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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I have the dash rune and double jump runes. They've made clearing regular rooms considerably easier, but being stuck in that small room with the first boss always screws me up. I under utilize my spells too. Half the time it's like I forget I even have them, which is probably not a good thing.
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    It isn't, I'm just pretty shit at most 2D platformers.
  3. kayohgee

    Competitive Friendlies

    Ah, I wondered where you went.
  4. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I can't even beat the eyeball. I've gotten close but I just can't finish it off. I quit life.
  5. kayohgee

    Payday General

    Currently spec'd Enforcer (with a few of Ghost skills). I love me that bottomless double barrel. I haven't played in a while so I'll need to catch up on patch notes, but I'd love to organize some crews through this thread.
  6. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Final Sale List. I'm stealing the "regret" rating from whoever came up with that first. Defy Gravity - It was $.29. As someone else pointed out, it pays for itself even if you play it just for the cards, and it looks pretty fun either way. (0/10 regret) F.E.A.R.: Ultimate Shooter Edition - It was cheap, it included both DLCs and I've been waited for an excuse to get this game for ages even though the DLCs could easily end up in my "never played" pile. (1/10 regret) F.E.A.R. F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate PAYDAY 2 DLC - I've been looking to get back into PAYDAY 2 and this seemed like the perfect time to nab the DLC. Probably should have just bought Big Bank instead, to be honest. I don't want to spend another $7 right now. (1/10 regret) PAYDAY 2: Gage Mod Courier DLC PAYDAY 2: Gage Sniper Pack DLC PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #1 DLC PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #2 DLC Resident Evil 4 - One of my favorite GC games, and this PC port is much better than the original. It looks decent in HD for a game from 2005 and runs at a smooth 60 fps. Mouse/keyboard controls are still kinda wonky but this game was made to be played on a controller anyway. (0/10 regret) Rogue Legacy - I'm having a lot of fun with it but I also suck pretty hard at it. It's addictive but I doubt I'll ever progress very far or beat it. (2/10 regret) System Shock 2 - Haven't played it yet, but it was $1.50. Heard great things about it and had to pick it up just for that. (0/10 regret) The Walking Dead: 400 Days - Finally bought Season 2, so this was a must have. Walking Dead is fucking awesome. (0/10 regret) The Witcher 2 - I've been meaning to get this for a while. (0/10 regret) XCOM: Enemy Unknown DLC - Gives me a reason to reinstall XCOM. (0/10 regret) XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Slingshot Pack XCOM: Enemy Within
  7. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Tempted to get the new Thief game because I'd like a new stealth game, but I've heard mixed things about it. Also it's $15 which is about the maximum amount I'm willing to pay for a game during this sale.
  8. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    That graphic is pretty great considering the streak Red's had.
  9. kayohgee

    Game Grumps

    I was never emotionally abused, but my parents did kind of fuck me up emotionally because of their own quirks/hangups.
  10. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    How many people here play PAYDAY 2, now? We should get a group going.
  11. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    It's supposedly a classic, and there are some mods out there that add HD (or at least higher quality) textures. I say go for it.
  12. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Not sure how active the first one is. I definitely recommend the second one, though.
  13. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    That one I remember. I could have sworn the fire thing was implemented somewhere as well, the idea being the afterburn would keep some of the damage going after the Heavy switched away from the gloves. Must have just been in a thread, or something.
  14. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    I'm having a bit of a memory lapse, here. I distinctly recall a version of the GRU that lit the Heavy on fire instead of dealing regular self damage but I don't see anything about that on the wiki. Was that ever in game? Was it the Beta, or TF2 tightrope, or was it just suggested by the community?
  15. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Got that and F.E.A.R. Now I'm done buying shit. Honestly. I really am. I'm probably not.
  16. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Late June 2014

    The subSPUF subforum subsubforum?
  17. kayohgee


    Yeah, that's the issue with paying for a dedicated server. The last time we tried it there were very few regulars and it just didn't seem worth the money.
  18. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Late June 2014

    I guess a truth of thread is just your run of the mill confession thread in this case? If it doesn't make sense to do, it doesn't really matter to me if you add a thread/subforum one way or the other. I was just thinking if it was enough of an issue for commander to make a rule about it might make sense to contain all that shit in one place. Plus he's already subdividing controversial topics, anyway.
  19. kayohgee

    Forum Changes - Late June 2014

    Could we just have one official "The Truth Of" thread? That way if people need to apologize/confess their whatever they can do it without cluttering the boards. You could add a "Conflict Resolution" section to Private Discussion or something where people can hash shit out, unless you think that would be a complete disaster.
  20. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Yup. You go on a heist to steal a sample of the green flu virus. Like EB said though, that's the first PAYDAY.
  21. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Yeah I hope that one wins, I can scrounge up enough for System Shock 2 if it does. I think I disturbed myself a bit much playing FEAR as like the first shooter I ever touched... It was a bit of a jarring transition from the Harrry Potter platformer I had been playing as like my one game beforehand. I'd like to get FEAR and System Shock 2 as well. I don't usually like buying older games but for a couple of bucks it's pretty easy to justify.
  22. kayohgee

    Movie Thread

    Dr. Strangelove was one of those movies that I "got" and respected on an objective level, but didn't particularly like.
  23. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    My list so far: some PAYDAY 2 DLC Resident Evil 4 Rogue Legacy The Walking Dead: 400 Days The Witcher 2 (yes, I know I should have already bought it, shut up)
  24. kayohgee


    I'll see if I have what I'd need to host the server if no one else can. I've considered doing it before even though I lack the expertise. The only issue with that is I'm also moving, probably some time around September, and whatever I'm running it on probably won't be coming with me then, either.
  25. kayohgee

    New Forum Bug List

    subSPUF really hates me today, apparently. Still getting DB errors. When I refreshed and got past them, the site wouldn't let me log in for a couple of minutes.