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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee


    What if you could wear the antenna and the halo together? Or if you could get your hands on a Virtual Reality and wear that with it? So many possibilities...
  2. kayohgee


    I've never seen this guy around before but he has a beautiful soul.
  3. kayohgee


    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Just a Gigolo again.
  4. kayohgee

    Custom Title Initiative

    Six months rule. I request my title be "Archduke of Pootislovakia" if that fits.
  5. kayohgee

    Custom Title Initiative

    Can I have the custom title of "Can't have a custom title yet"?
  6. kayohgee

    Don't Starve - Wilson Log

    Day 6 What the fuck are those, some kind of houn-? Ded.
  7. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    I'd sell mine if I thought it would ever be craftable.
  8. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Someone bought an AP-SAP on the steam market today for $50. :rainbowlaugh:
  9. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    And of course Blk Mage immediately starts crying because he made some wild assumption that the lemon launcher was going to be in the box.
  10. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Scratch that, it fucking talks. The little Wheatley talks to you. This is awesome.
  11. kayohgee

    TF2 general

    Huh, a Wheatley Sapper. I'm not sure what I think of this.
  12. I'm conflicted about the whole NK issue right now. On one hand, war is always awful and part of me hopes that, worst case scenario, NK actually does intend to go to war but we manage to come to some kind of diplomatic agreement and avoid violence. The other part of me is like I wish a nigga would because I want to see the current regime fuckstomped into oblivion. It's a tough call, really.
  13. I agree, they're just beating their chests. Jong-un doesn't want to get pushed around just because he's the new guy, so he has to set a precedent of threatening people and generally being a whiny little cunt like has father was in response to things like sanctions.
  14. kayohgee

    Planetside 2

    I'm TR on Waterson, same username. I joined an outfit for a while but I haven't played in like a month. I kind of lost interest.
  15. Considering the current culi level a logical command may not work. Maybe we should try something more... abstract. >The beach of your mind washes up on the shore of the ocean and collapses into the desk lamp on the head of the pear tree. You pick a fruit. It is all things. You are now all things holding itself. The tree melts into molten glass. You bite the fruit. All things consume themselves. All things are in the fourth stomach of the Cow. You take another bite. There is no length. The third stomach of the Cow unfolds from within itself. The fruit takes a bite of you. There is no width. You flatten. The second stomach is the invisible thread holding the fruit on the tree. Your teeth crumble and explode. The fruit is your teeth and you take a bite of the string. There is no height. All of space is one point in the fruit. One seed. Molten glass stretches to infinity. The seed sprouts. There is no time. The molten glass cools. It shatters. It breaks into pieces. There is no time. The glass goes backwards until it is the sand from whence it came. The seed sprouts. A single leaf pushes its way through the beach of your mind to the surface. It is you. The sun is you. You shine on the plant. You shine on yourself. The cow has no stomachs. All things shall sleep...
  16. kayohgee

    Apps that don't suck.

    It's on android too, and I agree it's quite good. Actually I think it's better than the PC version in many ways. It's really well suited for touch screens.
  17. It won't, I heard it pretty much sucks.
  18. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Yeah, that was awful. For a game set on such a massive scale, you didn't really get to see how your actions impacted things later on. I honestly wanted some twenty minute history lesson: "here's what happened over the next 400 years to the Krogan after you cured the genophage, here's how the Quarian and the Geth did this or that and here's how Humens fought for freedome, ect". What we got was "Galaxy fine. Game over". Still, people like to act like it ruined the whole game. I definitely didn't think it was as good as ME2 was but that's a gross over exaggeration.
  19. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Pretty sure I also played hunter, although if I end up playing with you guys I'll have to make a new character from scratch anyway so I'd be up for trying something else, like Siren.
  20. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Am I the only person who didn't hate Mass Effect 3? Sure the endings were shit (and even the reworked endings were still kind of shit) but most of the game was pretty solid, I thought.
  21. I think we broke the wittyverse. >Fix it
  22. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    If you need someone to play with hit me up and I'll reinstall it. By the time I bought it most of my friends were already over it and I lost interest playing solo. It'd be nice to beat it.
  23. kayohgee

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    brb fetish thread
  24. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Define "most of us". I'd assume the number of people who actually boycott EA is a very small percentage of their potential playerbase. Hell, I'd assume most of the people who care enough to complain about them on gaming message boards is also a pretty small percentage. The general masses just don't care.