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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    Superbowl XLVIII

    Because the goal is to move the ball down the field in units measured in yards, which is part of the greatest measuring system in the world, the Imperial unit system that includes feet. So I guess for people like you living in that indiscernible blob of continents and islands known as "Not America" it would be called Meterball. Oh wait, I forgot you're all illitarite commies so you'd probably spell it "Metreball" or something gay like that.
  2. kayohgee

    One for February: Skyrim

    I don't believe so, no. Also, as far as absurdly OP mods go, I really love the Master Time and Space. It's a spell/ability that allows you to slow down time indefinitely which can be really satisfying to dick around with (i.e., shooting ten arrows that hang in the air until you unfreeze time and watching all ten people you aimed one at get hit simultaneously). It can be glitchy at times but overall I think it's pretty cool. You can get it as a standalone or in a pack with a bunch of other crazy spells like force blasts. The funny thing is I gave the freeze time ability to a stealth character (because backstabbing everyone in a room in slow motion before they even know you're there and watching their bodies hit the floor at the same time makes me smile) but now that I've almost maxed stealth out I don't even bother to use it any more. Stealth might as well be a cheat mod itself.
  3. kayohgee

    Hello everyone.

    Neither do I. Unless there's an unlisted "Underling" or "Who?" category.
  4. kayohgee

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    I demand a vasectomy expansion pack.
  5. kayohgee

    Hello everyone.

    Hi, new guy! I'm kayohgee. You may remember me on SPUF from such though posts as: "Bad Weapon Idea 5", "Poorly Spelled Pinkhearts Rant" and my personal favorite "Anti-Brony Bait Post, Episode One: The Saga Begins"
  6. kayohgee

    The Antichamber

    Aah, figures :p
  7. kayohgee

    The Antichamber

    I spent way too much time just kinda wandering around, going through passages multiples times and stuff like that. I just got the green launcher but at this point I'm most likely gonna run out of time before I finish.
  8. Put. The bunny. Back. In the box.
  9. kayohgee


    I heard SR3's actually pretty good if you can get past how insanely ridiculous it is.
  10. kayohgee

    Heart Transplant Simulator

    I managed to knock almost every tool off the table except for the scalpel, which I then used to stab the patient to death with out of frustration. I am not very good at this game.
  11. kayohgee


    Shame. Their ice cream was always my favorite.
  12. kayohgee

    What a cool ad... Eww, not this thing again.

    *Commercial begins* "If the only way they think they can sell their product is to exploit 90's nostalgia, it's probably pretty shitty" *Internet explorer logo appears* "lol of course"
  13. kayohgee


    Couldn't you just like go outside in the dark
  14. kayohgee


    Couldn't you just like walk over and out it in the other chest
  15. kayohgee

    Turntable FM

    Agreed, just set up an account.
  16. kayohgee

    Fallout TV Series?

    Make it regular SPUF instead of SPUFpowered. I want to get my murder on.
  17. :pinkiegasm::pinkiegasm::pinkiegasm:
  18. kayohgee

    Fallout TV Series?

    Details, details. But you're right. It would have been more accurate to say that the culture emulates the 1950's. Not a clue. It was mostly just supposed to be funny, but this is my basic point: One of the biggest issues is that making a setting that is too complicated is a huge risk because you might alienate your audience right off the bat. Fallout isn't just a post-apocalyptic scenario. Most people can process that. They can say "There was a war, Earth got fucked up, I understand and I'm ready to get into this now". However, Fallout also takes place in an alternate future, but also uses retro technology and (as mentioned above) emulates the culture of the 1950's. So suddenly you have to fill in all that backstory too, and you have to explain how this alternate reality is different, why it's like that and you have to outline the war and why it started. Some of the audience might be into it, but I can guarantee you a portion of that audience will be annoyed that they aren't immediately engaged and will lose interest. It also becomes a problem for new viewers. Say you've never heard of Fallout and you tune in half way through the season. Suddenly there are mutants and lasers but everything looks old fashioned at the same time and there's music from the 50's. Again, some people will watch it. Other people will be confused and go "the fuck is this?" and change the channel. That makes me think they're either gonna do one of a few things: One, they're gonna alter the setting to something more people can relate to that requires less explanation. Depending on how they alter it, this could lead to a complete aesthetic overhaul that causes the show to basically have nothing to do with Fallout any more. Or two, they could try to explain shit and reveal more and more about the world as the show progresses. This could actually work pretty well especially if the show is from a Vault dweller's point of view who's learning about the new outside world at the same time we are. On the other hand, this could also lead to a kind of Lost situation where people get fed up with how long it's taking to understand what the hell is going on and again, they might lose viewership which would hurt the show. Then, even if they understand the artistic direction of the show, that doesn't mean they'll even like it. Don't get me wrong, I would completely love a Fallout show, if they could do it right.. At the same time, as unfair as this may be, I'm not sure the general TV audience would embrace being dropped into the world of Fallout. It's just too weird and anachronistic. I think if they made a show, they'd have to change some things to make it easier to digest which would basically ruin it. Or, they could keep their artistic integrity and have a show that runs for half a season. Maybe I'm completely wrong about that and honestly, I really hope I am. I just can't see it working out.
  19. It's odd, but it's even more difficult to believe that government officials staging a massive conspiracy would be so goddamn stupid they would set that website up on a date prior to the shooting. That's a special kind of incompetence, right there.
  20. kayohgee

    Fallout TV Series?

    Uh, I'd say the Fallout universe has a very unique feel. I'm not sure I can name many other post apocalyptic settings that take place in an alternate timeline sci-fi 50's. In fact, that's the first thing I'd be worried about them fucking up. I mean, I can basically see it going down like this: Studio exec: Alright, twenty seconds until my break. So tell me about this Fallout Boy show Producer: Uh, again, sir. It's just Fallout Exec: Whatever. Just tell me about it I haven't got all fucking day, here Producer: Well, it's a post-apocalyptic science fiction show Exec: Love it. Fuckin' love it. People are way into that shit right now. Are there robots? Producer: Tons of robots. They all have this really great retro-future look to them and- Exec: The fuck is that? Producer: Well they look like how people in the 1950's would have engineered and built robots... they're kinda boxy and clumsy and they're all wired together from parts you'd find, well... in the 50's. Exec: So they look like cheap shit. That's what you're telling me. Producer: Well, I guess they look kind of cobbled together but it's a stylistic choice because it takes place in an alternate nineteen fif- Exec: Nope. No. No shit robots. Make them shiny. They should look modern. You ever seen I Robot? Will Smith. Fantastic fucking movie. Make them look like that. Clean and glossy. Like iMacs that shoot you with lasers... wait, did you say 1950's? Producer: Yes! It's like an alternate 1950. Like, what if people in the 50's had developed robots and advanced technology? So we get to do a period setting in an established time from our history, but we get to play with all these cool science fiction concepts. We're really interested in capturing the feel of the decade. In fact we even got an actor from one of the original games to play this radio DJ- Exec: Radio? You mean 50's radio? You mean fuckin' golden oldies while people are shooting lasers and blowing off heads? Producer: Yeah! Isn't that historical anachronism just the c- Exec: Just the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of? Totally agree. Who the fuck would even like that? You know who turns their TV on to listen to music from the 50's? No one. Because fucking old people have radios and jukeboxes and shit like that. No. Terrible idea. A younger demographic would never go for it. Never. You know what we need? You know what music would go great with this? What would go great with this is uh... what was that band I mentioned... Producer: Uh... fallout... boy? Exec: That's the band. That is the band. That's the music the kids like. That's what's gonna be on your show. Every episode. Goes perfect with it too, I mean Fallout, Fallout Boy. Fuckin' perfect. Goes great with the robots. Oh, and lose the 50's altogether too, that's just... that's just fuckin queer. Producer: ... Exec: *looks at clock* Well, that's my lunch break, gotta go. Real glad we got to talk about this. Really excited for this. I think we've hit fucking gold here, kid. Fucking gold!
  21. It's incredible what some people will believe. The author of the video was clearly hired by the NRA and gun manufacturers to create this piece of anti-government anti-gun legislation propaganda so that everyone will buy guns that will have secret microchips installed to neutralize the anti-alien thought control chemicals the government puts in your vaccines to keep you safe the sandy hook conspiracy video is the first step towards a full on alien invasion and the NRA is in on it is it any coincidence that NRA and NWO both have three letters and both start with the same letter? WAKE THE FUCK UP, PEOPLE
  22. kayohgee


    Eh. There are some good things happening here, but despite all of the effort that must have gone into this, it's pretty lackluster. Visually, most of it actually looks pretty good, except for Sonic, which is the most important part. The CG was alright but in terms of animation he just doesn't look very... well, fast. I actually kinda liked Jaleel White's voice acting work, though. His Sonic voice was annoying, but I've always considered Sonic to be an annoying character with an annoying voice, so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for me. Other than that, the only thing that was pretty bad about it was the sound design. Some of it was alright but especially in the fight scenes nothing really had any impact to it and as a result it kind of cheapened everything else.
  23. kayohgee

    my newest comic strip

    I don't understand what those things sticking out of everyone's backs are. Are they wings or... grotesquely mutated extra limbs? Also, why does the yellow guy not get any? Other than that I enjoyed it. I like the part where not even you are sure whether the series will continue or not. Very suspenseful.
  24. kayohgee

    hi there cuties

    A wild VAGINA appeared! SPUFNERDS used LEER! It's not very effective...