positions, loot spawns, cameras, ladders, shit like that. Without writing up a whole thing, my basic recommendation would be learn the map. At the beginning of the heist scout the area and see how things are set up. Knowing where cameras are will help you figure out if you need to take cams out right away or not. Check the sewers, check the side door to the basement to see if there's a guard there, check the back corner for a guard, check to see if there's a ladder in the back. Once you have that information you can plan out who you need to kill and what the fastest/safest route to transport bags will be. From there it's pretty much basic stealth shit. The only three really important things are, first, after 5+ minutes a chopper will come in either airlifting a container with an artifact or additional guards. It's important to pay attention to see which one it is. Second, the armor safe has a double keycard lock, where the cards have to be inserted within 10 seconds of each other. It's entirely possible to do solo, but success can depend a lot on luck. Third, at some point in the heist most of the guards in the warehouse just stop. I don't know why. I've heard it's anything from them simply stopping after 15 minutes, or based on how many other guard you've killed. What I usually do is try to clear the building out first, because those guards can really fuck you over if you wait too long and they stop in awkward positions (then again I don't have cleaner, so I have to be especially careful about dispatching them). Once you learn the map and figure out a system it's really not too difficult. I just got 20 bags out of there on solo deathwish including the armor and the depot artifact and I'm absolute shit at most other stealth missions.
  16. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    It wouldn't have been so boring if I hadn't seen the big twist coming from a mile away. It was just so painfully, painfully obvious. If it had been a slow paced episode with lots of character development that would have been good, but it didn't even have that. It was an interesting concept that ultimately made a lame episode. I agree about next week though. Holy shit.
  17. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Honestly, my question is why use the Crosskill without being a Masterforcer? because crosskill is boss... kill.
  18. kayohgee

    Payday General

    This is what I'm using. You can ditch the sentries if you don't like them but the Crosskill is mandatory. The build I'm going for is pretty similar to this one. This is what I'm going for on this level-up. It's like my first L 100 build with a few changes to the Enforcer tree. Only Enforcer skills I'm missing out on from my last build are Underdog Aced and Fully Loaded Aced. Underdog is nice but the damage reduction probably isn't all that necessary, and Fully Loaded is rendered kind of useless because of Walk in Closet. I'll also probably take Oppressor instead of Pumping Iron just because I very rarely bother to melee anything. Now I just have to figure out what to do with those nine extra points. Maybe Cleaner and Chameleon to start with.
  19. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    For the first 30 seconds or so I honestly thought that was going to be a parody video. Jesus.
  20. kayohgee

    Payday General

    New content in the works is exciting, but Crimefest overall has been incredibly disappointing. Even if the new primary is good and the Breakout is amazing it won't be able to balance out everything else. I don't think it's that bad. The new skill tree alone is going to add a ton of content to the game in terms of new builds and skills people are going to be testing out. Plus, I'm guessing we'll be getting a new infamy tree for Old Hoxton's tree as well. There's going to be a lot of stuff for people to do even if some of the other things have sucked. Seriously though. Monday is such a shit day to release new content. I'll never understand why so many games have weird release schedules like this. Give us shit on the weekend when we'll all have time to play it.
  21. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I just realized that anyone who does get into PAYDAY through John Wick's first impression of the game is going to be "Why does Wick sound so fucking different/stupid?" They really should have put more effort into VA.
  22. kayohgee

    Payday General

    How about a lion driving a literal bulldozer
  23. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I finally have my big boy glasses.
  24. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Eh. At least it shows they did put some effort into fitting Wick into the game's lore. So that's cool.