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Everything posted by kayohgee

  1. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I am 1000% down
  2. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  3. James Blake Chance The Rapper and Radiohead in the same week Someone come help clean up this mess there are a lot of fluids
  4. The new James Blake album is astoundingly fucking good.

  5. burn the witch

    1. ICBMoose


      if you float you burn

  6. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    I'm working on turning an ocean temple into a city if anyone wants a room. I promise there will be minimal genetic experimentation.
  7. If you're familiar with lock laces, they're similar but they lock into clips on both sides of the shoe rather than a slider in the center. The general idea is you get a tighter fit without having to adjust them periodically and that you can just slip your shoes on and off. Plus you can clip them in a certain way so you get a neat looking "knot-less" look. https://www.xpandlaces.com/ They're kind of gimmicky but I work at a run specialty store so I was interested in seeing how they do.
  8. Since I work in a shoe store, I kickstarted these experimental laces from a company called "Xpand" a while back and finally got my laces in today. I guess the company never bothered to call themselves anything other than "Xpand" though. Not "Xpand Laces" or "Xpand Athletics" or anything like that. So long story short a small black plastic package arrived in the mail with "Xpand" written on it and I'm pretty sure all of my housemates think I just ordered dick supplements.
  9. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Curie is my favorite romantic option but one of my least favorite companions if only because of her inconsistent combat dialogue. Please don't try to lecture me about how violent the wasteland is after I just watched you beat a raider to death with a fucking baseball bat.
  10. kayohgee

    subSPUFCraft 2: The Revengeance

    1.9.2 is up btw
  11. I used to have this thing I could barely pass off as a hobby where I would try to learn really fast and intricate raps. For a while I actually got kind of decent at spitting the lyrics out even though I'm a shrill voiced white dude and my delivery is awful. It's something that I always had a lot of fun with and have lost interest and motivation in. I know if I have people morbidly interested in hearing me do this shit I'll actually try, so I'm going to leave the choice up to you, nerds. Find me songs to learn - within fucking reason. It also has to be in English because there's no way I'm going to learn Spanish and rap at like 1,000 syllables per minute. I cannot do either of those things to begin with. Also anything meme related will probably be instantly disqualified. If you aren't total dicks and send me stuff a person can do I'll share my attempts here and you can all get your dope dolan meme keks as you listen to me struggle through a Twista song (but really, fuck you if you pick Twista). Also, before I post this and people start screaming "dead thread" I am not going to set a strict time limit on how long to learn each song. I'll post shit when I feel ready to post shit. I really just want something to do. Come at me, nerds.
  12. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Weird. Try AppData?
  13. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    User/Documents/My Games maybe?
  14. who wants to vidya games with me literally right now i'm drunk AF an dbored
  15. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I'm gonna be that guy and wonder why Dark Souls 3 needed a retro/grindhouse-y trailer. It's played out even for games that are actually going for that vibe. It's well done, though.
  16. Hoping drill sergeant senpai will notice you?
  17. kayohgee

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Quick Automatron review: Building robots: good (even though they seem OP as companions and settlement members) Main quest: bad (short and half of it is already a fetch quest, story could have been interesting but was lazily executed)
  18. You sound like you could be the star of Big Black Plumber in my Pipes 4 through 7 I just got the weirdest deja vu because I swear to god I've made this exact fucking joke about someone else's name before. maybe it was even paero.
  19. kayohgee

    Payday General

    On the one hand, Sharlto Copley On the other hand, what in the actual fuck