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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. Controversy has been stirred up in Utah over our production of "Almost, Maine."

    Some lady whose job it is to create discussions on Facebook (as far as I know) started one about our production, and included a video of one production's version of the potentially gay scene.

    I can't find it, but now people are concerned about it, thinking that the entire play is about sex and homosexuality, and are thinking that "high school students shouldn't be performing adult roles," etc.

    Little do they know that we edited that one scene, replacing one of the guys with a girl. The scene is perfectly okay. We are trying hard to not imply the characters are going to have sex off-stage. They don't know a lot about plays if they think adult roles shouldn't ever be played by students.


    Related, one of the guys got uncomfortable with the part he got, so he dropped. I am now in his place, and no longer an understudy. I am Phil, the married man who gets in a fight with his wife.

  2. ITT: a lack of collapsed spoilers


    Also, in that joke, I skipped all the way down to the punchline, because I had seen a "world's longest joke" about a man in the desert before, and I thought this was the same thing.


    What does that make me?



    The Region Drama tournament is a festival, and not a competition. Instead of having a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. place, they rank each performance, in ascending order: Fair, Good, Excellent, or Superior.

    Each performance is rated on 9 things to determine an overall rating. Those that get at least two overall Superior ratings out of three move on the the State tournament.

    However, some of the judges decided to only give out one Superior rating per round.

    My partner and I were gypped because of this, and were not able to go to State. He originally gave us 5/9 Superiors and 4/9 Excellents. He, later, changed one of the Superiors to an Excellent and made our overall rating, which previously would have been Superior, Excellent.


    On the bright side, our drama teacher and co-coach collaborated with several others and are trying to change the tournament to an actual competition, for next time.



    Also, the cast list for "Almost, Maine" was posted. I got the hardest roll of all: Male Understudy.

    No, I was not good enough for Female Understudy. None of the guys were. None of them even got girl parts. On the other hand, only one girl got a guy part, but that was just to make a potentially gay scene not gay. The directors thought that the area wasn't quite ready to see something like that, so they changed it.