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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. Playing Black Mesa again because why not.


    I had forgotten how much I hate Blast Pit.  For some reason I can do it fine in normal Half-Life, but in this, hell no.

    Well, the tentacles are constantly attacking everything everywhere, in Black Mesa.


    In HL1, they wait until they hear something, and attack a specific spot.

  2. I was playing as the Republic in Galactic Conquest in Battlefront 2 against elite bots. I was trying to take back Yavin. We both used the garrison bonus. At the beginning, I went Engineer, and took a hover tank all the way to their last point on the cliff. I sat there destroying enemies, only getting out to capture the point. It took a while, but I did it.

    I noticed that my reinforcement count was at 1 while the droids' was at ~37. I got in my tank and started heading toward the watery, stone-henge-like point. There were many enemies coming to reclaim their cliff. I thinned them out quite a bit, but quite a few got away. I was able to get out and capture the watery point as they recaptured their cliff.

    After that, I started shotgunning them one-by-one until I won. It felt amazing.


    After that, I decided to play some Trouble in Terrorist Town. On my first round, I had gone to find a melon to play with and protect, but as I walked in, somebody crowbar'd it. Luckily, I became a Traitor that round, while he was a detective. I followed him for a few seconds then killed him with an M16. After that, I was a wanted man. I ended up killing 5 people and dying shortly afterwards. I guess Battlefront helped my aim.

  3. I echo the above comments about what this exactly is- you're not learning programming techniques here, beyond the basics of designing art with polygon/circle/etc fill tools. That's a handy skill, but how much do you know about other aspects of programming? I'm talking about things like variables and flow control.


    I can teach you all about that sorta' stuff if you'd like. Just curious.

    It only starts with art. It eventually moves on to actual programs, like Doodlejump.
