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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Games You Should Own

    Half Life 2 Portal The Walking Dead Grand Theft Auto IV Batman: Arkham Asylum Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Team Fortress 2
  2. kayohgee

    This is an introduction

    [Deleted image that was tripping up Chrome, sorry. - thesupremecmdr]
  3. kayohgee

    This is an introduction

    No way, I like masturbating too! We should totally masturbate some time. ... I mean, not together. At the same time. In the same place. That would be totally gay. But I mean, if you're masturbating and you, say... happen to think about me or something? That'd be cool. Not that I'd masturbate thinking about you or anything but even if I did that right now as I'm typing that would be fine also. Anyway, welcome to the forums! Feel free to send me pictures of your dick. No homo.
  4. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Out. Get there, please.
  5. kayohgee

    Hear me out here.

    But how are you going to get a movie funded if all the jews hate it?
  6. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Aw, but I was hoping to keep them to incorporate into my avatar, making it more and more grotesque as the months go on... Oh well. Have your damned eyes then!
  7. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I didn't ask if I could eat them (although to be fair I probably would have asked that eventually).
  8. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    As someone new to this whole organ claiming thing, under what conditions do we actually get the organs? Because I want her eyes. I want all the eyes.
  9. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Oh man, I have to try that one.
  10. kayohgee

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    Rediscovered this moments ago.
  11. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    I just replayed that game and I had forgotten just how bad they are. Luckily, there are some hilariously easy ways to beat them. For instance, if you have the DLC with the remote detonated explosives you can basically stunlock Yelena until she dies. For Namir's battle you can toss a few over one of the walls of the level before you get out of the elevator. If you throw them right you can get them right under his spawn point and then detonate them as soon as the battle starts. It's a pretty satisfying way to circumvent that awful shit.
  12. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    This is why I skipped the new user forum altogether and decided to just kind of show up one day.
  13. kayohgee

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    CREEP MODE ENGAGED. But seriously, welcome.
  14. kayohgee

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    sex swings balanced
  15. kayohgee

    Hear me out here.

    White-Power Rangers.
  16. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Gonna finally start playing Arkham City. I bought it ages ago on sale and then just didn't play it because of other things.
  17. kayohgee

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    And you'll never have to :)
  18. GFace? What a fucking awful name...
  19. kayohgee

    Some Piracy Shit In The U.S

    The only issue I have with this is that once again, the corporations that got this thing passed are treating the symptom rather than the disease. There are always going to be people who simply want shit for free no matter what, but the industry at large is responsible for overpricing their products or having really poor methods of distribution. Honestly, the only stuff I've pirated this year were albums or songs that I either couldn't easily get in the format I wanted or just flat out couldn't find at all through normal distribution. If you release an album and either put restrictions on what countries have access to that content or make it available as a bunch of overpriced, poor quality mp3s then people are going to fucking steal it. It would be so easy to solve this problem by offering a better, more consistent service but most retailers/record labels aren't willing to do this.
  20. kayohgee

    Gratuitous Space Battles.

    Same here. I really want to like it but I kind of suck at it.
  21. kayohgee

    The Antichamber

    If you're every really frustrated I figured out that you can crash the game by forming a cube around yourself. It'll fill itself in to the point where it would feasibly crush you to death and the game just stops.
  22. kayohgee

    What'cha been playing?

    Skyrim and Minecraft, basically. Aside from that I just haven't been in the mood to play anything much. Mostly spending my time listening to music. I'll probably start playing Planetside 2 again soon but honestly I needed a fucking break from that game for a while.
  23. kayohgee

    One for February: Skyrim

    If we're getting that picky about it, it's actually "Spell Master The Time And Space".
  24. kayohgee

    Quick! Get the tinfoil out! ALL OF IT!

    I'd rather see a Half-Life film. They could certainly bulk up the plot and flesh out other characters' roles in the resonance cascade more. That way it'd be more of an ensemble film with larger roles for Barney, Kleiner, Vance and Breen. Maybe even have Adrian Shepard in it. That way it wouldn't just be Hugh Laurie crawling around in ducts alone for an hour and a half. Really though, I'd only want to see a Half-Life film as a lead in to a Half-Life 2 film. I think the really unique setting, architecture, enemy designs and the large scale battles that rage through City 17 near the end would make for an awesome live action movie - and like I said, you could give Breen a larger role in the first one and kind of build him up as a villain. The only complaint I had about Breen in the game was I didn't really know who he was and I didn't have a lot personally invested in taking him down. What if it turned out he was involved in the military cover up where all of the Black Mesa scientists were slaughtered, or even helped plan the resonance cascade with the G-Man/Combine and Gordon figures all of that out by the end of the first film? Then we come back 20 years later to see that not only has he gotten away with it, but he's now the leader of the fucking Combine capital? I think the audience would be a lot more eager to see Gordon settle the score there.