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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    So... the Doctor met his exact double once? CONTINUITY ERROR ENGAGE NERD RAGE :rage:
  2. kayohgee


    So this happened: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/903255624220999317/4E067AB171C93D1A5D2D4FEF99C96A5A0057D4A1/ Basically I tossed a Buzz Axe that landed just as I was going into FFYL. The resulting kill revived me in a way that almost canceled out FFYL before it even began and I went into a seemingly infinite Buzz Axe Rampage. I have no idea if damage reductions and everything still worked properly, but I could swing and throw Axes. The only noticeable difference was there were no visual effects on the screen and no timer. Sadly I didn't get to play with it very long. Eventually I smacked myself (because of Silence the Voices) and that seemed to end the streak. Also I'm pretty sure I was hitting Jack for 700k per swing today. So that was cool.
  3. kayohgee


    Well then... what character would you snipe with? It seems like the other ones don't specialize in it either. I miss that. I hope they add another Gunslinger or "Duelist" class to the game. Also, I'm gonna hop on and play in a bit if anyone wants to join me (although I've been playing a lot and I'm up to around level 45)
  4. kayohgee


    I need to make a second character after I level up Krieg. I might try out Zero because sniping.
  5. kayohgee


    I summon ye. I call shotties.
  6. kayohgee


    Does anyone have a level 30ish character just starting out in True Vault Hunter Mode? It'd be cool to find someone to play that through with (aside from matchmaking)
  7. kayohgee

    Repent thine sinns, non-watcher.

    Matrix trilogy The second and third movies are shit compared to the original and lots of people like to pretend they don't even exist. I'd watch the first one and if you really need to see more of the Matrix universe check out the other two and the Animatrix (which is awesome despite the fact that it lends legitimacy to the sequels). Star Trek Try looking up a few top ten "best episodes" lists of TOS and The Next Generation and start there and then just watch the rest of the series if you're into them. TOS and TNG don't have a ton of continuity running through them and can be viewed out of order. In my opinion Deep Space Nine is the best Trek series of them all, but it really needs to be watched in order. As far as movies go, Star Trek I has a good story but is mostly boring as fuck with tons of filler (it should have been a 45 minute episode, not a movie), II - IV is a great trilogy, VI is pretty good and First Contact is a decent The Next Generation movie. All of the others are shit. The new films are pretty good but I'd definitely recommend watching Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan before checking out Into Darkness. Battlestar Galactica Fantastic series. Maybe one of the best on TV, ever. The ending is absolutely fucking stupid but it doesn't really detract from it as a whole. South Park A lot of people avoid this show because it looks idiotic (and often is) but especially in later seasons it's become a surprisingly smart, sophisticated social commentary/parody. Dr Who All I've seen is the new series. DW has been on the air for something like 40 years, but the revived series is written in a way that lets you enjoy the show without having to catch up the older stuff from the 60's, 70's and 80's. That being said, the episodes of the revived series really should be watched in order.
  8. kayohgee

    Payday 2

    Looks cool, been thinking about getting it.
  9. kayohgee


    For all you Pokeyman lovers.
  10. kayohgee


    Law is great. Haven't been using it since I uncrated a few pistols and felt obligated to use one of them, but I'll probably switch back to it assuming I left it in the bank (...oh shit I really hope I put it in the bank). Right now my Krieg uses two shotguns - a single shot double barrel for high damage output and an elemental shotgun for slagging opponents. For a while I was filling the third slot with whatever good misc. weapons I could find but lately I've tried using rocket launchers as my third and I actually think they're quite fun. Since I'm going with a skill that boosts Krieg's explosive damage I think it will work well as a badass/boss killer in situations where the Buzzsaw won't work. My fourth is a pistol, not sure which one at the moment.
  11. kayohgee


    I jumped into couple different three player games recently, some of which had guys that were a few levels higher than me and proceeded to get fucked up pretty badly. I'm not sure at this rate if I should try switching to a character that isn't so CQB oriented or if Krieg is just difficult to get going before you level him up and get deep into the Mania tree (which is the one I'm focusing on at the moment). I'm also not sure what weapons I should be using with him. Shotguns have been working pretty well and I'd usually supplement that with an SMG or a Pistol but once the difficulty ramps up in four player mode it feels like getting up in the enemy's faces with a Shotty is a surefire way to be instantly killed.
  12. kayohgee

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    Just GTA IV or the pack with Episodes from Liberty City?
  13. kayohgee

    SUMMER SEAL 2013

    I got... Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2 Season Pass Borderlands 2 Psycho Pack Dishonored Dishonored DLC Endless Space Endless Space Disharmony DLC Poker Night 2 All in all I probably spent around $60.
  14. kayohgee

    Gaming Night 3: The day we played games

    Been looking for an excuse to get more into Civ.
  15. kayohgee


    Mania looks awesome, yeah. I might dip into Bloodlust for a few skills but overall it seems pretty lackluster.
  16. kayohgee


    Buzzbombs and LTF both look crazy fun. For a while I was considering screwing around with a build that would center around melee and explosive weapons but I'm not sure that would be more effective than a straight Mania build.
  17. kayohgee


    What level are you atm?
  18. kayohgee


    I just started playing this game and I need people to play it with, dammit. For now I'm building a Mania Psycho but I guess I could use other classes if everyone else already mains Krieg. The Psycho trees are Hellborn, Mania and Bloodlust. Do you mean Bloodlust? (because I agree that tree doesn't look too impressive).
  19. kayohgee


  20. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    I think the entire cast of Monty Python should play the Doctor. They'll each be a fragment of his personality. When shit gets really crazy they all turn into separate body parts and form together like Voltron. John Cleese can be the head.
  21. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Been playing a lot of Blood Dragon. I also got Bioshock Infinite, finally.
  22. kayohgee


    Apparently I'm Sudowoodo.
  23. kayohgee

    I cant even

    Of course. I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of invalidating the accepted history of the Earth (which is backed up by evidence) by saying you can't witness it personally while continuing to believe in supernatural events (which are not backed up by evidence) despite the fact that you have also not witnessed those personally.