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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    I'm a TARDISkin and the Doctor kicking the door open in the beginning triggered me.
  2. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Don't have it. (I should get it, I know). Honestly I don't even find Overkill to be that difficult, now. I haven't really played many loud missions on Death Wish, though. Mostly stealth. I imagine that would be pretty difficult.
  3. kayohgee

    Payday General

    lol beta I crashed twice before I was able to join your bank heist yesterday.
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was checking out Contagion today and while I was looking over achievements I saw this: Damn they've got some tall fucking characters in this game.
  5. kayohgee

    Lizard Squad DDoS

    So now apparently they have been arrested, or at least their identities have been leaked. please oh please
  6. kayohgee

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    It's like they colored it blue first and then said "Oh shit I'm so fucking stupid that isn't pink at all let me just fix that" and then went and colored it wrong again.
  7. kayohgee

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    I especially like how "Pink" is actually wrong twice.
  8. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Definitely true. I don't think the Doctor is much darker at all, he's just brutally honest. This is getting very ahead of the current series, but I would be very interested to see how the remorseful Ten and manipulative Eleven would react to seeing how Twelve is now. I really hope we get to explore that in some kind of "Three Doctors" special.
  9. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Danny Pink is going to end up being co-companions with Clara, so I'm guessing the soldier theme they established this episode is going to be very relevant to how he interacts with the Doctor.
  10. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Yes. I'm absurdly excited to see Twelve Scottish the fuck out of some Daleks.
  11. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    I would say the worst RTD episodes easily out-bad the worst Moffat episodes. I'd watch the Doctor reboot the universe or some silly bullshit any day over Dobby the house elf defeating a bunch of human head spheres with happy thoughts.
  12. kayohgee

    Youtubers and Swatting

    Unfortunatley I'm pretty sure it's fake. That picture was ripped from a completely unrelated article.
  13. kayohgee

    Smache Brothers

    Also can I just be a bitch for a moment and complain about yet another sword character Please do. It seems like Nintendo has an opportunity to pick from a big roster of unique characters so it's kind of disappointing when they add another anime sword guy or whatever. "Hey, we should add this character from an obscure game that has a really bizarre, interesting moveset." "We cooould do that. But then again we don't have a sword guy who swings his sword like THIS yet."
  14. kayohgee

    Smache Brothers

    avishun! aseeyet
  15. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Weird. In that case maybe I'll just toss the four points into Portable Saw for the added utility (despite having no points invested in upgrades). Or Bullet Storm. That can be effective (and extremely fun) when used properly.
  16. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Multiple pellets hitting the same target doesn't do more damage. Each pellet does full damage and they don't stack. FFS Payday. Now what Witty was saying makes more sense. I really didn't see the issue with the spread being tighter if they stacked. Slugs suffer from damage falloff for some insane reason. I can't get much use out of them. I'm talking specifically with something like Rays Day 1 in mind, though. Using a Shotgun with slugs (in combination with Enforcer perks) might be a decent alternative to take on Shields since I think the R93 isn't quite as well suited for that kind of environment. Anywhere else and yeah, they seem pretty useless. All the ammo types seem kind of useless, really. It's a shame.
  17. kayohgee

    Payday General

    >hardboiled You don't want accuracy if you're firing from the hip, unless you're fighting at long range. A lower accuracy gives you a bigger cone for the target's head to be in, making headshots more forgiving (as you don't have a reticle to aim with). Since Payday's shotgun mechanics are more broken than a piece of fine china thrown out of a speeding car, you also get a chance to deal much more damage- each pellet can hit a different cop and deal full damage. At the same time, your accuracy shouldn't be too low, or you'll have trouble hitting people beyond close range. Sounds like something I'd have to get a feel for myself. The 20% increase might not be too unforgiving to work with and tightening the spread up could be beneficial when dealing with specials. But I see your point. Does anyone have experience with Slugs, by the way? I've also been pondering if something like a Reinfeld or even an M1014 loaded up with Slugs wouldn make a decent armor piercing substitute for certain close quarters jobs.
  18. kayohgee

    Payday General

    I play as an extremely aggressive shotgun enforcer, so I run around right in the thick of the wave and click on heads with my Raven/Loco. With Fully Loaded aced, I get 2-3 shells for my loco and a completely unreasonable number (twice that, at least. can't remember exactly) of shells for the Raven. Since I never really need an ammo bag, I can save it for the saw or for my teammates who are sitting in the back and spamming with 6 accuracy AMRs. It also makes the Thanatos more viable. You get a bullet for every 2 ammo drops, rather than for every 4. Yeah, it can be a useful perk but it's just so expensive. Having the added utility of Cable Guy and Shinobi might be a better use of the points. Plus, Hard Boiled will probably be nice to have since I do a lot of firing from the hip headshots with the Loco. I also don't use the R93 in place of the Thanatos at least for now, so the ammo isn't quite as limited.
  19. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Good suggestions. Fucked around with things a bit. I trimmed a bit of fat from the Tech Tree and removed Fully Loaded Ace (I only took that to get to T6 but there are better ways I found to spend those points). I really don't like taking something like Improved Crafting to get to Tech T4 but I doubt I'm ever going to use trip mines, so something like Combat Engineer seems even more useless. Anyway, that freed up enough space for Shinobi Basic (I didn't even think of that skill, thanks) and Cable Guy Aced. All around probably a better use of the points. I guess this is the new version: http://www.pd2skills.info/profile/kayday2/ If I could change anything else I could take some lower tier Enforcer skills like Pumping Iron and Bullet Storm instead of Acing Tough Guy. I'd get an extra point to put in Cleaner or some shit. I also have mixed feelings about acing Stun Resistance. I think that can be a mixed bag of usefulness.
  20. kayohgee

    Payday General

    At this point I primarily use the R93 in a crowd control role, but it depends on the situation. If I'm dealing with squads at a distance I pick them off provided there's nothing else nearby. Otherwise I focus on specials and heavily armored targets before they get into close range. It's not that I love snipers in particular, it just seems to far surpass any other primary weapon and has armor piercing capabilities. There don't seem to be a lot of reasons not to use it. Anything else that gets into close range I meet with the Loco as a very aggressive tank/bottleneck (I guess you could call it). The Loco is a brutally efficient weapon for quickly clearing out rooms full of cops, so I still use that pretty extensively. Overall, I like to be versatile and able to deal with threats dynamically, so I'm enjoying this loadout quite a bit. As for your other suggestions, I strongly prefer semi automatic or single shot weapons (at least for this game), so I'd rather not use any kind of SMG. Ghost T4 is something I've used before and is helpful, but I don't really feel like it's something I need. I understand why other people feel it's necessary to take but I've never found the ICTV's lack of mobility particularly crippling - that's just my personal experience.
  21. kayohgee


    I've been dreaming in this half awake state for most of the night. There's some guy who keeps showing up in my room, telling me that we're "at war". I don't even know what that means, but I get the feeling that we're going to have to fight to the death or something. He keeps coming in and stealing shit, too. About an hour ago I woke up in a slight panic and the first thought that came to my mind was Where are the weapons? He's hidden all the weapons while I was asleep! I need the weapons! Every time I drift off to sleep again he comes back and threatens me. I often get this kind of "intruder" dream when I'm dealing with a lot of anxiety or stress, but I've felt fine lately. Fucking weird, man.
  22. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Alright, here's the first draft of my build: http://www.pd2skills.info/#/profile/kay1/ C4 seems very useful but situational and in most cases I'll probably bring along ammo bags instead of trip mines. So I went purely for shaped charges and put the rest of the points into drill skills that I think will maximize my utility. The few Ghost skills I grabbed with leftover points. I like having Fast Hands and stamina regen perks but the points might be better spent acing Ammo Specialist or Overkill (or certain perks like Cable Guy or even Basic Cleaner). I'm going with a shotty/sniper loadout and getting nearly double damage for the R93 seems like it'd be pretty handy for specials, especially considering there's usually no shortage of lesser cops to chase down and shotgun to death for a boost. Thoughts?