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Arm the Homeless

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Everything posted by Arm the Homeless

  1. Arm the Homeless

    Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    it would be cool if stuff would embed properly instead of me having to edit it like 5 times for it to work
  2. god save the empire cause nothing else will save it from me

  3. Arm the Homeless

    Anime General Discussion

    my favorite part was when arin hanson showed up
  4. back in time to fight the viking foe

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2bIkVKeWTo
  6. From the red sky of the east to the sunset in the west, we have cheated death and he has cheated us.

  7. Arm the Homeless

    ITT We Appreciate Good Video Game Music

    i never beat the new shadow warrior but i used to play the original a lot. probably not as much as i played doom but it was definitely more than duke nukem. i would estimate about 20 hours probably. im feeling cheeki breeki
  8. Arm the Homeless

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    as far as I know its nothing to be concerned about
  9. Arm the Homeless

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    why does chihaya laugh so much in this episode
  10. Arm the Homeless

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    combined arms maps are dumb never play them
  11. Arm the Homeless

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Try Bloodborne instead if you want faster pace. Or just roll fast roll everywhere. You don't need poise when you can just dodge everything.
  12. Arm the Homeless

    Anime General Discussion

    wtf you finished a show
  13. why so mega giga serious?


  14. Arm the Homeless

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    basically the program waits 1000*60*60*24 milliseconds or 1 day before outputting the current date which would be tomorrow's date by the time you execute the program
  15. Arm the Homeless

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Free standalone Hotline Miami mod authorized by Dennaton coming August 18
  16. you can just not eat thats the easier solution