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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Debating whether or not I should get Dark Souls. It looks like a fun challenge but it could easily fall into the never played/never beaten category of summer sale games. Also, does anyone own the "Ultimate HD Edition" of Resident Evil 4? Is it any good? I loved RE4 but the original PC port kind of sucked. Doesn't seem like it would be worth buying if it's only a graphical update.
  2. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    So apparently there's going to be a live action Attack on Titan movie. Not sure how they're going to make that maneuvering gear work convincingly in the "real world" but it could be good.
  3. kayohgee

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Ah, wiki must not have updated yet. Good.
  4. kayohgee

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    This could be pretty cool. On a somewhat related note, why isn't the B.A.S.E. Jumper usable in medieval mode, if only for fun?
  5. Meh. I'll bite. I don't have any abandoned main concepts but within this superhero-esque thing I've been sketching out I have several abandoned story threads. For instance, I'm writing a time traveler character who appears throughout the events of the "series" out of order. Certain characters meet an older version of him first and other characters are introduced to his "present" self in parallel. The issue is the timeline the main story takes place in eventually experience a significant change. The intended sequence events is altered in order to save the lives of several characters. However, that also means everything the traveler does "after", or really before the split doesn't make any sense. The timelines are so drastically different that you can't really argue the idea that he "just did the same thing in both" or some plot hole plaster like that. I basically wrote myself into a corner and I've had to re-work his entire storyline, which still doesn't entirely make sense. I'm also having trouble figuring out how to resurrect a character far down the line. For the most part when people die they're gone for good (barring a major time travel event, which only happens once) so I feel like it needs to be a big event. The character in question is essentially a colony organism. He functions more like a highly evolved bacteria than a human being. His cells can function independently allowing him to divide into multiple organisms and he can infect other humans. His ability set also includes altering his genes at will and nearly limitless regenerative capabilities that allow him to heal and express modified genes instantaneously. He's heavily inspired by "The Thing" and is probably the most dangerous villain in this fictional universe. At the climax of his first storyline, he goes up against a group of people who are more or less this universe's Avengers. He kills all but three members, two of which end up infected with his cells. In the end all but one dies in the process of finally destroying him. The last surviving member ends up going on the run from the Government as part of a sequence of unrelated events. Her entire team is dead and she's kind of traumatized by all the fucked up things she's seen during her career, and essentially retires. This is where things get hazy. The original idea was that the Scourge (which is his working title, I guess) has a contingency plan in which he actually infects all of the "Avengers" before the fight, meaning that victory was futile to begin with, and he ends up lying dormant in the last surviving member. Having no idea she's a carrier she goes off the grid and in what appears to be the end of her story line she settles down somewhere. She meets a guy who becomes her love interest and upon getting together with him, the Scourge selects him as its new host and he's instantly assimilated/killed in front of her. I just can't find a reason for that to work, though. At first the idea was that, since this woman was a teleporter, her body wasn't stable/consistently solid enough on a molecular level for him to infect her directly and the Scourge is waiting for a viable host. That seems kind of ridiculous. Then there was the concept that the Scourge was always capable of assimilating her but decided to infect her loved one simply out of spite, which doesn't seem true to his character as he would have resurrected himself as soon as possible. Maybe he was lying dormant and was on some kind of "timer" but again, it doesn't make much sense. I really liked this extremely disturbing way of reintroducing the guy, but at this point I'm not sure there's a way to make it work.
  6. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'll have to invite you to the SPUF CounterStrike group one day so we can all shit around in terribleness. I'm fairly sure that Jordax, Davjo, and Magickus are the best ones here at CS. I'm pretty shit because I know all these good smokes and flashes and other strategies, but I can't act them out. Honestly, when you're unranked, most people are going to try to run really shitty strats. People will run around with Bizons and Tec-9s, trying to rush into A through short without smoking off mid all while swinging around corners with grenades in hand, being complete bait for any competent CT. I'd be up for some CS:SPUF. I'm kind of intimidated by Counter Strike, honestly. I haven't played much of it but I'm pretty sure I'd be shit at it and the vibe I get is that it's all pretty srs.
  7. kayohgee

    Your 5 must-play games

    I would have had it in there regardless. Metroid Prime and Echoes rank among my favorite games (although I think the second one isn't quite as good). Thanks for the rating.
  8. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Season four of the Boondocks was one of the most disappointing things I've ever watched. The finale didn't even try to redeem the rest of the season and left the main storyline completely unresolved. Sad to see this show go out with a muddled, painfully unfunny whimper. Just awful.
  9. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    If the offer's open, I'd like to acquire all four. I could find something to pay you with, assuming you're not looking to give away sets of these to multiple people for free.
  10. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    Well, obviously. It's pretty clearly rigged either way. I'm just open to either possibility.
  11. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    You do not seriously believe this do you There have been lots of rumors floating around and so far each team has won once per day. I'm not sure I believe it but I wouldn't be surprised if there was some truth to it. What I'm saying is, if it were true, them turning on each other would be really funny.
  12. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    And now since they announced first, second and third place winners the scores are considerably less predictable. Part of me wants to think that whatever community organized the "each team wins twice" agreement didn't plan for this contingency, and now they're all arguing and backstabbing each other Game of Thrones style over who should place second and third as the whole plan goes to shit.
  13. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Which ones do you want? I can get them for you for free How you do this
  14. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If anyone's interested I have a spare Antichamber profile background: '> It's worth 3 cents so I don't see the point in bothering to sell it. Message me if want. gone
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Finally finished (well, replayed) Walking Dead Season 1 and 400 days. I managed to convince my sister, who's never been big on video games but it a huge Walking Dead fan, to check it out and she's pretty hooked on watching me play it. It's interesting making the kinds of decisions you have to in that game with a spectator. I liked 400 days but the amount of different story branches that it's going to cause later on almost makes me nervous. I have no idea if certain characters are even going to be in Season 2 at all, now and it bugs me, because it's the three I actually like.
  16. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    I has a foil #8 wat do
  17. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Hey, if you guys play any more MVM in the next couple of days, I'm up for it. I'm looking to get back into TF2 after a long break and some co-op would be a fun refresher.
  18. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Ah, right. It's a "community update". My bad.
  19. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    End of the Line is a SFM short, by the same guy who made Practical Problems, I believe. Apparently Valve likes his work so they're releasing an update to coincide with the release of the short. Here's a trailer:
  20. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    I read that the movie was coming out "early next year" in an interview ...that was from 2013. So who the hell knows.
  21. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    The new ship looks fantastic: Too bad it's $150.
  22. kayohgee

    Steam Summer Sale 2014

    I need to replay that. I bought Season 2 on release but I didn't backup my Season 1 save before my old hard drive crashed. I've been way too lazy to replay the whole thing.
  23. kayohgee

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Seems to me they could improve this a bit by having the Sticky Launcher's charge function increase the distance and damage. Firing with no charge results in a 50% damage reduction, charging the shot halfway would be 25%, a fully charged shot would receive no damage reduction. *shrug* Alternately, just remove the damage reduction in certain situations. I guess that doesn't make a ton of sense, but fuck it. Have stickes still do maximum damage against buildings. Maybe even have them do maximum damage to Medic buddies being healed. That way lone players won't get "winbombed" and the Demo won't be entirely useless against Heavy/Medic pairs and sentries.
  24. kayohgee

    Love & War (A.K.A. Bread Update)

    Probably at mid range, yeah. Unless the damage reduction is huge I'm guessing the minigun is still going to be a meat grinder point blank, though. Hard to tell if that makes the shotgun much more viable or not.