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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    I think "meh" is being generous. I was ready to give the show a chance without McGruder but the show's been pretty awful this season, or at least certainly not funny. I also highly recommend his newest album Yeezus. Pretty much the yin to MBDTF's yang. It's everything that the last album wasn't - crass, minimalist and abrasive - but it's also a masterpiece in its own right.
  2. That's probably the best solution I've seen yet. However, it does create the perverse incentive for game devs to slow down development, since they'll wind up getting more money. Always a possibility but again, people would be able to cancel at any time, so slowing down the development process might cost them subscriptions. Maybe when offering early access options developers should be required to submit a kind of outline for what they plan to do, with deadlines. I'm not sure if that's practical for the devs but having that level of transparency would let consumers better evaluate whether or not the dev is slowing down the process, or if the planned timeline is too long, if they even want to get involved in the first place.
  3. kayohgee


    TVHM is basically the first game but with levels scaled. UVHM is suffering. UVHM is probably the first playthrough where slag becomes a necessity.
  4. kayohgee

    E3 2014

    I loved the multiplayer mode for Vegas and Vegas 2 and this looks like it'll be just as fun.
  5. One possible solution could be to make early access a subscription instead of a one time payment. Instead of paying $20 for the Starforge alpha, you sign up to pay 2 or 3 bucks a month. If you're six months in and you're unsatisfied with the amount of progress the devs have made you can always cancel your subscription and you'll still have paid less than if you had paid "full price". This might help curb some buyer's remorse and would also encourage the devs to regularly release updates or progress reports in order to continue receiving a steady flow of funding.
  6. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    The ending of that Hornet ad is pretty funny. It's a pretty nasty looking ship but judging by the stats it doesn't seem too versatile in areas outside of shooting all the things. I'm also seriously considering picking up an Avenger, although I'm not sure it'd be a whole lot better than the 325a.
  7. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    I'm definitely going to yell "Eject, Eject!" over the speakers at your ship at least once.
  8. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    Thanks for the tip. I actually really like being able to move the targeting reticule independently of the ship's movement, but I'll have to try that out. I can see myself switching back and forth on the fly pretty frequently if it proves useful. I don't have a joystick, but I do have a controller I might dick around with. Can't see it being much better than a mouse/keyboard but you never know.
  9. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    Piloting's taking a little getting used to. For the most part everything is really intuitive, but the pitch control (up/down on mouse) seems really sensitive. I was practicing today and would roll forward or backward in an attempt to keep a line of sight on a target and on several occasions I would overshoot and flip right past them. I would turn mouse sensitivity down but I like how responsive the cursor itself is, just not the ship. It'll probably get easier to manage the more I play it.
  10. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    I've been thinking about upgrading myself. I'll probably still stick with a one person fighter, but at the very least I'm gonna swap out for a 325a. Might go with something like a Hornet if I feel like dropping some more cash.
  11. kayohgee

    Star Citizen

    I own it and I get emails and indev updates constantly but I haven't been keeping up with them lately. Super fucking excited to hear you can actually fly the things now. I'll be downloading whatever recent updates have come out. As for me, I own a 300i: I just wanted a cheap one person ship because I wasn't sure what to expect from this game when preorders became available, but I'd definitely like to join your crew if you're looking for people.
  12. kayohgee


    why you keep killing server
  13. kayohgee


    That sphere thing near the village you mean? Also why can't I log in
  14. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Did we watch the same trailer? Because that was darker and more serious than MK has ever been I'm saying it's not serious in comparison to how other games/franchises advertise. I wasn't trying to say it's less serious than previous MK games.
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I really like the new MK trailer and I don't even play it that much: It's just really chill and fun. Nowadays so many trailers are trying to hype up their games and make them look as dramatic and "epic" as possible. It's actually really refreshing to see that the Mortal Kombat franchise doesn't have to take itself deadly serious all the time and can put out a trailer where it feels like I'm just sitting around in the dorm drinking and playing the game with my old roommate, listening to some hip hop.
  16. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was watching the trailer for the game "The Forest" and it got me wondering why "hardcore" survival games don't use time or daylight as a thing that can actually be spent and managed rather than something that just passes normally. So you've cut down a bunch of trees and you have a ton of logs in your inventory and you want to make a spiky log wall. In most games if you have the resources, you just press "E" and a big ol' segment of wall just pops up in front of you. That's fine, because obviously no one want to watch a canned animation of you digging holes in the ground and putting the logs in like stakes and sharpening the tops every single time. But in a realistic situation, setting a wall or a trap up would take a lot of time and I don't think most survival games take that into account. What if they did? What if a spiky log wall doesn't just cost "4x wood" but instead it costs you "4x wood and 2 hours", so you put the wall down and the day literally skips ahead two hours. Or, you can choose to spend only one hour, but that leaves you with a half finished wall and some time later you're gonna have to come back and spend the other one before it's finished. Now you don't only have to worry about resource management (which ultimately becomes a non-issue for most games as they progress) but you have to plan your builds out so when the game fades back in after the time skip you aren't standing in the dark in the middle of the woods next to the giant marble penis you just made, starving to death because you haven't eaten in a week.
  17. kayohgee

    Game Of Thrones

    I've only watched Season 1. The show's great but I prefer the books so far. I was going to read each book and watch its respective season but I've just been reading them back to back. I would like to catch up on season 4, though. Seasons 1 - 3 seem like pretty straightforward adaptations but apparently season 4 and beyond won't be splitting up the characters like the books do which gives me a lot of incentive to watch it.
  18. kayohgee


    It'll be good to have you back! Any interest in doing another nether rail? We had the one on the old server but I've always thought a nether rail network for long distance travel would be cool. I could do a nether rail, although I'll probably be doing overland rails for most transit. Alright, well let me know if you want help, or rails. I've been raiding mineshafts a lot so I have quite a few.
  19. kayohgee


    Right, keyword being "still". Derp.
  20. kayohgee

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    I look forward to many more of these.
  21. kayohgee


    As in, your items will drop as they would in vanilla, or as in shit just going poof?
  22. kayohgee


    It'll be good to have you back! Any interest in doing another nether rail? We had the one on the old server but I've always thought a nether rail network for long distance travel would be cool.
  23. kayohgee

    The IT thread.

    The connections seem fine, I think. Are your mouse and keyboard plugged in to USB slots near each other, or next to other filled USB slots? It might be an issue with the power being shared across slots. Makes sense, they are all plugged into adjacent ports. I'll try spacing them out a bit.
  24. kayohgee

    The IT thread.

    I think my USB ports have been shutting off and I haven't the faintest idea why. I'm assuming it's the USB because my mouse and keyboard lose power but everything else seems to be functional (for example, I think there was one occasion where the speakers were still working). I usually just restart which fixes the issue. It's only happened a couple of times over the last month or so, but it's worrying.