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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    The Walking Dead

    Definitely. Season 4 was pretty great.
  2. kayohgee

    Halo General

    Fuck. I kind of want to buy an Xbone now.
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Eh. I think I have everything I need in that tree. If anything I might move those points to Ghost.
  4. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I don't kill civs, though (which at this point almost makes running something like Jewelry Store harder than Shadow Raid). I used to be like that too, but then I had a better idea. Slaughter everything with a "!". Otherwise unless you're a micromanagement god one of them WILL decide to be a hero and call the police when you're moving shit to the van. "TOO MUCH HEAT I GOTTA SPLIT BE BACK IN A FEW" or "ESCAPE" will then follow. I don't think you need to be an MM god, just know which people to tie and when. I usually go into the back room first and tie whichever ones won't leave so all the other civs are in the main room. Usually there are one or two max which leaves you four to five ties to work with. If I feel like taking my sweet time, sometimes I move them into the safe room to prevent anyone else from seeing them. Now all the remaining civs are in the main room and are pretty easily controlled. I start the drill and rush the front. From there are a few of ways to go about it: If no one outside has seen you, you can tie anyone close to the windows and quickly move them behind one of the displays. In my experience if they're out of sight, no passersby will be alerted and as long as you move the bags across carefully you should be fine. The other option is to tie people up in the street. I usually shout down the ones next to the store because they're close enough to manage and tie up anyone who gets alerted further off, but it depends on the situation. Sometimes you have time to move people on the street into the store to prevent chains and sometimes you don't. Whatever you do, as long as you sprint back to the main room of the store at regular intervals, you won't usually have a problem. It's a matter of moving a bag, shouting people down and repeating. ECMs help as well. inb4 "or you could just shoot them all" TBH I do have to shoot one or two of them on occasion, but I feel like that's a step of from just slaughtering all of them even if it can be a huge pain in the ass.
  5. kayohgee

    Payday General

    If you don't have dom it's the only way to go about it. I don't kill civs, though (which at this point almost makes running something like Jewelry Store harder than Shadow Raid).
  6. kayohgee

    chesse20 steam curator group

    I didn't know I needed this until I did
  7. I'm no law expert but I think the issue is that whoever was prosecuting tried to get him on "attempted voyeurism" while he was in a public place. In that case I can see the judge's point. If possible he should have been charged with some kind of sexual harassment instead.
  8. kayohgee

    Fallout series

    I have a bunch too. I could probably make some stickers or something and we could legit mail a box of Nuka Cola caps to Bethesda.
  9. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Yeah, but it can also come down to being lucky/unlucky with where guards decide to stand. The fact that the guards eventually stop can really screw you over if they take up bad positions in the warehouse. Also, I've learned that taking the cams down first definitely seems to be the best way to go about it. Getting off the top floor after that can be tricky but no cams makes the whole thing a hell of a lot more manageable.
  10. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Ran it again. Armor get.
  11. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Finally Soloed Shadow Raid on Death Wish despite my stubborn refusal to put skill points into Cleaner. Didn't manage to get the armor this time around, but you know. Baby steps.
  12. well if somebody would message me back about continuing our story and write his post then maybe we could actually get off the ground and kill stuff
  13. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Can we have Dallas's brother have a new mask, preferably taking a punch to the gut before Hoxton takes his back? Either he or OH are getting a new one. There was a fifth heister with a modified Hoxton mask in that ice bucket challenge video.
  14. kayohgee

    Payday General

    So when Old Hoxton comes back are we just gonna call him and the new guy "Hoxton" and "Old Hoxton" or is one of them gonna get a new codename?
  15. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I thought the parkour-lite scene was kind of cool.
  16. kayohgee

    Payday General

    0:14 "Yeah just shake the gun around in your hand a lot. It'll look great in post, trust me"
  17. kayohgee

    Payday General

    That full-on cringe I get when I'm stealthing something and Chains screams "I'm picking a fucking lock guys!" as loud as he possibly can...
  18. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    What's the point in offering a zombie mode if it's just as stupid and pointless as the primary game? Who's going to see this and go "shitty Counter Strike? but with zombies? I am so playing that"? If you want to play a Counter Strike style game, there are better games to pick from, like actual Counter Strike. If you want to play a zombie game, there are better games to pick from, like L4D. Or actual Counter Strike with a zombie mod. There seems to be no reason to play this.
  19. I'll deny your motion. (meaning I will kill you) (and your lifeless form will be denied the ability to move because you will be dead) (because I killed you)
  20. As the appointed court stenographer, I arguably have the most important job here. However, I am currently imprisoned without hope of timely release in the sunken city of R'lyeh, located deep beneath the ocean. As my presence at this hearing at of the utmost necessity, I move that we relocate the proceedings to my watery dwelling. Given the lack of sunlight, this would also solve any issues that vampires who plan to be in attendance might otherwise have. Please note that any person wishing to enter the sunken city of R'lyeh must first sign a waiver agreeing that I bear no responsibility or liability should the undersigned see an elder god or some fucked up inter-dimensional shit and go incurably insane, or suffer from any bodily injury including but not limited to: evisceration, amputation, immolation, mutilation, strangulation, castration, mutation, defenestration and/or (but probably and) total scrotal implosion. We hope to see you soon!
  21. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I still need to beat that game. Also, I've been watching a lot of gameplay for Alien: Isolation and it looks kind of disappointing. I appreciate what they tried to go for with it (instead of making another Colonial Marines) but the execution seems pretty lackluster. If you're going to make a video game where the main enemy is a perfectly evolved killing machine, it should probably act like a perfectly evolved killing machine. If your protagonist can hide in a closet or literally just crouch 6 feet behind them (after opening a nearby door with a loud whoosh) to avoid the xenomorphs, it makes them look pretty pathetic. Same with the facehuggers. I watched a video near the tail end of the game and they were just barbecuing facehuggers left and right (except not literally left and right because the facehuggers just kind of strolled right up to them in a straight line) like it was no problem. Facehuggers should be absolutely terrifying things to have to deal with. Hell, even in Aliens when you saw marines blasting groups of xenomorphs to pieces, they still found a way to make the facehuggers pretty panic inducing for the viewers and the characters. Also,
  22. I call court stenographer! because everything's already written down so I don't have to do anything
  23. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    This was the issue I had with the bank heist episode. I really wanted to see the planning phase, because that's typically one of the more interesting parts of the heist. I just wanted to see the Doctor come up with something brilliant and execute it like a badass. Instead we had everyone running around WTFing for the whole episode, not sure what was going on. Moffat ultimately sacrificed the best part of the heist in order to set up a "clever" twist I saw coming a mile away. I loved the episode, but the structure didn't really work for me.
  24. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Mother of god.