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Everything posted by Mersopolis

  1. Mersopolis

    Mersopolis: The Voice

    Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog - Slipping (XYTWO) FINISHED: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bykzn2FRXgdbMEJ3LTBKZGRhZWM/edit?usp=sharing
  2. When I grow up, I want to be a GOD!

    1. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      You need two guns to become a god.

  3. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=303030866 Sadly, no sound pack... YET...
  4. Laptop mouse is DED

    1. Veez
    2. FrozenFirebug


      rip in rip in pizza in peace

    3. Mersopolis


      Got a new wireless mouse. It's much better than the old one.

  5. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    We won, boys!
  6. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    We MvM now. Who wants in? Talk to Binary for tickets.
  7. Mersopolis

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    That reminds me. I need to get back to MY spycrab.
  8. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Well, the tentacles are constantly attacking everything everywhere, in Black Mesa. In HL1, they wait until they hear something, and attack a specific spot.
  9. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    Prestige Gaming's 24 hour Hightower server can be okay.
  10. Mersopolis

    The End is Near

    Eventually, science will become the only thing that only humans can do, since robots can't think. YET
  11. Mersopolis


    I very often get hard deja-vu, but I never know if it comes from a dream or something else. As do I.
  12. Mersopolis

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    Darn hike. Well, it's not like it mattered. I only have 29 cents.
  13. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I loved using the wrench in BioShock 1.
  14. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I was playing as the Republic in Galactic Conquest in Battlefront 2 against elite bots. I was trying to take back Yavin. We both used the garrison bonus. At the beginning, I went Engineer, and took a hover tank all the way to their last point on the cliff. I sat there destroying enemies, only getting out to capture the point. It took a while, but I did it. I noticed that my reinforcement count was at 1 while the droids' was at ~37. I got in my tank and started heading toward the watery, stone-henge-like point. There were many enemies coming to reclaim their cliff. I thinned them out quite a bit, but quite a few got away. I was able to get out and capture the watery point as they recaptured their cliff. After that, I started shotgunning them one-by-one until I won. It felt amazing. After that, I decided to play some Trouble in Terrorist Town. On my first round, I had gone to find a melon to play with and protect, but as I walked in, somebody crowbar'd it. Luckily, I became a Traitor that round, while he was a detective. I followed him for a few seconds then killed him with an M16. After that, I was a wanted man. I ended up killing 5 people and dying shortly afterwards. I guess Battlefront helped my aim.
  15. Mersopolis

    share your worst jokes

    A cat, a teenage boy, and a toy robot are in a maximum security prison cell, under constant surveillance. Something breaks out. What was it?
  16. Mersopolis

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

  17. Mersopolis

    Mersopolis: The Voice

    Do you want me to sing a specific person's part, or just all the male parts?
  18. Mersopolis

    Merso Learns Programming

    It only starts with art. It eventually moves on to actual programs, like Doodlejump.
  19. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Now how the heck is that going to work? In related news, I just barely finished up Bioshock. The good side ending. At least that's what I'm assuming it is.
  20. Mersopolis

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

  21. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Not elite ones, it seems. But, maybe with that one electricity tonic... Also,
  22. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I think fighting Big Daddies is a lot easier than it should be. If you're fighting a Bouncer, one can simply jump on a counter and get it stuck, and easy to shoot. Rosies are a bit harder, since they can always attack you. However, some electric bucks followed by circle-strafing with the machine gun is simple enough to pull off. Who needs the grenade launcher?
  23. Mersopolis

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I can probably be on, for that. (I call Coach and Louis.)