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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. Is it possible to keep the notifications and all the other new stuff but have the thread layout closer to the current one?
  2. kayohgee

    Payday General

    HM is awesome but it's bugged as fuck. Earlier Guy got downed by a Sniper who's laser sight appeared to be clipping through the top of a building from above. No way to get a clear line of sight on him. Tasers seem to be broken too. Lots of people have been complaining about being tased too long, or being tased after the actual taser is dead. Plus I regularly see shit like this: Spoiler payday pls
  3. I'll make a rep thread where you can post like 1200 times and I'll just upvote them all. It'll be a thankless job but someone has to do it.
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I didn't hate it but it was surreal as fuck. Some of the stuff Homer and the other Simpsons characters got roped into was just really bizarre to watch, more so than being funny. Honestly the best parts were the references and meta humor. Everything else just felt wrong.
  5. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Anyone feel like doing a Sound of Animals Fighting run sometime tomorrow?
  6. Really? It seems normal to me. Can you take a screenshot? We'll look at it in the morning. Yeah I'm not feeling the circular avatars. That size. It's not huge but the way the posts are structured it feels really big. It makes the whole site look like a twitter page or something. I'm not a fan of the wide but short/thin post style. I think there needs to be some amount of negative space in the actual post and the area around them, otherwise everything feels very claustrophobic. Smaller avatars, no sidebar information and big text makes it feel like the site is taking up more space to give me less information which I think is a huge step down from what we have now.
  7. kayohgee

    Payday General

    dat neon
  8. I don't know if it's possible to configure this way, but up/downvotes and rep should probably be separate systems. Having people negarepping each other indiscriminately and having other people repping those people just to balance out is going to be a mess.
  9. Why is the text so huge?
  10. Profile > Settings > Paginate As for the other stuff I haven't played around with it much.
  11. I'm gonna try to give some actual feedback instead of just raging about this. The ability to tag posts and follow users is kind of interesting for people who want to take advantage of it but it won't be an issue for people who want to ignore it, so I think that's fine. Sharing to facebook and whatever is totally unnecessary but again, ignore it if you don't want to use it. Not a big deal. It looks like block quotes are gone but I'm really not going to miss those much. A more active/real time/whatever you want to call it notification system is nice. I'm on another board that has similar features and it's handy to be able to get feedback and see when someone's replied to something instantly. As for the layout the theme isn't great but this is a demo version and that's what we have graphic designers for. The way everything is sorted seems alright. The only real disadvantage that I can think of is that it doesn't seem like it's set up for subforums. Not enough people have posted anything for me to get a sense of how the voting stuff works (for instance at what score posts are hidden, if posts even move up or down as they're voted on, etc). Same for the self moderation tools. Personally I think people should just give it a try so we can actually evaluate it, but if no one's going to bother even testing it then the mods should post some example stuff so we can get a better feel for how everything on this board would translate to that board.
  12. I'm going to assume everyone else shares that sentiment. *Steals all the usernames* I am subSPUF now.
  13. I'm stealing someone's username before they can register it. If you need me talk to "Idiot cube".
  14. kayohgee

    Halo General

    I got nostalgic so I brushed the dust off my old Halo soundtracks and reimported them. Then I was looking around online and found out that Halo 2 volume 2 is a thing. I remember buying volume 1 of the soundtrack and being disappointed that it was a pretty limited selection of music from the game padded with "original music" filler. I also distinctly remember wondering if this was volume 1 where volume 2 was. Apparently it came out two freaking years later in 2006 and I never heard about it or followed up on it. I just torrented it and it seems like more or less the full score, arranged into suites and everything. I could not be more stoked right now.
  15. If so, I vote we also have a section with a classic forum layout called SPUFpowered Throwback.
  16. then can you please tell us what exactly it is? I have no aversion to new junk but it would be nice to have specifics on exactly what said new junk is/does. This is more or less my position on it. I don't mind having some kind of reddit-like system but the information is pretty vague and open to interpretation. Assuming these changes are legit, I can't really form an opinion aside from it could be cool if it's done right. For that reason I don't really see the point in attacking it yet either.
  17. I just like it cause it reminds me of smash bros or some shit. http://clyp.it/gv20rfcj (this might be a bit loud) OT, the changes sound like they could be pretty cool. Thanks for your efforts, guys.
  18. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I need to do this as well. I did an achievement run of HL2 a while back but I still need to do Ep. 1 and 2. Actually, come to think of it I'm not sure I've even played the episodes on this account.
  19. Can we call it SuperSPUFpowered or something? SPUFpowered Next sounds like a soda trying to rebrand for a younger, hipper generation.
  20. kayohgee

    Fallout series

    I hated that stealth suit. I was so excited to get it for my stealth character and then the fucking thing started talking to me and I just ended up using the assassin suit instead.
  21. kayohgee

    Halo General

    Can we take a minute to talk about how great the music of the original Halo franchise was? It had a really unique style and I feel like it was one of the few shooters that had an actual "orchestrated" score. I loved how the music during most of the shooting sections was energetic yet still kind of low key, but made the game feel really big and cinematic during certain moments. They utilized music so well in the many teasers leading up to Halo 3 too. Using the Raindrop Prelude was a great chouce for the diorama video and I'll never forget the incredible amount of goodbumpy hype during the announcement trailer when the orchestra dropped off and that piano motif was introduced during Master Chief's reveal. Really brilliant.
  22. kayohgee

    Halo General

    Halo 3 was easily my favorite. I spent an insane amount of time in multiplayer for that game. I was miles better at Halo 2 though.