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Everything posted by Magickus

  1. Ok, lets publicly humiliate this kid and make him miss out on school ALL BECAUSE HE MADE A PASTRY LOOK LIKE A GUN?! Do you idiotic people running this country even KNOW how FUCKING STUPID THIS IS?! Think about how the poor kid is feeling, for Christ's sake.
  2. Magickus

    TF2 general

    Yeah, this too. inb4 Cat in the Hat hat cosmetic in dota
  3. Magickus

    TF2 general

    This is why Dota 2's cosmetics are so much better IMO they aren't rushed.
  4. Magickus

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    I'm the guy who tries to be funny in an attempt to gather rep yet fails miserably.
  5. Magickus

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    blowjobs op
  6. Magickus

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    nah we're good
  7. Magickus

    we media now

    Why must carries refuse being fed, how is that a bad thing
  8. Magickus

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    If by 90 people you mean random dudes who posted once within the past month or so then yeah we have 90 active users.
  9. Magickus

    Best Support

    Wait... why isn't KotL on that list?
  10. Magickus

    Dota General

  11. Magickus

    How The Hell Do You Play This Game?

    I think you mean Verdant's Coif
  12. Magickus

    Dota General

    I don't really like the Batrider one.
  13. Magickus

    How The Hell Do You Play This Game?

    Kill your own creeps when they're at low health. Generally stick to 1 carry, everything else, I dunno. Stick to the items the game recommends for you when you start out. I'm prett sure to cancel animation is to constantly press S, and orbwalking:
  14. Magickus

    Dota General

    all of them
  15. Magickus

    Dota General

    No new heroes :c
  16. Magickus

    Dota General

    Juggernaut or Bastion announcer pack?
  17. Magickus

    EA is at it again

    EA and Microsoft should form a team, they'd probably be richer than ExxonMobil and 10 times more hated then they already are.
  18. Magickus

    Competitive Discussion

    I myself never played comp TF2 aside from lobbies, but I find it becomes too stale after awhile. *28 hours, that doesn't mean I can't have fun watching comp matches
  19. Magickus

    Competitive Discussion

    Comp Dota is more exciting than comp TF2
  20. Magickus

    Dota General

    Holy shit that's scary, Assassinate was always a pretty strong ability.
  21. Magickus

    Dota General

    You're ruining the joke. 8(
  22. Magickus

    Dota General

    So Drow walks into a bar. There is no counter!
  23. Magickus

    Rule Updates

    I did. But Rule 20 cockblocked me.
  24. Magickus

    TF2 general

    My Gaming Edge