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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. Classroom Cheater has an interesting story. I'm imagining a headline for after level 9 in the first game.


    "Students killed in classroom grenade blast

    Teacher continues monitoring test 

    Punishes people out of their desk

    School continues next day"



    Then I found BOTS!!, a cool little hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, but with a bunch of neat twists thrown in. Unfortunately, it has been dead for quite some time and doesn't even exist anymore.


    Oh man, you played that? I had a fair bit of fun with that game back eons ago.


    I played that game, too. It was fun for a while, but then I stopped liking it.

  3. Mersopolis came to my mind a long time ago, when I first made a character for Oblivion.


    It stuck with me ever since.


    Mersopolis II came because, the original steam account I used was my dad's. Since I used it more than him, I made the name of it "Mersopolis" Eventually, I decided to make my own account. I was too lazy to change Mersopolis back to my dad's desired name, so I just made myself Mersopolis II.





    I would get a machine with 4 GB of RAM, Windows 7 (or Winblows 8), a 720p monitor, a dual-core 3.2 gHz processor (or better), a 1 TB hard drive, 124539 USB ports, a generic sound card, a $100-$150 video card, and $500 hidden in the CD slot.


    Something like that. Dunno what kind of games he wants to play, though- that affects the choice of graphics card.


    Probably nothing too violent, like CoD...


    But, seriously, I hope the kid will play sports games like NBA20K, Humongous Entertainment games, LEGO games, Minecraft, Roblox, etc.

  5. So, on Monday, we were given an assignment where we have to find the ideal computer for 1 of 3 people. It's a group project, and I wasn't here for Monday and Tuesday due to sickness. I hate working with the people in my school, anyway. It's due tomorrow and I need your help.


    I chose the seven-year old.

    He wants to: Play games, watch movies, practice spelling words, read books (raz kids), take pictures and send to friends and family.


    I need to find these for 3 different models of computers:

    • What software will they need to buy? List software and prices.

    • What are the requirements of the software?

    • What operating system will they use?

    • What peripherals or features are wanted/available?

    • Other equipment specifications:

    • Monitor: Size, Pixels/resolution

    • Processor

    • Ram

    • Hard Drive

    • Slots/USB

    • Sound

    • Video

    • Cost/budget

    • Warranty/Protection

    After finding the three, pick the best and:

    • Store/site, Price, and specifications of final recommendation:


    Good day, sir! Welcome to the densest collection of nerds on the internet!


    I see the ceremony has already begun. No worries! I am a certified doctor and I will glue you back together here in Hell!

    What if I end up in Niflheim?



  7. So, I just got a Strange Grenade Launcher, Name Tag, and Desc Tag.


    I want to name and desc my launcher using some variant of "I used to care, but I take pills for that, now."


    I'm having trouble thinking of a good one, so can anyone help?


    I think he's actually partially right. I think I read that Nintendo did a bunch of tests with random people and found that a staggering number of people die to the first Goomba on 1-1, let alone finish the level.

    To be fair, we've all died to that first goomba at least once, right?




    I played the game only once at an arcade, and I did not die to that goomba.


