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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. I was in Overwatch, as some civilian-like class.


    I met this other non-existant female class that focused around mines and remote explosives. Her attire was covered in them.


    I managed to kill her by running up to her, pressing "e" on my keyboard (while I was still in the game), and quickly moving backwards. She suddenly stopped and, later, exploded.

  2. Behold, the dad-gumingest of dad-gum-it-alls:



    It was my first time ever getting to Mom. I had exactly 1.5 hearts going in. I took a few hits; got her down to less than half an inch of her health bar. Then this hand comes out of nowhere and BARELY EVEN TOUCHES ME, yet kills me.


    EDIT: My very next try, I beat her. FOR THE FIRST TIME!
