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Posts posted by FrozenFirebug

  1. my friend cosplayed as cory baxter once for an anime con

    My name's Misty, I've recently started traveling with two boys, Ash and Brock. But there is something about me they don't know. I'm a Futanari, a girl who also has male parts. I've never heard of another one so I assume it's just me, alone, with a penis. I've never actually used the thing, aside from occasionally masturbating. I've heard that Futanari are super rare and super special but I don't know what that means exactly.

    Ash is a strong trainer, he managed to beat me and Brock for his first two badges.

    Since I've been journeying with the boys I sleep spate from them and when I need some relief I walk off and take care of business. This is what I'm doing tonight because I can't sleep and my erection is nearly ripping through my shorts.

    "Haa!" I moaned as I shimmied out of my shorts and grabbed my cock with my hand, slowly starting to jerk off.

    I had my shirt hiked up as o could grasp my small breasts, I wasn't much bigger than a B-cup but I wasn't really complaining.

    "So good…" I moaned stroking faster "Haaaaa…I needed this."

    I reached down and cupped my balls as I stroked. My hand moved at a blinding pace, making naughty fapping noises.

    "OHHH!" I gasped feeing a surge in my loins "Here it comes!"


    "OHHHHHAAAA!" I moaned as my cock twitched and cum flew out everywhere.

    When I came down off my high I came face to face with a shocking sight, I had covered Ash's Pikachu in my cum.


    "Oh my gosh Pikachu I'm so sorry!"

    Pikachu suddenly started glowing.



    Pikachu's body started changing right in front of me. Pikachu got taller and started to take on a more human shape, towards the chest area C-cup sized breasts formed and between the legs a clear vagina developed. On her head shoulder length blonde hair grew. The only thing convincing me this girl, who was about my height, was still Pikachu was the ears and tail reminiscent of her old form.

    "What the…" the girl covered her mouth "I'm…talking?!"

    "Pikachu?" I said confused "Is that really you."


    The blonde haired girl stood up and looked around "What happened?"

    "I'm not really sure."

    Could it be because my cum got on her? Could that be the special power of the futanari?

    "I think it was because of me." I said gesturing to my penis.

    Pikachu looked at it "Hmm…"

    Looking at how cute Pikachu had become I slowly felt myself starting to get hard again.

    "I feel so weird." Pikachu said poking her breast "all bouncy and jiggly."

    "And this too." She said touching her new pussy "Feels really nice."

    "Oh god…I'm gonna lose it."

    "Pikachu!" I gasped when the Pokegirl poked my penis.

    "Does that feel good?" the girl asked "I have an urge to stroke it."


    "My mind is filled with thoughts…about sex." Pikachu looked up at me very sexually "Misty…please fuck me."

    The electric Pokémon suddenly licked my length.

    "OH!" I gasped at the suddenly pleasure.

    Pikachu suddenly started sucking on the tip before engulfing my penis with her warm mouth.

    "That…feels so good." I moaned.

    I've never gotten blowjob before….this feels incredible…what have I been missing.

    Pikachu looked up at me as she made sexy slurping noises while she sucked me off.

    "Pikachu…suck harder." I begged.

    "Mmmmm." The mouse hummed as her head bobbed faster and faster.

    "Uhhgh." I groaned throwing my head back as Pikachu ran her tongue over my dick.

    I can't hold it in much longer…I'm gonna cum soon.

    "Hmmmm." Pikachu's humming made my balls tingle.

    "Oh! I'm…I'm gonna…HAAAAAA!"

    My testicles clenched and started filling Pikachu's mouth with hot spunk. The sexy blonde eagerly swallowed the seed, smiling up at me.

    "Lay down." I said getting on my knees "I'll take care of you know."

    Pikachu did as I said; I crawled between her legs and flicked my tongue over her fold.

    "OH!" she gasped "Misty that feels really good."

    I looked up and saw the mouse grabbing her breasts and rubbing her clit with her finger as I probed my tongue into her hole.

    "Deeper Misty…go deeper." Pikachu said pushing my head harder against her snatch.

    I increased my motions and pushed my tongue as far in as I could manage. Pikachu tasted so sweet, her juices were pouring into my mouth.

    "I feel so good!" Pikachu moaned "I'm losing my mind…I'm…OHHHH!"

    I felt Pikachu's walls shift around my tongue as she climaxed.

    "That was an orgasm." Pikachu moaned "I've never felt that good…I want to feel that way again."

    I kneeled up and smiled down.

    "Misty." Pikachu spread her legs "Stick it in me."

    I'm about to take my first girl ever…

    I leaned down and kissed Pikachu, our tongues twirling in our mouths before I slowly pushed forward and penetrated her.

    "Haa!" we both gasped in pleasure.

    It's so tight.

    "That feels so good…I'm being stretched to the limit!"

    I grunted and slowly started to thrust my hips, stimulating Pikachu's pleasure core.

    "Ha…ha…" she moaned "Harder Misty!"

    "Sorry." I said bucking my hips "You're just so tight there's a lot of resistance."

    As I leaned down I felt Pikachu's slightly bigger breasts pressing against mine. The electric type wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled my closer as I thrusted.

    "Pikachu…this feels so good!" I moaned.

    "I know…more!"

    Pikachu and I grinded against each other, my cock plunging deep into her, I felt my balls swinging around slapping against Pikachu's thighs.

    "UGH!" I groaned "Pikachu…I can't hold it!"

    "Me too…I…MISTY!"

    Pikachu suddenly got unbearably tight. It was almost impossible for me to thrust against her vice grip like walls.

    "AHH!" I moaned as I felt myself starting to lose control "OHHHHHHH!"

    I felt my balls clench and start pumping a load of cum into Pikachu. I pulled out slowly, cum spilling out of the cute girl.

    "Misty that was so good." Pikachu smiled sitting up "We should do it more."

    "Yeah…hey umm…how are we gonna explain this?" I asked.

    "Oh yeah…Hmmm." Pikachu focused "Don't worry can change back."

    "You can?!"

    "Well my mind says I can." She said focusing "I have a whole bunch of new thoughts since I changed, I guess when futanari cum gets on a Pokémon it turns into a Pokegirl, we can switch back and forth…but we keep the ability to talk…to the one who changed us."

    "Wow…how convenient."

    Pikachu focused and shifted back to normal.


    "That's great." I said looking at the little mouse.

    "The suns gonna be up soon, we should get back." She said scampering off.

    So I can change Pokémon into cute girls…Maybe this cock isn't so bad.

  2. People who don’t like My little pony should be euthanized. I’ve had enough of society persecuting us because of our interests. We don’t conform to the arbitrary margins of societal norms unlike you mindless drones, and that makes you jealous of our lifestyle. You were picked on as children. We ignored the haters. That’s why you make fun of us. If you met one of us bronies on the street, you’d be the victim.

  3. I'm kinda ashamed to admit this, but I don't make a lot of money. I work thirty-two hours a week as a cashier for a local fast-food restaurant and barely have enough to pay my part of the rent and utilities. I live in a two bedroom apartment with four other people. There is a walk-in storage closet in the kitchen that was just big enough for a twin bed and a night stand. It isn't much, but it is home. On the plus side, I don't have to go far to get a midnight snack. On the downside I have to walk across the apartment to use the bathroom.

    Being a member of the working-poor and living in a closet doesn't exactly translate into adoration from the opposite sex. I have below-average social skills and I'm not what anyone would describe as handsome. I'm the kind of guy who would have to pay for sex, but as I mentioned, I can barely pay rent. After two hundred bucks for a closet and my part of the utilities, which is usually just as much, I have a little over a hundred bucks a month to spend on food and personal items.

    As one could imagine, I spend most of my downtime locked in my room using a cheap Android tablet to browse the internet in an attempt to find something to occupy my mind in the hours between sleep and slaving away at Burger Hell. Like most men with no social life and zero chance of finding a consenting adult to touch their genitals, this includes a fair amount of porn consumption.

    For the past few years I have wanted a Fleshlight. For those who aren't inundated with ads every time they load up a page showing a redheaded schoolgirl taking oral instruction from a well hung instructor; a Fleshlight is a soft penile masturbation sleeve held within a rigid case that resembles a flashlight. The mouth of the device slides over the, well you know. For lonely guys it is the closest we come to experiencing sex. I've always wanted one, but I cannot afford to spend $58.95 for the base model.

    I was browsing through used sex toys on Ebay when something caught my eye. The headline read:

    “Slightly used homemade Fleshlight. Has been cleaned. Must go.”

    The buy it now price was listed at five dollars and it had free shipping. Excited, I put in my paypal information and waited for the masturbatory device to arrive in the mail from Bob's Taxidermy. Three days later I was excited to receive a small package in the mail. I spirited it away to my closet and opened it to some disappointment. The vacuum sealed package was that of a normal plastic Rayovac flashlight. I pulled off the bulb to see what appeared to be a leather facsimile of a vagina. The pamphlet that came with the device read, “Use Enclosed oil on exterior and inner lining after washing with warm soapy water after each use.”

    Later that night I tried it out. The texture was a little off, but it actually felt halfway similar to the real thing. Content with my purchase, I put it in the drawer of my nightstand. It might sound strange, but this tiny little adjustment to my life improved my confidence. I performed better at work. I was more comfortable talking to girls. As strange as it may sound, I started to fall in love with this five dollar used sexy toy I'd found on ebay.

    One night after a particularly furious self-pleasuring, I fell asleep with the Fleshlight still attached if you know what I mean. That night I was treated to violent dreams of a sweaty old man grabbing me by the throat and choking the life out of me. I woke from this dream to the sensation of the Fleshlight moving back and forth. For a brief moment I thought a saw a grandmotherly woman riding on top of me. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and pulled the Fleshlight off. After a thorough cleaning I put it back in the drawer.

    It was an odd night, but I'd had weirder dreams. I chalked it up to the Chantix I'd started the day before and a significant decrease in my smoking habit. I went to work as scheduled and returned home to see my roommates standing around the television. A man in New Hampshire had been arrested by the FBI for murdering his wife and using his skills as a taxidermist to hide the body in various homemade objects which he sold online. I shuddered at the thought and returned to my closet. I pulled up the news story on my tablet and opened a new tab to enjoy my Fleshlight to the stylings of a lonely housewife being serviced by a plumber with an uncharacteristically ripped physique.

    I was about halfway through my session when there was a knock on my door. I covered myself with a blanket and said, “Come in.”

    It was my roommate Jamie. He stood in the doorway and said,

    “Hey, that package you got last week. The box was in the trash. What did you order?”

    I panicked and said, “Oh nothing, just a stuffed lizard I gave a guy at work.”

    Jamie grimaced and said, “You might wanna call him. The box was from Bob's Taxidermy, that lizard is made from that crazy guy's wife. He choked her to death and cut her into a bunch of pieces he sold online. The cops are tracking down all the people who bought his items. They'll probably be here any day now.”

    Jamie closed the door and I looked at the slight bulge in my blanket caused by the Fleshlight attached to my then flaccid member. I read the article and sure enough, Miriam Johansen had been murdered and shipped all over the country. I thought about the dream and the resulting straddling I felt after. Mortified, I pulled the thing off of me and cleaned it thoroughly. I was too scared to throw it away and freaked out by its presence. I'd been masturbating with a vagina cut from a murdered woman and fashioned into a forever alone fuck sleeve. My panic intensified.

    Ultimately, I put the macabre toy in an old shoebox and slid it under my bed. What sleep I got that night was fitful at best. I dreamt of Bob the Taxidermist choking me to death and cutting me into pieces he sold online. I woke in a cold sweat to the same grandmotherly woman sitting on the foot of my bed. She looked sad, but at the same time there was a warm feeling about her. I sat up in my bed, and wiped the sleep from my eyes as she faded into the darkness. I heard a low scraping sound on the floor and looked down to see that the shoebox had slid out from under my bed.

    I became overwhelmed by the urge to use it one last time. I pulled it out and slid it onto myself as I reached for my tablet. The tablet wouldn't turn on so I tried to think of something that would turn me on. A few strokes into the experience I felt the hand holding the Fleshlight being pulled away. Soon the other hand was lifted as well. They were pinned behind my head. Soon after I felt a tight grip on my throat. As it became harder to breathe, the grandmotherly woman became visible again. I could feel the Fleshlight moving faster and grinding further down as her expression turned to one of sheer hatred. The last thing I remember is the most intense climax of my life as I passed out from lack of oxygen.

    The next morning I was greeted by two FBI agents who found me laying naked in bed with the Fleshlight still attached to my member and deep read hand prints across my throat. As I slowly woke up and realized my precarious situation I reached for a blanket to cover myself. The taller of the two agents asked me to place the toy in a large plastic bag he was holding out. I was asked to dress myself and join him at the station. After it was all worked out I wasn't facing any charges. It didn't change the fact that my roommates found out I'd been jacking it with the taxidermied vagina of a murder victim. They in turn told my co-workers who told pretty much everyone else. People would snicker and call me “corpse fucker” under their breath.

    My roommates informed me that they'd prefer if I found a new place to live. I had until the end of the month to find a new place. It was much the same at work. I had been branded as a necrophile and my manager said that my presence reflected badly on the store. I was too said and too mortified from my experiences that week to even attempt to fap. So, with nothing else to do I turned on my tablet and checked my email. The first line of my inbox read.

    “(URGENT: PLEASE READ) Settlement information enclosed.”

    It was from Ebay.

    Contained within was a request for my banking information. As a result of the items made from human flesh being sold through their site, every buyer was being offered a settlement of nearly a hundred thousand dollars. I replied with my checking account and routing number. A couple days later I was rolling in the cash. I paid for a semester of college in cash and got a private dorm room. Sitting at my new desk on a recently purchased laptop I opened my web browser and bought an official Fleshlight. Even with the change in finances, I figured it unlikely I'd have sex anytime soon.

    Besides, the only real sex I'd ever had included being hatefucked by a pissed off ghost.

