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Everything posted by Splosion

  1. Splosion

    Age of Empires 2 HD

    So do we officially have 4 people or is commander on the fence?
  2. EA Fun Fact: Origin bans aren't like steam bans. You mess up there and they flat out take away your games. Even single player only games. I honestly don't understand how they remain one of the top companies in gaming. All terrible business practices aside what do they really have going for them? Origin is terrible compared to the majority of other digital distributors. Nearly every gaming franchise they acquire has most of the fun sucked out of it by their terrible developers. Having their games only available on Origin has alienated a portion of their PC customers. Aside from IAP infested mobile games they don't have many franchises doing all that well outside the sims. Sim City - Essentially ruined. Dead Space - killed by microtransactions that literally ripped it out of it's on genre. Command & Conquer - Moving to F2P garbage of the highest caliber. Battlefield - Modern military shooter, enough said. Mirror's Edge - PFTHAHAHAHAHA Mass Effect - Generally dumbed down all over the place after being bought by EA. MADDEN NBA 2047 PRO SKATER 20 EXTREME EDITION - lol sports... They better pray that Crysis 3 pulls their asses out of the fire.
  3. Splosion

    Age of Empires 2 HD

    I'm up for throwing in on a 4 pack
  4. Splosion

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Whatever! Damn yankees and your fancy sign parties... We can do that too... uh... OK! Bumscags and Commander, Meet me at the Waffle House on Barret Parkway next to town center mall, we'll get signs too but you know what we'll have that they won't!? GOD DAMN WAFFLES!!!
  5. Splosion

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    So jealous! That's one of the few cons I still want to attend. I've given up on E3 and the San Diego Comicon as they're just media shitstorms these days but Pax always looks like a lot of fun. Get tons of pictures and tell us all about it when you get back.
  6. Splosion

    What'cha been playing?

    Do yourself a favor. Pick up Sim City 4, [insert giant list of reasons why it's better than the new sim city here]. It may not have a few of the new bells and whistles but from the reviews and gameplay I've seen, 4 is a far better game than this thing they released. For me the first nail in the coffin was actually Mass effect 2, not 3. It felt like the game was 90% side quests and filler, I refuse to even play the 3rd after what they did to this franchise. Although EA has been known to do a lot of way more terrible things. Here's a short list of terrile choices they've made. -Hired actors to stage a fake protest over the dante's inferno game outside E3 -"Your mom hates Dead Space ad campaign". These ads created a lot of outrage from the image it painted of their target market (kids) and gamers in general. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKkPFDEiC6Q -This quote... -Pushing more microtransactions. -General nickel and diming of customers. -Day 1 DLC -Extreme always on DRM -Origin Bans I'm sure with a bit more searching I could find plenty of other horrific decisions made by EA. I won't be giving them another dime for a very very long time because at this point EA has just thrown on a wife beater and sweatpants and giving up on fixing their image. Now take a look at Ubisoft. They've had a lot of very similar issues but the key difference with them is that they realize pissing off customers is retarded and try to fix things.
  7. Splosion

    What'cha been playing?

    It just amazes me they stay in business. They knowingly make decisions that infuriate a large portion of gamers to the point where they're outright boycotted by most of us and still stay afloat. I can't even remember the last time a month passed without them doing something that damaged their image.
  8. Splosion

    What'cha been playing?

    Reported for giving EA money.
  9. Splosion

    For those of you who get Spring break...

    Girlfriend flies down in two weeks for her break. Spending most of the week apartment hunting in case she doesn't get accepted to the PHD prep course at smith.
  10. Splosion

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    The self mill is part of my golgari deck to dump creatures in the graveyard. Here's the rundown of my guilds. Selesnya - TOKENS EVERYWHERE / life gain Azorious - Heavy control with lockdown enchantments and detain Rakdos - Aggro / Direct damage Golgari - Self mill / Aggro with a splash of control Izzet - Control / direct damage Dimir - Control / milling Simic - Undying exploit with Zameck guildmage Orzhov - Extort sentric / minor control Gruul - Best attempt to make Gruul not crap I haven't made a final decision on my boros deck. I may splice it with my soldiers or go for an angel theme it's mostly dependant on how I'll need to balance it against my other decks. Alot of these decks are going to be really solid though so I may be able to go a bit nuts with Boros. Here's a few of the combos I'm working in. With 2 gyre sages on the field alongside ooze flux I can give myself infinite creatures, if champion of lambholt happens to be out at the same time that also gives her infinite power making everything unblockable. Not quite as impressive as the last one but very very effective in most scenarios. Puts heavy punishment on an opponent for attacking and gives me time to get extort pumping out enough damage.
  11. Splosion

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I'm just rounding out my last 5 guild decks mostly. I'd list everything but it's 200+ cards so it'll be easier just to link the tappedout pages here once I'm done. I did buy a few odds and ends for my original 5 though, mostly golgari cards you recommended. I'm dropping alot of my scavenge focus for cards that benefit a bit more from the self mill I have going. I also decided to go with a hybrid zombie/mill theme for my dimir guild and picked up this combo for it. If you're still wanting a standard deck that can finally beat out boros I came across this very nice budget Simic that works just as fast if not faster. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/faster-than-a-speeding-boros/
  12. Splosion

    TF2 general

    FTFY. Promos are going to start becoming more common, not less. With a simple bit of modeling any game can see a big increase in sales for their steam release. Why anyone releasing something on steam would pass that up is a bit odd.
  13. Splosion

    Take a Cautionary Sip. I'm Hot.

    Allow me to fix this. ...pancreas...
  14. Splosion

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    So after selling off all my unusuals I bought a few hundred dollars worth of rare singles. I'm now F5'ing the fedex tracker every few hours as if that's going to make the cards cross 14 states any quicker. I think I may have a problem...
  15. Splosion

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Careful who's territory you step into here new kid...
  16. Splosion

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    The SubSpuf Survivor's Forums must be getting huge by now.
  17. Splosion

    Recommend everything!

    Played a good game recently? Tell us about it! Saw a good movie? Scream at us until we go see it! Efficient ways to hide a body? Read a good book? I want to read it too! Fun vacation spot? Where do I need to go? Anything at all you've enjoyed you think we might not be aware of recommend here. My lengthy first post of suggestions: WATCH THE NEW BATTLESTAR GALACTICA! It's a fairly old show but I still run into plenty of people unaware of it's existence or how incredible it was. To this day this is still the single greatest piece of television I have ever seen.You don't have to enjoy science fiction to enjoy this, all the locations and characters could be replaced and keep the story basically in tact. It's fairly slow to get started as the cast is huge and there are tons of storylines to establish but if you stick with it through season one you'll find it's fantastic despite being incredibly depressing. Stream for the miniseries (Watch first) Stream for the TV series Like zombies but hate cliches!? READ THIS THEN! World War Z is great if you've never picked it up. This book has done something I've never seen in any other story about zombies. Instead of showing the world during a zombie apocalypse, it shows you one after the zombies have been beaten back and society attempts to reconstruct itself. The book is basically a series of past accounts from different people and how they lived through "the war" in gruesome detail. Feeling too happy recently? Well how about getting an early start to a midlife crisis? Replay by Ken Grimwood is the fastest way to start that up. Easily the most thought provoking book I've ever read. Sucked me in under the guise of a scifi mystery but turned out to be something completely unexpected. I can't recommend this enough and it's a shame it isn't more well known. Are DOTA matches too long for you? Then give Awesomenauts a try. I think this is one of the most under rated titles on steam. Great MOBA experience condensed down into a fun platformer/shooter. The game has also received about 4 free updates and more to come. Easily the best indie title I've ever played. Looking for a good movie? While this may not be a big budget hollywood blockbuster with lts of splosions, robots, and meagan fox cleavage, The Man from Earth is amazing. I've never seen such a low budget movie that was so good, the entire thing is basically a hypothetical discussion on immortality which may not sound all that exciting at first but will leave you thinking about it for weeks. Now go do those things. All of you. Right now. You'll thank me later.
  18. Splosion

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    Because that always works out so well...
  19. Splosion

    What'cha been playing?

    Just finished my first playthrough of The Walking Dead. Not quite as depressing as To the Moon was but it's up there. Think I might finally start playing the witcher next. I'm going to murder this backlog of mine even if I die in the process.
  20. Splosion

    greetings delinquents, i exist

  21. Splosion

    greetings delinquents, i exist

    See guys this is why we have so many people leave after 13 posts. You need to be patient and take the organs one at a time. Let them slowly learn to live without them. While I am in dire need of some fresh vertebrae I can be patient and what until he feels safe here.
  22. Splosion

    Pandemic is back!

    Well sort of. I'm sure many of you remember the flash game Pandemic 2 exploding across the internet a few years ago and today I discovered it was remade or blatantly ripped off. Either way it's an amazing recreation/expansion on the original but sadly it's only for android and IOS App store link They've taken the MTG route for DLC, the majority of it can be unlocked just by playing the game for a few hours but the Zombie/Brain slug campaigns are DLC only. I highly recommend the Neurax worm campaign. There's a ton of different methods winning once you evolve the slugs to control minds from worshiping the parasites to going stark raving mad and beating each other to death. This game has gotten a good laugh out of me on more than one occasion as well, I wish I could find an image for the Sneezing + Dihorrea symptom combo, but this will have to do. Oh and the best part of this game?
  23. Splosion

    shoot mania:storm

    I tried out the demo for this and uninstalled within 10 minutes. Really nothing new or exciting in this game. Even with the customization options the core mechanics are too bland.
  24. Splosion

    Pandemic is back!

    I always start in china. You've got a quarter of the planet's population right there in one country so once the virus does start hopping borders it basically hops all of them at once. Starting off in greenland or madagascar can be great long term but with the speed boost you get from starting in china it's usually not an issue.
  25. Splosion

    Pandemic is back!

    Wow it's that old? I guess it just got released on IOS. Might be worth checking to see the new DLC (If that's not old as well).