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Posts posted by Mersopolis


    You can hide status updates, you know.


    If anybody doesn't want to see it, they don't have to.


    Not really a good reason given the legitimate uses for status updates. We're talking about separating the wheat from the chaff.






    Hey, other users! If we want to use status updates for legitimate reasons, how about we also put them in an actual thread?!

  2. Wait, how do you access them still?

    At the top of every page is the little icecream in a cone-shaped symbol. Click that, click Community, click Member Status Updates.


    At least, it's there on Deviant 3.

  3. Dad-gum it. Because my laptop's disc drive is broken (won't register that there even is a disc inside, but that's another problem entirely), I had to upload the files from my Monkey Island 3 disk to the internet and download them to the laptop.

    Now, I can play the game, but voices don't work in the actual gameplay. I can hear music and sound effects, but it seems as though all the things involving voices aren't playing at all. The animations for talking don't even play.


    I can't seem to figure it out.
