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Everything posted by Mersopolis

  1. Mersopolis

    Need a Disp- introduction here!

    Good day, sir! I see the ceremony has already begun. Don't fret over losing your internal organs. I am a certified doctor, and I will glue you back together. After taking your diaphragm, of course...
  2. Mersopolis

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    And here I am, penniless, and unable to pay even a cent for that bundle.
  3. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shared games with each other, so the less fortunate could have more variety? We could set up temporary passwords, and in a big and quick event, share them with each other and log on to each other's computers. Thoughts?
  4. Cookie Clicker was updated for Valentine's Day. New building: Prisms: Convert light itself into cookies.

    1. Idiot Cube
    2. FrozenFirebug


      can we convert darkness into cookies too

    3. Unromantic XYTWO

      Unromantic XYTWO

      oh god, I thought I was done with that shit

  5. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    No can do, today, but, due to President's Day tomorrow, I can play then.
  6. Good day, sir! I see the ceremony has already begun. Don't fret over losing your internal organs. I am a certified doctor, and I will glue you back together. After taking your diaphragm, of course...
  7. Mersopolis

    The IT thread.

    I've tried two different mice in every USB port. It's the laptop.
  8. Mersopolis

    i am a massive fucking tool

    I'm too nice to take people's organs after the ritual, So I'll just offer my services as a medical professional and glue you back together.
  9. Mersopolis

    The Catch A Ride thread

    How do I make a good car with junkyard scrap parts?
  10. Mersopolis

    The Catch A Ride thread

    How can I get a good car free and legally?
  11. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    It's much too late for me to do MvM now.
  12. Mersopolis

    The IT thread.

    So it seems my laptop is having problems with USB mice leftclicking. Nearly all the time, left clicks do not work, or they click multiple times even though I only clicked once. Is there anything I can do that doesn't require leaving my house or buying something?
  13. Mersopolis

    share your worst jokes

    i've actually had an account for like a year i was just saving this place as a backup for when shit went south on spuf Hasn't it already?
  14. Mersopolis

    share your worst jokes

    -snipe- That reminds of me of Backyard Baseball, strangely enough.
  15. I was right on the line between authoritarian and libertarian, if that means anything.
  16. Yeah, but DOES the guy working his arse off make more money? Or did events beyond his control force him into a dead-end job, with little net pay? Did the other guy fail in life, or did he get lucky in an extremely risky move with his money, and become rich? Did he do dishonest things to make his way to a high-paying position? You have to consider ALL the possibilities, mein freund. Anyway, Seems to fit me pretty well.
  17. Mersopolis

    So apparently this place exists

    Good day, sir! I see the ceremony has already begun. Don't fret over losing your internal organs. I am a certified doctor, and I will glue you back together. After taking your diaphragm, of course...
  18. Mersopolis

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Paladin, I think.
  19. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    Turns out it's a group of three friends abusing the votekick system. http://steamcommunity.com/id/AdventuresWithBill http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009592509 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030802187 They have been banned permanently.
  20. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    So, um, I was just votekicked and banned from the SPUF server for no reason. I am a nice admin. I literally cannot think of any reason why anyone would have voted me off. Why don't admins have votekick immunity?
  21. Mersopolis

    SPUF of the Dead: Chapter 1

    I did the same thing for Mers. But I know I'm not popular, so I'm not sad about it.
  22. Mersopolis

    TF2 general

    Why is it so hard to use the Loose Cannon?
  23. Mersopolis

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    My Geography teacher showed this to us, today.
  24. Mersopolis

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    It's safe, don't worry.