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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    I cant even

    This is the one that gets me the most: "The next time someone says the Earth is billions (or millions) of years old, what can you say?" "were you there?" "Hey kayohgee did you know Jesus who magically rose from the dead?" "Were you there?"
  2. kayohgee

    The Antichamber

    Finally went back and beat this game. wat.
  3. "Modern Warfare" Gamer Kills Mother with IED
  4. Yeah, some of them look pretty bad. There also seems to be some problem with Onix and Hypno Still, I'm amused.
  5. Oh damn, you're right. Looks like this one might have actually been created last year at least. I've seen a few sites talking about it over the last few hours so I guess it was just went viral today.
  6. I thought this just went up like, yesterday... Anyway here are some of mine. Charbat Gloosect Tentachu Ninezee Domoth
  7. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Ah, sweet! I'm glad he'll be around for at least another year. I feel like his character is finally in a good place.
  8. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    Yeah, I know he doesn't have any deep feelings for River or his marriage but I wish those would develop. Now I'm thinking that isn't going to happen and she's probably gonna get written off sometime this year since Matt Smith may be leaving after the Christmas special and Eleven has to take River out before the events of the library (unless by "a new haircut and a new suit" she meant Twelve which would be interesting).
  9. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    I would assume the Doctor remembers or can guess what happened with a certain degree of accuracy because, as Ten said once, Time Lords can see possible futures. Actually there are many points in the series where I think the Doctor knows a lot more about the future of the characters than he is willing to let on which makes the series considerably darker when you think about it. Clara is an anomaly of sorts so there's no way to know what her powers are (if she has any) and if she remembers or not. I would assume she doesn't, at least right now. She might remember later because as you said, timey stuff. Personally I really like Clara even if she can be a little too bubbly for me at times. The sexual tension with Eleven really weirds me out too. I get the distinct feeling that not only is Clara attracted to the Doctor but that the feeling is sort of mutual. Not only are Doctor/Companion relations really awkward but the Doctor is still married to River so I'm not into that dynamic at all.
  10. kayohgee

    Doctor Who

    I love Matt Smith as Eleven, it's just that Series 5 wasn't good enough to let him really get into stride. They had a few good episodes but the the series arc was a total mess and The Big Bang was probably the weakest finale of the new series thus far. Series 6 has a very weak finale too, but not nearly as bad as 5 and I'd say overall the show's quality started to get better. I'd at least try to watch up to that point and give Eleven a chance (although beyond that the current series has been a mixed bag so far).
  11. kayohgee

    Anime General Discussion

    What's the original source for something like that? As far as I know it isn't out on Blu-ray yet. Is it a fan upscale or did I miss something?
  12. I think the issue is that people aren't comfortable trading them at that price. I see a thread every other day whining about backpack.tf artificially raising key prices and whatnot. I have no idea if that's true, but it seems like a small minority of players are the ones who are "comfortable" with the price increase while a good many of them are upset about it (even though they refuse to do anything about it).
  13. kayohgee

    The Membership

    Name: kayohgee Position: Shitpostmaster General Known for: [*]Spending unhealthy amounts of time on the SubSPUF Minecraft server [*]Being not especially active or well known by most [*]Coining the term "Binocracy" Lynx:
  14. Plenty of god in church but that doesn't stop kids from being abused there, either.
  15. kayohgee


    Someone send me a key! Never mind, still about 500 left. Figured they'd all be out by now.
  16. So... who is this person?
  17. kayohgee

    Hey folks.

    Who, Xazo or whatever?
  18. kayohgee

    Texas Fertilizer Plant Blast

    what the heck is wrong with you carlos like, a bunch of people died
  19. kayohgee

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Listening to the new Major Lazer album. It's pretty good, but nowhere near the first one.
  20. Quite honestly I'm surprised no one's blown them up yet. Apparently Anonymous is going to do something in retaliation. At this point I don't know if they're actually helping or just escalating things.
  21. There's a picture going around of a guy in a wheelchair missing the his legs below the knee. What a fucked up situation. Glad to hear you're safe.
  22. kayohgee

    Experience points - How do you abbreviate it?

    HP - Health points/Hit Points Lv. - Level EXP - Experience points, written XP - Experience points, spoken aloud What I mean by that is whenever I see it written it's usually "EXP" but I've never heard anyone actually say it as "Ee Ex Pee" when talking about it verbally. It's always just "Ex Pee". lol pee
  23. kayohgee


    I don't hold any allegiance to reddit so I don't really care that people are attacking it in particular, but it annoys me seeing the utter stupidity of the people rage fucking the forum.