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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    why is everybody talking about me

    hats or gtfo
  2. kayohgee

    Killing Floor

    Huh, neat. I haven't played KF for months. Maybe this'd be a good time to get back into it.
  3. kayohgee

    Journal Entry #001

    ... :(
  4. kayohgee

    Journal Entry #001

    But... but why
  5. kayohgee

    Journal Entry #001

    Fuck you I'm helping anyway
  6. kayohgee

    Journal Entry #001

    Can I help
  7. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

    I'd like to believe it really was just a troll and not a real person. The account made its firsts posts today but the join date was like, mid 2011. I assumed it might have been a regular who set an alt up for a rainy day or what have you. That being said, SPUF never ceases to amaze/depress me. Yup. One of the requirements to leave without abandoning is to complete one wave, win or lose. It won't stop people from ditching out early but it will prevent them from skipping around from one game to the next as quickly.
  8. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

    Aw, they must have just went down. I was looking at them a minute ago. Basically it went down like this: 45 comes in and posts this rant about how the new restrictions are ruining the game, that he isn't going to be able to have fun any more because he'll get stuck with shitty teams, how Valve is going downhill, how they're all a bunch of pinkhearted pinkhearts and that he refuses to play MVM or pay for Mann Up any more. You know, basically throwing a shit fit. I explain why he's an idiot and tell him he shouldn't be pubbing if he's really that concerned about finding a decent team. He posts this caps lock rant slinging insults at me. I tell him he's an idiot, again. Someone else mentions that the new restrictions cut down on farming, to which he replies "that never happens" and throws another insult laden block of text at me saying I'm (read: "your") a nine year old loser who's never beat MVM and shit like that. So at this point I'm like fuck it, this guy is obviously a troll. I don't respond to the thread for a while and he tries to bait me with an "I see you finally stfu lol" post. Meanwhile other people are basically telling him he's an idiot and he's filling every response with as many pink hearts as he can. I see his bait post, say I don't want to waste my time with a troll, he basically says "I like bashing Valve and swearing, it's fun", and some time later, thread gets eram'd. I don't think he deleted the entire thread, but all of my posts from the incident are gone.
  9. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

    Yeah, he put the guy in timeout. Posts are still there for anyone else who wants to read them, though.
  10. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

  11. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

    Someone going into full on retard rage mode about the new rules on the forums. I thought there might be a good chance it was one you trolling.
  12. kayohgee

    New MvM Abandonment Rules/TF2 Update

    Okay, which one of you is forty-five? You had me going there for a second. Well played.
  13. kayohgee

    Most OP server in history of TF2

    The Loch-n-Load is an absolute rapebeast if you can hit your targets. A few times I wiped entire teams with it no problem. Paired with a targe it's even nastier as it seems to give you complete fire and explosives resistance. The Brass Beast is also pretty damned formidable, but you're essentially a completely immobile sentry that takes a while to get set up. Once you DO get set up, though... I did not realize this! I've been running around with the whole set on. I wonder what the other set bonuses have been set to... +10 health per second regen for the Medic or +250 health for the Scout sounds pretty handy.
  14. kayohgee


  15. kayohgee

    Total War promos

    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/921242003833241928/A0F2859E0B5BAA9051180A4C76873DC25DF8A88C/this is the best day of my life.
  16. kayohgee

    Derivitive from the superhero thread.

    I assume you wouldn't have to worry about it at all if you used localized time dilation instead of classic super speed. With relativistic speed you would strike your opponent with a normal punch while the force of the blow would only be amplified outside of your "time bubble". Physics wouldn't fuck with your body, just everyone else's.... right?
  17. kayohgee

    Derivitive from the superhero thread.

    Most OP: Empathic Mimicry/Power Absorption Favorite: Telekinesis Possible Power Choice: I've actually put way too much thought into this question prior to this thread, so I have a few different options I would pick from, the last of which I kind of made up myself: 1. Telekinesis Because it's fucking cool and absurdly versatile. 2. Teleportation I'd probably pair this ability with conventional weaponry (guns, grenades, that sort of thing). Since I think Remote Teleportation is OP, I'd have to touch an object in order to TP it. The standard secondary power with this ability is spacial awareness. 3. Biological Manipulation/Cellular Absorbtion I don't really have a proper name for this one, but I have a general idea how it would work. Basically, for anyone who's seen this film, this ability would make me similar to "The Thing", or the lead character from Prototype if people are more familiar with that. My cells would function more as a "collective" than as part of a singular organism and I would be able to control them in order to rapidly manipulate my anatomy. I could absorb and replicate the DNA and biomass from other organisms, adapting and even improving on their biological uniqueness to enhance my own physiology - meaning, I could touch a snake and copy its venom, or just absorb an entire fucking cow for extra organic material to work with. I could even break myself or parts of myself down into smaller organisms that would function independently. I would also be able to absorb human beings for the purposes of accessing their memories or mimicking them, but I would not be able to duplicate their abilities. Secondary for this ability would be the an intuitive aptitude for genetics. I would mostly want this secondary ability in order to control the aforementioned "smaller organisms". While I wouldn't be able to command them telepathically when separated from me, I could program instincts into their genetic code so that they would carry out simple tasks when I am not able to directly control them. For instance, if I were to be blown to pieces, the chunks of my body would be "programmed" to instinctively be drawn to seek each other out and recombine. I would have many of these programs on call that I could use offensively or as organic tools.
  18. kayohgee

    Pooh is an asshole

    I also accidentally stumbled upon this. Enjoy.
  19. kayohgee

    iOS 6

    Really? I actually like iTunes quite a bit.
  20. kayohgee

    Muslim Shenanigans

    Little too far north. I think he was actually born in Nepal and spent a good portion of his life around India.
  21. For those of you unfamiliar with it, Black Mesa: Source is an updated remake of the original Half Life. These guys are pretty much redoing the whole thing from the ground up and have gone through a considerable amount of effort, even going so far as to completely rerecord the game's
  22. kayohgee

    Muslim Shenanigans

    It's really fascinating to see how large the generational gap can be between immigrants and their children. Kids born in America often become "Americanized" very quickly.