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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    This is a "watch until the end" video.
  2. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Pretty much me every time I'm part of a stealth run. "Uh... I'll watch cameras?"
  3. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    Seconded. Gorgeous animation and some very solid action sequences. It's currently on my "get on blu-ray" list.
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Cass was there but I'm pretty sure she was fighting a different cluster of guys at the time. Maybe it was some kind of friendly fire accident? I've had the same thing happen with him. I usually just turn third person kill cams off altogether when I have a follower so I don't have to keep flashing back to those radscorpions a mile back they just refused to leave be.
  5. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Spoiler That was a really silly episode, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure that scene with The Doctor dueling Robin Hood with a spoon will go down as a classic.
  6. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I blew a guys's head off in Fallout New Vegas today. A chunk of his skull went spinning off a few feet away and hit another NPC in the head with such force that it seemingly caused his head to also explode. I'm pretty sure that's impossible, but I couldn't figure out where another source of damage could have come from that would have killed the second guy. I wasn't even firing at him or using a weapon with much spread at the time. From where I was standing, a gib just smacked him in the face and his head popped. Definitely a WTF moment.
  7. kayohgee


    I think you dream to some degree every night. Most of them you just don't remember.
  8. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'd be down to try it. It'd probably be good to get a group together on mumble or something.
  9. kayohgee


    Last night I was lost/being chased through this really confusing, M.C. Escher type landscape with these huge concrete loops and shit hanging in the air. It was like I was being chased on a highway out of Antichamber. I don't remember most of it. My best guess as to why is because I played New Vegas right before I went to bed and I was running around on that rollercoaster in Primm shooting people. After that I had a dream that everyone in my family was having relationship issues. My aunt and uncle were getting a divorce and my cousin was dating this really skeezy guy. She went on this date with him and he referred to her as "Number 400". Then she went on anther date with him a couple days later and he told her she'd been bumped up to Number 500 and had "missed her chance" to be Number 400 because they hadn't slept together on their first date. Turns out he had fucked 100 women since then and assigned them all a number. My cousin was absolutely obsessed with this guy.
  10. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    they're my otp this is all i care about
  11. kayohgee


    My most vivid dreams are usually packed full of symbolism and I wake up having learned something about myself. Then you get dreams like last night's, where I was some kind of detective and Oprah Winfrey was invading my dreams trying to incept my partner and I to shoot an innocent man in our sleep so she could frame us for murder. Not really sure what's going on with that one.
  12. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Given the ammo though, it seems like just using the Thanatos or R93 would be a better alternative. It looks like it'll be fairly concealable with the available mods but I can't see swapping out a Sniper for it in most cases.
  13. kayohgee

    Facade has a crack at streaming

    A few observations, mostly about sound: 1. I can hear a good bit of static when you use your mic 2. Your voice is a lot louder than your music or the game, so you might want to play with your levels a bit 3. If you're going to use background music, I'd switch off in-game music. They're kind of awkward sounding together. Other than that, everything seems fine. I know nothing about LoL but your video looks good.
  14. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I don't like any of the animal masks, really. That being said, I'm kind of tempted to customize my horse mask with that lion face pattern because then it looks like it has a second mouth on its face and it's unsettling as fuck. This would be god-tier. I wonder how much use that grenade launcher's going to see. I'm excited to fuck around with it for a bit but I can't see it being all that useful in most situations.
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'd be down for this. I've tried to organize games of it with people before but they're always too lazy to play.
  16. kayohgee


    Copyright is fucking ridiculous sometimes. I guess my question is more about why Wolfe is doing this. Is he trying to get Mojang to release their code, or just to stick it to someone? Because there seems very little practical reason to file such a complaint.
  17. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Seriously impressive, especially using the lingering flame particles to ignite enemies.
  18. kayohgee


    So let me get this straight: Wolfe was one of the main developers involved with CraftBukkit. At some point Mojang devs got involved and incorporated code into a later version of the mod. That code wasn't authorized for public use and this violated/invalidated CraftBukkit's General Public Licence. So... Wolfe is filing a DMCA complaint. Against a mod he helped develop. On the grounds that Mojang's code isn't authorized for public use. Even though they incorporated it into the mod? What in the fuck is going on here?
  19. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm reinstalling both of them so I'll be doing runs of both as well. The Fallout 3 DLCs are pretty great for the most part. Mothership Zeta was weak but that one is so fucking bizarre I'm not sure I can even give it a ranking compared to the others.
  20. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    All this fallout talk reminds me of a couple videos oh fallout
  21. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    All DLC plus Gun Runners Arsenal and the Courier Stash packs. And the Gun Runners Arsenal is very much worth it. A lot of the New Vegas DLC is kind of lackluster, in my opinion. I think they're all worth getting but a few of them can be tedious at times and as far as the narrative goes they're kind of a letdown. I had way more fun blowing heads off with the Anti-materiel Rifle than I did playing Dead Money.
  22. kayohgee

    Payday General

    None of the weapons really interest me as of now, but apparently they're adding a shit ton of mods. I'd get it for some good mods.
  23. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I'm guessing if it's anything it's Battlefield since they seem to be spoofing it in Gage's picture.
  24. kayohgee

    Payday General
