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Posts posted by Mersopolis


    Blast it, Anarchy Arcade! Why do all your menus and fullscreen modes yield a pink and black-dotted screen?! Why all do the screens ingame show a random keypad and "four player arcade" on them?


    It's a source mod, so you probably don't have the required games.


    Me thinks it's probably CS:S.


    But, it's for EVERYthing!


    And I have CS:S.


    EDIT: Never mind, I restarted and now everything works.

  2. Name: Merso
    Personality: Always likes to be present for things, even if not participating in them. Remains silent for most of the time, but when he's not, he can say some pretty profound things. Analytic and hands-on. Always tries to think of things that nobody else will. Always aware of everything around him. Prefers to not put forth a lot of effort in physical activities. Tends to use the Socratic Method in discussions. Hates making social mistakes. Shows very little emotion excepting happiness and joy. 
    Appearance: 6'. 175 lbs. White. Short brown hair. Always-open brown eyes. Clean-shaven. Wears a long, black, belted, hooded robe. Black/brown/grey cotton tunic. Black/brown/grey cotton pants. Black/brown/grey boots.
    Likes: Intelligence, theater, Italian food, computers.
    Hates: Stupidity, negative behavior, cheese (except on pizza), swimming, failure.
    Other: Has a great voice, despite being mostly silent. Is the reason that they have a submarine.

  3. Last night, I dreamed that my parents got me a phone.

    It was no ordinary phone, though.


    It looked like a flattened black desk phone with the speaker and microphone built into it. There was a small screen beneath the speaker part. The word "Nokia" was at the top.

    Sticking out the side on the bottom, there was a handle, about as thick as the rest of the phone. I remember detaching it and seeing it was connected through USB.


    I remember nothing else after that.

  4. and then mersopolis quit his job, dropped out of school, and canceled all social engagements so he could panhandle in TF2

    I don't have a job or any social engagements. And I can't be on TF2 all the time, in school or not, so I go to school.

  5. Heh. I was a Heavy (named: Homeless Hoovy) in koth_king wearing: Sandvich, Holiday Punch, The Trash Man, Warmth Preserver, and Cuban Bristle Crisis. I was crouching and asking for change and got a Cool Breeze from someone.


    Because imgur is stupid, I'll give you this one free



    Looks like Utah.


    Yep. After clicking "from:" at the bottom of this, it said "Balanced Rock" in the address bar. Balanced Rock is in Arches National Park, Utah.




    The other 1 - who - thinks - huntsman/bow boar/pig/swine? - Leads - Balanced Rock - Snake eyes?

  7. a bunch of numbers appeared in our profiles


    omalley: who who


    Halibut: 82 69 80 76 65 67 69 32 111 110 101 32 119 104 111 32 87 73 84 72 32 111 116 104 101 114 32 49 59 ASCII code for: REPLACE one who WITH other 1;


    exasparate: 116 104 105 110 107 115 More ASCII for: thinks


    raz: http://imgur.com/sPKj5pL   http://imgur.com/lKFNJfH Huntsman/bow - boar/pig? Not a clue here.


    een: http://p3d.in/Dg36L After zooming in, I found: Leads


    me : ym5lqye (no clue what it is) Don't know either. It's not Base32 or 64 encoded, even backwards.


    medic: '> Kid with a snake's eye? Snake eyes? 1 and 1, with dice? 


    So, when combined with the letters and numbers from before: The one who - who - REPLACE one who WITH the other 1; - thinks - huntsman/bow boar/pig? - Leads - ? - Snake eyes?


    The other 1 - who - thinks - huntsman/bow boar/pig? - Leads - ? - Snake eyes?


    Don't know what else to make of it.

  8. Somethings I really like are cookie sandwiches made from yellow cake mix (with added Doterra lemon oil), with vanilla frosting in the middle.


    Almost the purest form of diabeetus, while simultaneously almost the purest form of deliciousness.

  9. Heh. I was playing Assassin's Creed, in Damascus. At one point, I was just moving around, trying to see what I could do, when I look back to see some guy on the rooftops behind me. Then, for some reason, he fell off and died. It turned out to be a Templar, the first one I had "encountered". I laughed.

  10. Beat the good ending of BioShock 2, yesterday.


    I assume that if you harvested all of the Little Sisters, Eleanor, instead of rescuing and recruiting the Little Sisters to help her boil the ballast water, would harvest them and do it all herself. And after, harvest it from your body and proceed to take over the world. And, if you rescued some, and harvested others, she would, at the end, go crazy and try to kill everything.


    Also, Dad decided to get Assassin's Creed 1.
