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Posts posted by Mersopolis

  1. So, I just won a raffle and got a sniper rifle basic killstreak kit.


    I don't have it yet, but I don't really want it, either.


    So, when I get it, would anyone like to buy it from me for, say, 1 key?

  2. So I recently started watching this show.


    I have to admit, it's pretty good, compared to most other shows I see.


    It's a heck of a lot cleaner too, which is shocking.


    Anybody else watch it?



  3. has it occurred to you to check the most recently necrobumped thread that has been getting posts from the same people who changed their avatars

    I don't look at EVERY thread that ever existed on this site. The last post on that one was a year before I even joined this site. Would I have even found it if I looked at the first two pages of the subforum?


    On another note: I don't really think it's necessary for me to use it on my avatar. It already has a top hat, eye wear, and moosestache.
