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Posts posted by Mersopolis


    My high school has some great teachers, a bunch of decent teachers, and some of the most incompetent administration I've ever had the displeasure of being exposed to.


    <Witty Name>: but yeah

    <Witty Name>: the administration
    <Witty Name>: they decided you can't leave the classroom for 10 minutes after it starts
    <Witty Name>: and 10 minutes before it ends
    <Witty Name>: because their monitoring of tardiness is borderline nazi
    <Witty Name>: the teachers are supposed to close and lock their doors when the bell rings
    <Witty Name>: and everyone still in the halls has to be counted tardy at special tardy stations
    <Witty Name>: which wastes up to 5-10 minutes


    My school is the same way, only without the door-locking and tardy stations.
